______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


September 2004
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November 2004
December 2004
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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

well..with v0n here in my place..
im m0re like n0t s0 al0ne la..
u see.. like.. hais.. everything is s0 empty..
but nvm la..
'c0z.. ever since these started.. im prepared f0r the w0rst lia0 ma..
but i g0tta say.. 我会走过来的..
reality leh maH..
u cant change reality can y0u~?

t0day nehs.. at w0rk ar..
finished like all 0f verificati0ns w0r..
then tml g0t new IA students will be c0ming t0 SP.. under M0k 0s0..
then will be helping us ma..
w0ah..like very shuang w0r..
heehee =p
5 ITE students.. wo0hoh0..
alex say they will d0 0ur j0b while we c0ver feIz and Pei w0rk then they leave f0r sk0l..
n0t s0 bad la..
h0pefully everything will be sm00th l0r..
what else t0 ask f0r?? hee =p inevitable w0r..

still owing 4weekly rep0rts and 1 m0nthly rep0rt!! wahz! die die argh!!
must quickly w0rk 0n it le w0r.. if n0t, 没有剩了~ 哈哈..

w0ah.. 蛮累了..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:10 PM

Sunday, November 28, 2004

'coz l0tsa things happened ytd, s0 i hasnt g0t much m00d t0 tok b0ut f0r last night's bl0g..but everything's m0re than w0rds l0r!..
aLL the experimental and instant th0ts and feelings that gushed thru me~
nice, mem0rable 0nes..
sad, disheartening 0nes..
each day passes..
0ne day, it's b0und to come..
a day t0 realise.. and i think.. it's here..

今天没做什么啦, 除了逛街,吃饭,就没什么了..

haha =p
但是,动作很不鲜明, 口不对心!

s0, went bugis f0r the wh0le day..'
sh0pping sh0pping shopping!!
b0ught a freShb0x p0lo-tee.. GREEN c0lour de!!
my fav0urite!! yeAh!!
finally i have 0ne grEEn nicEy shirt le!! =p
but quite sh0rt leh.. heehee..
s0, wear hipster abit danger0us la~ haha..

then eat @ sketcHes w0rr!!
haha.. me designed my 0wn pasTa eh!!
natap0lethan sauce [dun0e h0w u spell it la!]
linguini 'n' spagetti with chicken, bac0n, peas, garliC.. aiyah..
canT remember la!! haha =p
blur siaz.. paid $22 plus..~ fainted!!
haha ;p then acc0unted f0r t0day.. i spent $60.. die die.. p0or lia0..

m0nday blues' g0nna appr0ach me tom0lo~
'c0z i hasnt really slept since ytd night~
it was 0n a different bigbig bed..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:28 PM

m0re than w0rds..everything is m0re than w0rds..

today papa n0t in Spore leh..
i 'b0 zheng hu' le..
haha =p

fr0m aft n00n 2pm meet shAnz n fEiz g0 shop shop..
then h0r.. as usual l0r!! late late late.. say 2pm, then 3pm then reach!! bleahs.. then i wait al0ne like a scarecr0w!! s0, nvm.. then later we sh0p sh0p l0r.. shanz bought al0t 0f things eh..
sh0es, earrings.. blah blah..not fair!!! but later, she treat us drink 'bubble tea!'
hee.. thanks shaN!!

then later we waited f0r shaN to g0 watch Jay ch0u's c0ncert l0r..
s0, after that.. me n fEiz g0 eat dinner le..
went Parag0n de 'Spaggedies'.. *yumm yumm* orh!
haha, then later.. we pr0ceeded t0 FarEast.. she suddenly sia0 lia0 wanna dye hair~
s0, we really went!!!
then highlight eh..
haha.. ''normal'' girl g0ing f0r highlight!! *nicey nicey!

n0w.. im at C' plc..
but, i was supp0sed t0 go my auntie's place la.. u n0e, family gatherings.. but f0r s0me1, i didnt..
but.. 0r maybe i sh0uld!!! 0r maybe c0ming here is g00d.. c0z, it signifies the end 0f every queries~ n0 questions marks.. n0t anymore..
c0z i've been listening n listening t0 his preaches, his questi0ns, hIs answers..my answers, my questions..!!
*tired le* can i just run away fr0m this w0rld????
and run away fr0m the fact that im t0tally bl0wn 0ver? haIs..
l0st fr0m head t0 t0e.. fr0m scratch...............
s0meh0w.. i feel that.. he's n0t determined enough..
but he was in his words...
w0rds......s0 real.. it strucks me....
i realised.. i kn0w le..

*fades f0r a m0ment*

ok, back.. still feeling e same..
s0mething else..
fEis msged me.. say what she saw 's0mething' saiz.. wahla0..scared me fr0m t0p to b0ttom!!! duhs!! kns!!!

i think i update bout all these things tml~
i dun feel like saying anything..
im dumbf0lded..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:23 AM

Saturday, November 27, 2004

ytd ar..
nv update my bl0g..
c0z was chatting with r0ngz till quite late..
then went t0 slp straight le..~
hee =p s0 high man!!
he's s0 可爱!惹人喜欢..
t0k quite al0t.. abit pers0nal, abit w0rk..
yupz, kinda balanced..
he's w0rking 0n his silver access0ry sh0p 'n' diving sch00l..
say if i want g0 dive, tell him.. dive t0gether!! can u imagine..
just imagine and it is g0od en0ugh~

Hmm..then met up with shAnny, t0ngz, v0nz, feizz 0n WEDnesdAy..
then C' called.. usual stuffs.. ask b0ut h0w i was n stuffs..
s0... spare' 0f me i th0t...
ask u t0 tell me straight we r imp0ssible u nv d0 it..
then 0s0 dun0e u n her still t0gether 0r n0t..
playing c0ld war games.. hais..
but h0r.. c0me t0 think 0f it la..
承诺很重, 而且.. 自己扛.. 很累~
y0u urself n0e h0w it feels t0 be un-appreciated, t0 be ign0red..
well, g0ing thru in me is what exactly all menti0ned..
and, it SUCKS!

=| so stupid 0f me..

but, just a m0ment spent is a m0ment earned~
treasured and cherished the times..

t0day ar..
is friday l0r..then c0mpleted whats0ever w0rk on hand and supposingly g0nna start 0n new things 0n m0nday le..~ s0, will update u all l0r.. hee =p
then later in the evening, met LE0CLUB 0f SGCentrall f0r meeting l0r.. hee..
ended s0 late.. tired* tired*
Shan --> 要幸福哦! 忘了负心的他吧.. 深信着下一个会更好..

then at nigHt.. C' called....
asked s0me cute cute things..
then t0ld me he b0ut t0 g0 clubbing le l0r..
then i t0ld him daddy's n0t in t0wn, then he say want bring me g0..
bleahs.. i cant drink~ will have rashes.. =p hee..
but juice can drink?!! hee ;p
like quite lame h0r..
a moment spent is a m0ment earned~
beIng happy is e m0st imp0rtant fact0r~


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:56 AM




*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:32 AM

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

listened, believed, waited..and waited..
till h0pes evap0urated, diminished..g0nez..
like tHe 0ld me beTTer??
that's what u say..
even if the 0ld me is back.. w0uld u still be?!
s0, n0 point..
c0z, i d0nt have what i want n0w..
n0 more..
-end 0f st0ry-


A new me has come..
A new me wh0m i myself d0nt n0e..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:46 PM

hee =p back fr0m wareh0use..
tyired.. ZZzzZ..

hahah ;p yeah!!! shanny c0ming back t0day!
this is the 100th times i have been chanting.. hehheh ;p
s0 many things happened lo0r.. wo0ho0..
miss her.. s0 many activities with0ut her participati0n..

hasnt been hearing fr0m C' f0r 2days..0r 3days i think.. t0 be exact..
haix.. xiangnianzhebuchengnamexiangnian..niliaojiema? 0_o"'

m0re n more ppl ard me 2bec0me1 lia0 lor!!!

later after w0rk g0ing Ddesire t0 check out the c0nsignment thingy.. if nt shanny c0me back i die ar.. =o

haix.. xiangnianguixiangnian..biexiangnameduojiushile..
thats what i asked for..
simple enuf?


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:43 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

since 20th Nov 2004..
our 'gang' 多 one c0uple le..
haha.. wh0 else..
aiy0h, shAnny see la.. u g0 abr0ad then s0 many things happened!!!
0ur 偶像 l0r!! 在我们当中,很有想法却不表露出来的 that 0ne l0r! =)
haiz.. less 0ne bachel0r!..

me s0 tired.. dun0e wanna say what..
al0t t0 say.. but tired la!! tml then update k!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:40 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2004

haha.. ;p went Chin Swee Rd t0 visit 0ld ppl again..
well, u really learn al0t fr0m each n every 0f their st0ries..
then 0ne will feel c0mforted and realised..
everybody has their own story t0 share.. and that.. u're n0t the 0nly 0ne in the w0rld with heartaches.. ppl ar0und y0u.. cl0se 0r not.. have their 0wn problems..
and w0rst thing --> which is even harder to swall0w and endure..
0ne simple example : health-status..
[imagine.. d0wn with str0ke, wheel-b0und.. kids disappeared, wife abandoned y0u..
n0t willing to get tied d0wn with burden.. n0w tt u r al0ne.. u've nuthing m0re to ask f0r than t0 be healthy..and 0ne 0ldf0lk cant even have that fulfilled..
s0, i learnt.. other than being happy myself.. bring s0me laughter t0 the one around.. sh0wer whoever with the things that i c0uld provide.. they d0nt need m0ney, they d0nt need f00d..they need s0mething which i need to0.........c0mpani0n~

everyday is a experience..
a less0n to learn..
thanks everyb0dy f0r being with me..
and U to0.. m0tivated me..

hm..s0me happy things f0r t0day then..
went Creative fair..after everything..
bought quite a n0. of things arh..
: mp3 l0r--[TX-FM 512MB] haha... C' n0t KB h0r!?
hee =p..
then g0t a webcam als0 la..
dunn0e y l0r, just bought it.. might need it s0meh0w... =p
argh.. tml g0in' sell chopsticks t0 raise funds..
hee =p s0 'h0ly' 0f me..
haha..gdnight! zZ.zz


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:08 AM

Saturday, November 20, 2004

hee =p weird title ar?!
no la..suddenly th0t of Five-For-Fighting song ma..
u n0e.. the very very nice one..

=p friday is like ½ a weekend t0 me lor.. coz early dismissal fr0m work ma.. ;p
heh heh.. then after that, me went JP watch "sHuTTer"..
nuthing t0 say.. super sad ending.. u nv expect a h0rror movie t0 end this way.. as thou it was a cruel Romance st0ry.. haha..plus a little 0f lame c0medy..well the ending made me nearly cried.. luckily didnt!! if n0t, i think 'secretary' g0nna faints.. wo0..i remember i nearly cried when watching 'Van Helsing'.. 'coz of the ending als0.. but, C' didnt realise la.. 'c0z he watch b4 le ma.. he 0nly acc0mpany me t0 watch again 0nly..
then after 'sHuTTer' went f0r dinner.. went h0me lor..

hmm..g0 home..dunn0 d0 what le..
until i saw C's msg.. haha =p
he sent like 10mins b4 i saw it l0r..
c0z the f0ne wasnt even 0n!! the l0usy ph0ne l0w batt again..
i think the batt cann0t make it le la.. charge le als0 liddat.. haiz..

0rh, well back t0 topic.. s0, we chatted awhile 0n the f0ne until he rushed me t0 slp again.. aiyah..everytime he wanna play game then he'll ask me t0 put d0wn the f0ne lor.. faints.. but nvm la.. just l0ok at it in a diff manner n u'll interpret it as, he's asking me t0 slp early!!
wahla0.. im always telling him..
n0w, im like... haha =p supp0se t0 put myself in that situati0n l0r! AND st0p lying t0 myself!!!!



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:35 PM

Thursday, November 18, 2004

it's just like any 0rdinary w0rking day in Schering Plough..
th0u everyb0dy walked int0 0ffice carrying different weights, 心情 and attitude t0wards the brand-new day, 0r was it.. they expect n0 much of miracles 0r surprises awaiting ahead..
well.. quite true..
typical.. identical.. liFeless!!

well, then again.. LishaNNy.. wE mIsS y0u!!! =p

tries.. *f0rced a smile*
kinda... n0t so much int0 smiling.. d0nt ask me why..
im searching f0r an answer to0~

saving up t0 get l0tsa things in my wish list!
firstly, mini instax 20 [p0laroid]!!
2nd, LV papillion! [$930 please!!]
3rd-ly, Ralph Lauren shirt [$165, thank y0u..]
and the list g0es on on on and 0n..
well, like i say.. wish list..might take s0me time f0r it t0 get fulfilled..
wo0ho0.. =)

recalling what i did t0day ar.. it's to0 insignificant that i cant remember anything! well, g0t reinforcement like i menti0ned ytd.. tasks g0t d0ne at a quicker pace.. wEll-d0ne!! haha.. f0r th0se wh0m helped us!

then as usual..
then my student granny asked if i still wanna c0ntinue teaching.. haha ;p she th0t im giving up on her.. nahs!! 不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己!! familiar right?!
haha lol..
well, then she asked h0w much m i charging f0r P3 kids.. any ideas ppl?!
i dun0e w0r.. haah =p nv teach P3 b4 ma.. wo0o0..

sweet dreams fr0m peaches t0 cream!! =p *yummies!*


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:06 PM

had a meeting with Alex..[asst.b0ss]
fainted!! g0nna c0mplete 12,000 spares within 2weeks!
it's like... YOU WANNA KILL ME?!

haha.. but RElaz.. Reinforcement is c0ming in!!
t0morr0w...3 0f 'em.. + me and Dax.. = 5!!
aiy0h..jiay0u!!! then i can bid byebye t0 warehs f0r the time-being!! =p

erhmm.. s0mehow.. think it 0ver..
while i share miNe..

s0metimes, i'll feel..
it's like, sick n tired le..
all the same old thing..
but maybe for real..
well, yet again..
no more to do with me bah..
'c0z i had left the picture the day he left mine..

and, i heard..
"but doesnt mean i need a new gf now, thou we broke off."
then continues.. "u noe what i mean right?"

but, the pt is...时间真的让一个原本喜欢的感情变得淡了。。
n0t f0r me..
or maybe, it's time i learn to0..
t0 deal with it m0re cruelly..

i want to treat every single thing like a puzzle 0f life..
n0t to be missed, as each n every plays a part up0n c0mnpleting it~

n0t a passerby, n0t a bystander.. but being a part and piece 0f my gr0wing up..

each and every 0ne 0f u.. and U!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:39 AM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

yah yah.. i noe it's wednesday..
but im writing for tuesday l0r..
c0z ytd was busy.. doing what?? surfing auction..
haha ;p madness me.. l0oking f0r 593 2nd hand-processed de ma..
hee =p and oso lo0king for some mel0dy's stuffs..

love's in the air for the m0nth of Nov i think.. everyb0dy ar0und me like starting t0 get attached, 0r even better.. have their crush c0nfessed!..
s0 sweet.. s0 tian tian..
haiz..t0 have the 0ne u l0ve, loving u back is the most f0rtunate and lucky thing u'd ever wanna ask f0r.. things like this d0 happens.. in m0vies..!! but, in real life.. maybe yes.. but, nv t0 me..

And most incredible thing is.. u like that crush of urs first, dying t0 have him.. and after s0 many 0pportunities t0 get close, moments and time spent t0gether.. say intentionally 0r n0t intenti0nally..
then 0ne n0rmal day, he suddenly said s0mething b0ut the way he's feeling it to0!!
g0d!! h0w beautiful d0 u still need it t0 be? that's the m0st wonderful thing that can ever happen le.. just let the m0ment freeze there.. f0rever........

what a beautiful scenari0~

pRINCE ChARMING.. are u there yeT?
hee.. maybe..
=) im mad..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:03 PM

Monday, November 15, 2004

hee.. w0ke up.. g0 for tuti0n.. blah blah..
met yANFeiz.. p00l t0urnament meeting at Wisma CC xpress.. *wo0ho*.. haha =p
then sh0p ar0und lor, actually wanted t0 go Bakerzinn de, fEiz.. changed her mind last min.. s0 nv go le w0r.. duhS.. n0 free s0uffle!!! arghh.. lol..

then pulled her t0 sanri0.. g0t this 2005 mel0dy 0rganiser refill f0r 12bucks!! argh.. it's 0nly refill and it's so ex w0rz!! haha ;p sanri0 ma..
all yANpiNg's fault la.. make me think mel0dy m0re n m0re cute!! bleahz!

well well.. then g0t home to catch [tHe cHampion] l0r..
till n0w.. bl0gging again..
feIz and m00n asked me t0 change backgrd w0r!! see la.. col0rful 0s0 cann0t!! duhs eh!! must be dull dull la, my lIfe s0 dull lia0.. blog colorful oso cannot~ bo0h.. =o

haiz.. tml must g0 w0rk le.. feIz say 5days 0ff s0 fast ended le.. yah.. 5days.. didnt even realise it was 5DAYS!! haha.. t0o rapidly g0nez!!
just like the gd times.. the mem0ries.. the attenti0n..the l0ve?!

it's time i gr0w up..
learn, realise..
yeah, tt's life.. cruel yet true..

meaningless t0 strive when it's left with n0 motivati0n..
n0 reason, nuthing to live f0r..
time c0mes when all gets tired..
l0nged t0 freed..
int0 thin air..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:29 PM

hmm.. t0day ar, sleep until 1pm then wake up w0r!! ;p s0 shi0k w0r..
haha, then after that g0 NTUC buy campbell's s0up t0 bring t0 w0rk 0n tues..
hee =p

then nuthing much le, g0 h0me..eat dinner.. then later, jinhan msged me..ask me wanna meet f0r c0ffee 0r n0t wor.. s0 l000ong nv see each 0ther le.. sec0ndary sk0l classmate ma.. hee =p he's n0w serving NS le.. but still charming 0rh.. haha.. green Kawasaki bike.. mY fave c0l0ur 0rh! whaha =) 今天看到劲汉。。感觉耶。。

well, then fr0m 8pm t0k t0k tok until 1130pm siaz.. reach h0me, bath, watch tv.. then c0me 0nline le.. then see dASMond again.. but nv t0k w0r.. he 5minutes 就 0ffline le.. *sad* f0rever like dunn0e rush t0 where..

read fEiz's bl0g..haha.. wanna n0e this cute guy fr0m bakerzinn.. faiNts* then nv even g0t the name.. wahla0!! 等老娘出马 l0r..!haha.. =p

n0w 0n the f0ne with henRy, c0mplaining bout hAzel harassing again w0r... haha.. n0t s0 much of complaining la.. wo0ho0.. like.. yeah.. u n0e?! haha ;)

me tml g0t tuti0n wor.. *tired tired*.. n0w 2am le!! must slp slp lia0 lor.. haha..
s0 many ppl enc0uraging me b0ut this stupid driving!! arGh.. the th0t of it makes me iRks!!! argHhh..!

0k, en0ugh said..
liGhts 0ff..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:27 AM

Sunday, November 14, 2004

well, w0ke up at 1030am, g0t a call fr0m henRy..
then me pr0ceed t0 waking fEiz up..
haha.. ready t0 leave h0use then..

then reached taka ar0und 130pm l0r.. sh0p ar0und.. b0ught a new r0xy bag and a pair 0f little slip-0n heels.. kinda nice~ like it calculated like thisssss
|---------------------------0-----------------------| much!! ;p haha

then went sAkaE with secretary.. w0oho.. 0k0k l0r.. ate the usual chawanmushi and stuffs.. u n0e, c0z sat eat n0t so wu hua la.. s0, nv eat al0t.. duhs!

0k, n0w f0r the best part..
g0t home..came 0nline.. tada!!!
saw dasm0nd 0NLINE!!!! wah! 还等什么??
gave him l0tsa qns marks..then he replied "hihi".. s0 cute, then say c0uldnt recognise me thru pics man!! *wink.wink* 我变可爱了是不是?? *puke*

haha.. 说一下下就offline le la, he say busy w0rr.. but will update me 0n his thingys l0r.. as usual.. =p

s0, here im.. writing my bl0g.. and prepared t0 go t0 bed s0on after this..
时来运转 就是这个意思。。

hee ;p..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:48 AM

Friday, November 12, 2004

recall.. my last bl0g-p0st, i menti0ned that n0vember's n0t my "starsign" m0nth..
well, t0day, it pr0ves me right..
darn! had a l0usy day.. went f0r driving test.. failed in CIRCUIT!!
cant imagine i striked p0le twice!! 20marks g0ne! s0rry shan, br0ke 0ur pact t0 drive u t0 sk0l 0n 6th Dec..
nv did it ever happened in any 0f e practises, why did the fatal bl0w had t0 c0me on the real test?

have bad feelings bout everything, guess s0me pe0ple must be feeling smug 0ver my misf0rtune these while.. feeling all c0ntented yeah?!..
why m i such a failure?! why WHY?!! everything i d0, be it studies, l0ve-life, driving test which sucks!! n0 m0tivation t0 do it anym0re!!!

just bring me away.. bl0w it 0ff!! snap it..! i want n0 m0re 0f everything.. i need t0 quiet things d0wn.. need space, need c0mf0rt.. need y0u..

en0ugh 0f the sickening stuffs!!
just read feIz bl0g.. and realise..lisHan... i miss y0u..
suddenly feel like saying it..
duhs! u sms her b0ut checking 0ut ur grades..
人在他乡,仍然惦记着成绩。。 真是的。。
and y0u.. didnt sms me t0 保平安 up0n reaching 云南!
u'll get it fr0m me...

anyways, it's friday, c0ming to the end 0f the week.. 希望在人间。。 nex week w0uld be better!! =0
f0r now.. i just want t0 好好的,轻轻松松的 过完 this weekend..

let me warn y0u devils!! n0 m0re shit things 0nt0 me!!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:33 PM

yeAh..tHis is s0metHing which t0ngz th0t me..
"in this w0rld, everyb0dy is a victim in 0ne way 0r an0ther"
well, n0t that exact phrase la..haha, but similar meaning =p

t0day w0ke up, g0t sms again..
leads t0 s0me c0nclusi0ns i supp0se..c0z i take his silent as an answer le..
maybe november is n0t my "star-sign" month..u n0e, whereby everything g0es 0ut 0f place.. wr0ng sequence and stuffs.. duhs!

but.. after all these while, i learnt t0 be independent and flexible.. ever-changing, m0re daring to express feelings.. until which im surprised with myself..
well, but i ch00se to belief that im n0t al0ne pe0ple!!!! im sure s0mewhere 0ut there, there must be s0me0ne having the same pr0b 0r facing s0mething m0re than me..

cheers pe0ple!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:00 AM

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

iM t0king b0ut driving less0n n0w..
n0 side tracks!!
*n0 side tracks* *n0 side-tracks*

hmm.. t0day was really really hectic ar!!
8-3am --> w0rk
4-530pm --> tUti0n
630-8pm --> driving

pack right?!!
then ar..driving was s0 fun man.. dr0ve at 60km/h..
hahah ;p quite fast f0r L-plate le w0rr.. g0t the super shi0k feeling,
plus t0day m00d went hitting int0 pits, t0tally sums up the s0rrows..
well, then just drive drive drive.. empty-headed..just drive and drive..

later then, went h0me.. 0n the way checked my sms.. 0ne msg fr0m him..ask y didnt i g0 f0r some dinner meet-ups.. threw my mood-swing spells.. and revealed the side of him tt disapp0int me.. after all, i was the 0nly dumb 0ne thinking 0n self-acc0rd that he'd actually b0ther.. maybe, reality is 0ways 0therwise.. factuals are cruel~

t0day i learnt a less0n..
nv t0 fall in l0ve.... NEVER!

and i sh0uldnt..in this case..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:26 PM

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

sY sY..arrgh..
still in 0ffice ma..
waiting f0r the cl0ck t0 strike the finishing d0t..haha =p
last race 0f the day..

btw, c0z i cant check h0tmail in 0ffice.. it's bl0cked, s0 we c0uld 0nly check c0mpany mails.. s0 haha.. u ppl might just take d0wn this acc0unt, c0z i shall be checking mails like quite 0ften if u ppl have any last minute sh0pping spree c0ming up!! hee ;p


n0e what.. since then, im in dreamyland.. 0nly 0utta f0r a while i think..
but ar, i think that's rather unaccomplishable thots that run thru here and there 0n and 0ff..

h0pefully, 0ne day.. i will just wake up after this l0ng sleep........


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:18 PM

eh!!! where's lishan huh?!! [taken 0n the 1st day d0wn t0 malacca.. ;p] y0z girls.. and guyS!! thanks f0r the wonderful mem0ries!! luv ya!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:13 AM

Monday, November 08, 2004

eh eh... =p y0u n0e i n0e.. yumMies!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:49 PM

l0ve thIs b0ttle!! then the ben ben chRis say similiar t0 his.. i didnt realise until he say it.. bleahs! gd hair day eh.. l0ve it!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:48 PM

is that xia0tUng 0n tv? =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:47 PM

this pic is taken 3days ag0 ba.. cant remember~ 0nly upl0ad n0w..s0rry 0rh..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:46 PM

l0usy day.. this time r0und, m0nday is really blue.. except f0r the 0ccasi0nal sms that came int0 my inb0x.. i think t0day 0nly he sms me ba.. i think have la..0thers have.. been cant remember 0thers de msg.. w0h0o.. s0rry s0rry.. can 0nly remember his...

then.. dunn0e y i super unlike myself this m0rning.. like s0 restless.. n0 life, d0nt feel like d0ing anything else.. then g0t s0 many things t0 d0!! verificati0ns 0f st0cks, paper w0rk which piles up s0 high until it's like half 0f my height!! bahhh!!! then i 崩溃 already!! but thank y0u dax!! thanks f0r helping me.. he s0rted like 3piles 0f them while i 0nly did 1 pile!! argh.. i felt like fainting~ all the numbers and w0rds!! plus stock checks at the wareh0use!! aiy0h.. 救命啊!

after w0rk, me g0 tuti0n l0r.. then my student t0ld me she g0t back her results then guess what?! flunked all!!! wahla0.. i feel s0 helpless!! like, i already teach her whatever she needs t0 n0e.. but y cant she just pay m0re attenti0n!! then t0day teach tml f0rget!! ka0z.. then n0w, gimme such a disapp0inting grade!!!

0k, break it thru girl~
all these while hasnt been g0ing well..
dunn0e if i sh0uld g0 拜拜 0r wad..
argh!!! l0st in this, l0st in that.. l0se this, l0se that.. things still n0t enuf ar.. l0se a pers0n!! ka0z.. let me fly.. 0utta here.. lend me ur wings.. i need t0 escape f0r this m0ment.. im n0 l0nger the girl i used t0 be.. 0r m i?!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:33 PM

paiseh.. writing a sunday p0st 0nly 0n m0nday..
keep it way c00l girl b4 writing.. that's h0w i hyp0tise myself..in case things started t0 blurt 0ut..

well then again.. n0t much 0f help.. still.. i still..0k, give up! dunn0 what im saying..

im in my 0ffice..or was it ex-0ffice, c0z currently shifted t0 3rd fl00r.. instead 0f 2nd.. duhs, s0 meaning t0 say, im at s0me1 elses desk la.. 0h well, that's n0t the pt!!

sundays are family day..that's RULE!!
haha.. but later, met-up with feizz and him.. [n0 names menti0ned just in case i have intruders!!!]
kinda 0bvi0us f0r ur girls th0u.. lol..

went m0vie-ing, -sharks' tale.. bleahz.. dunlike.. very n0n-factual..
but, 0kie la.. c0z it's wh0 u went with ma.. bleahz.. feIz..that includes u 0f c0z.. th0u u were like luffing at th0se stupid b0ys sitting 2 r0ws infr0nt 0f us and yet they s0unded like beside us?!!? they were luffing s0 g0d-damn-noes-h0w-l0ud!!
haha.. and the him beside me g0t all his mind and th0ts 0n his 'star'... duhs..!
but th0u.. what were u thinking man..im c0nfused with myself.. wh0 m i in real? y0z.. treasure him la.. im sick n tired 0f hearing u pe0ple patch and break.. 0k0k, say easier than d0ne right? but i l00k at the way he treats u s0 dearly.. it's like, he's t0tally 0bsessed!!! way t00 0bsessed with Y0U!!
0K, THAT'S MY BL0G.. im supp0se t0 say my stuff!! bleahs..

irritating!! n0w, im stuck!! nuthing t0 say..
im freaking 0ut t0 l00king at stars.. n0 w0nder 0n that night at StarVirg0, n0 stars were within my sight!! haha lol..G0D!! u're 0n my side right?! but aren't stars supp0se t0 guide the way?? why m i even m0re l0st?


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:02 AM

Sunday, November 07, 2004

im getting lazier n lazier..
n0thing to write f0r the bl0g..
ar!! lazy la.. i sh0uld say..
but, i wanna say!!!
LISHAN, we'll miss y0u!!
take great care 0f urself and drink m0re water alright!! it's g0nna be tiring!!

things happened, peaced down..happened again..
im feeling l0w to high, back t0 l0w again..
h0peful to dem0ralise, t0 hopeful, yet dem0ralise again..
dunn0e wad u want, dunn0 wad i want!!
what d0 we all wants?

seek attenti0n he seemed.. but i'd l0ve t0 sh0wer him with wadever care n c0ncern he wants and needs.. c0z it's s0mehow what i wanna d0 f0r him.. call me crazy and selfless!! but, n0thing is everlasting.. just like my affecti0ns..s0, b0y.. treasure wad u've g0t.. treasure the attenti0n u'll get just by sending a sms t0 me..
f0r tt's what i want u t0 realise.. that 0ne day, when u l0se me as s0me0ne m0re yet lesser than a friend.. then u shall gradually understand that i am s0me0ne that is willing t0 stand by y0u.. but arent regrets 0ways th0se that came late? can i opted that 0ut? i hate regrets!!
i cant say i'll be 0bsessed f0rever 0r 24/7.. but as l0ng as i can pr0vide... i'll g0 way t0 d0 tt..

but, i d0nt feel wh0le..im like half.. a spares.. an extra.. that c0mes in 0nly when the main dish isnt served well, 0r a substitute as margirine when butter is n0t available.. s0unds sad isnt it!!! t0 s0me0ne, u r wh0le.. but t0 that s0me0ne, u r less than even half.. 0r girl!! cut it!! t0rturing urself..
i am addicted..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:19 AM

Thursday, November 04, 2004

mIss hIm s00o0o much!! heard that he'll be releasing his album nex yr.. faster faster!! cant wait =p it's been such a l0ng l0ng time since he last came.. n0w that im aimless in life and l0ve th0u.. faster packed me up with ur schedule!!! else, i'll die 0f b0red0m! haha, n0t that la.. just tt.... it has became a r0utine that we must see y0u.. aiy0h!! die la, s0 cheezyy!!! *bLush!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:06 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

[2nd day at w0rk]
i want t0 d0 n0 m0re 0f st0ck takings!! heLp!!
learnt nuthing in bi0tech/SAP E&M department.. & it su*ks!! =|
h0w t0 write my rep0rt?! tell 'em i did nuthing than surfing the net & d0ing st0ck-takings? haha.. what a j0ke! =( i think e "excel" thingy is crap t00.. imagine getting $200 a week just by sitting at ur desk, d0ing nuthing 0ther than staring int0 ur PC and d0ing data cleasing, checking and data entry!! arhgg..!
haha..dun0 y, kinda bl0mmy all day @ 0ffice.. then while browsing thru wholivesnearyou.com.. i stumbled up0n QIXIAN!! e basketball chap that caught s0 many ppl's attenti0n.. haha, dr0pped him a super duh lame msg la.. but bleahz.. nv reply w0r.. hee ;p playful me right!!
but anyway, it's my 2nd day 0f w0rk.. 0k0k la, c0ping well till n0w!! h0pefully still... but n0 more st0ck taking!!! -b0tt0mline!-


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:27 PM

0k, it's the 3rd day 0f IAP..
Thou it came abit late.. but still.. 群众要求。。
im updating 0n my days at IAP with Schering-Pl0ugh!

1st day 0f work.. [1st n0v] t00 free.. slack wh0le day @ 0ffice..[im sitting t0gether with Yanfeiz..] did num0rous b0lia0 things..0nline sh0pping.. seduced yanfeiz with my shopping!! haha ;p, auth0rized dunn0 h0w many ppl 0n friendster, set up a 无聊 wholivesnearyou.com thingy.. whahah =p 0hmyg0d!! s0 lame yeah!! then m0re 0nline aucti0n... 0nline 0nline 0nline.. 0rh! and did i menti0n 0nline?!

well.. saw this guy --> Glen @ Schering-Plough, als0 an IA student la.. saw him num0r0us times in NP, then at the JE stati0n.. but didnt n0e he was 0s0 g0ing SP man..hahah ;p s0 巧!
but, didnt get any damn chance t0 speak t0 him la.. w0w! n0w tt we r in the same c0. same plant.. [API] 0nly that it's different department la.. hehheh.. he's in API/Quality, im in Biotech/SAP E&M which is literally Enginnerg & Maintenance[Spares]... dotx dotx.. Bleahz! i'm supp0se t0 be in Materials/Purchasing de l0r.. sad case.. s0me0ne withdrawn then i g0t transferred l0r..duhs!! arrghh..

but whatever.. everything has g0t it's pr0s and c0ns!!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:14 PM