______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Thursday, December 30, 2004

*determiNed 0r n0t?*

z.e.r.0 havin' pr0b with studyin' f0r his quiz..
im havin' pr0blem f0r writin' my reports!!! it's al0t~
c0z i had been missin' 0ut 0n tt.. 0hn0~!! arghh.. sick!!

f0und 0ut tt im really luffin' al0t n0wadays at w0rk..
at a stupid new f0und friend wils0n~ he's s0 crappy and dumb!!
'ham chi peng' he say curry po0k!!! made us all laugh until... [faints..]
and, it's the way he pr0n0unced 'p0ok'! haa~
and i think he's havin' s0me min0r funny pr0blems with 0rderin' f0od.. 0ways makin' the vend0r blur.. =|
but, it was really nice havin' him ar0und.. c0z' he s0 c0mical n everyb0dy was amused by him.. at least i am very~
temp0rary w0rkin' there, will be g0in' t0 further his studies s0on.. yeps.. 0nly stayin' f0r an0ther 1 week m0re..

t0day, was checkin' sk0l mails at w0rk.. then realised my LO sent me a mail..
demandin' that i Immediately d0 my rep0rt and send t0 his email..~
alrightz alright.. i will i will~
will d0 it tml.. n0 plans f0r NewYr eve.. must be very free t0 d0 my rep0rt.. =)
haha.. stupid.. h0liday eve stay at h0me d0 suckies~ rep0rts!! =|

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:39 PM

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

*everythin' n evErytHin'*

0n the f0ne n0w with marcus.. s0 many things happened..
the l0st 0f a friend.. n0t s0 cl0se th0u.. but u feel the tensi0n and dark cl0uds surr0undin' the em0tions 0f the pe0ple ar0und.. seri0usly, is it 0nly when we l0st s0methin' then we'll treasure it?
why is it that we n0e all these 'the0ries' and yet, umpteen times all0win' this t0 happen?!
it's s0 ir0nic la.. s0 frustratin'..

it's really hard t0 see a lively pers0n t0 just leave his l0ved 0nes, his friends.. his family...
ppl regretted n0t sh0win' him e care n c0ncern..
ppl regretted takin' him f0r granted..
ppl regretted n0t g0in' with him t0 e m0vies, he went al0ne..
ppl regretted rejectin' al0t and al0t 0f things which he initiated..
ppl regretted neglectin' him all and all..when he was alive..
n0w, n0 l0nger any0ne can d0 any amendments.. even h0w much we want t0~

he g0t his first pay.. and dine-in al0ne at a restaurant.. where he say the 0ther tables were 0ccupied by grps 0f pe0ple..but.. his wasnt..

thru this, 0nce again.. i learnt t0 treasure all my friends ar0und me, and myself..
i shall never neglect n0r ign0re any 0f my friends, as l0ng as i can..

l0ts and l0ts 0f things..
in mem0ries 0f u..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:45 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

this was given t0 me by dax! haha.. kawaaii right!! hee =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:23 PM

this was a MMS that steven sent me 0n the night whereby we were at bakerzin~ fUllert0n.. ;) s0 c0incidental tt i sms him, he called me alm0st instantane0usly~ haha..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:22 PM

me & shan at bakerzin t0o~ =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:21 PM

me & v0nny at bakerzin 0n the 25th dec 04 t0gether with few 0f em m0re~ =p after tt went t0 catch "phant0m 0f the opera"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:21 PM

*s0methin' t0 pend 0n*

sometimes i wonder
and questioned the truthfulness of your words
trying ever so hard to believe
that there is still such thing as eternity with you

starting a relationship with you
was never easy
from a sweet beginning
it withered to a bitter neverending thing.
the angelic beginning was just an illusion
which soon perished
and never returned.

but in my heart the memories
of you stayed
torturing me with perpetual pain
i should have known
not to believe in this curse of human being
the feelings lingered on
hardly decreasing when days passed
in this cold world, where dreams are few
i only had a simple wish
to have back the happiness that you once gave

but it's a wish
too hard to be fulfilled
it won't be the same again
with you drifting away from me ;;
i only wish
wish that time would stop at the point where you were still the same old you again..

this abstract taken fr0m lipIng's bl0g..rather sentimental and em0tional tt i w0uld say.. really 0ften u heard pe0ple t0kin' b0ut all these.. but, since it's 0ways the case, why still, n0thi,' c0uld be d0ne t0 salvage it? well, curse 0f the human being,very true!! l0ve's the curse.. e cruel curse whenever things starts turnin' e wr0ng way and thus, turnin' s0ur.. ir0nic but true

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:04 AM

Monday, December 27, 2004

*nEw friEnd*

;p ahaa! g0tta n0e a new friend..but, 0nly discl0se himself as
z-e-r-0 [weird*]..
geee~ yeah l0rRh! he n0es dasm0nd als0~ s0 厉害 eh.. *wiNk²*
h0oho0..*click click*..
t0day ar.. nv d0 anythin' significant la.. 0nly s0-s0 nia.. u n0e, as usual..
w0rk, tuiti0n, dinner, tv, msn, sleep.. [repeat: x infinity]

argh! b0rin' life!!
h0pe i 快快 can g0 abr0ad, 轻松一下!! that's wad i really need n0w.. 真的!
aiy0aiy0~ r0utine life can really make me g0 b0nkers!~
b4 anythin' happen t0 me~ 0ff i g0 t0 lala land..
g0odnightz!! ;)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:46 PM

*what's ℮ pr0b b0ut mE*

*A typical pisces who like to daydream everyday*
*Always dream that she is e Cinderella in her lala land*
*Or a fish swimming in a big ocean*
*Have different thinking from the others*
*Always prefer raining days with0ut an umbrella than sunny days*
*Often have many weird n unqiue thinkings n feelings*

well, ive learnt to be strong.. to take control of my emotions and to think with my mind instead of my heart.. i THINK, ive weighted out the pros and cons already.. i THINK im gonna be fine..but i'll understand if pe0ple cant give me 100% of attenti0n coz each've got pri0rities too. see! tt's the problem wif me. i demand and expect too much. i expect 101% from a person one leh! how ah..? i muz correct my stupid mentality.. help me!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:19 PM


~ a new bl0gskin! gee.. think it's rather simple n nice.. c0mments?? =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:57 AM

Sunday, December 26, 2004

*ho0 h0o*

this 2days, with dad n0t in t0wn, i practically went wild!!
24th reached h0me at 12mn[alright, tt's n0t wild enuf] 'c0z sherine was meeting her bf f0r c0untdw, s0 me went h0me le~
but, we met up in the afternn f0r sh0pping n m0vie-ing..
watch kungfu hustle at Suntec EW! w0ah!! the Q was like
|------------------------------------^_0-------------------------------| l0ng 0orh!
but luckily, the clever b0th 0f us already had 0ur tickets b0oked 0ne week b4hand!!! haha.. kiasU right?! typical sp0reans h0rr! s0, in the end.. we Q a mere-5mins t0 c0llect it 0nly! *shi0k!* =p

then after the funny [g0odie g0ody] m0vie, we t0ok cabbie t0 PS's glasshs f0r f&c0. but, in the end.. after waited f0r 10minutes f0r 0ur turn, i changed my mind and walked 0ut 0f f&c0. cr0ssed the rd, heads t0wards bakerzin instead!! haha.. sherine must be fuming!! =o
s0, in the end.. we 0rdered "seaf0od spags in banana leaf" [serves2]
sherine- "crab s0up & ice-lem0n tea"
me- "blueberry s0da & crepe s0uffle"
c0st us 7oplus ba..!
then sh0p sh0p l0r, me b0ught t0ngz pressie le~ finally..
and als0 g0t sherine s0mething.."if u hit me, u'll pay f0r it" t0 hang in her vr0omzz vr0omz~ haha =p n0t bike h0r! is her brand-new grey t0y0ta altis!
in e end.. sh0p until all the sh0ps cl0sing le, still.. it's t0o early t0 meet her bf.. s0, we went t0 westmall t0 chat chat l0r..until 1130pm, then we went 0ff separately..
t0tal expenditure: $9o

went f0r mani & pedi in the n00n.. spent 3hrs!! myg0d! dun0e y s0 l0ng als0... n, the best thing was... $60!!! haha.. i must be 0ver sp0ilin' myself!
s0, went with feIz f0r late lunch @ bK.. then shop n sh0p until it's time t0 meet the rest 0f em' at fullert0n BAKERZIN [yes..again..]..this time r0und, we b0ught 0ur tickets 1st.. with0ut b0oking.. b4 pr0ceeding t0 inn.. i had peach s0da and creme brulee~ ahah!! an0ther $13 d0wn st0mach~
s0, we l0st track 0f time and hurried t0 the cinema!!
lucky!! GV l0ves c0mmercial.. s0 we didnt miss any part 0f "phant0m 0f the 0pera"
but, it was a superbly suppressin' musical m0vie that sent me feelin' s0 melancholistic~ [haha].. even the c0nversatn was c0mmunicated thru singin'! w0ah isnt it!! haha.. managed t0 prevent seveeral dr0p 0f tears, but after v0n shred hers.. i l0st c0ntr0l~ [stupid v0n!].. =| hahaah..
hmm.. th0u it wasnt reaallyyy THAT gd.. but, 0verall ratings, 3stars! [can watch if u have the m0ney..hee..]
then a taxi uncle s0 cuTe!! st0pped infr0nt 0f me, while we were still tryin t0 think 0f a way t0 get h0me.. s0, wh0 cares!! int0 the cab we h0pped!! =)
t0tal expenditure: $11o

that's h0w chrIstmas was spent this year~
with l0ads 0f $$$..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:18 PM

Saturday, December 25, 2004

**unhaPPy me**

what's happening arg?
why everytime the timing cann0t c0mpromise de uh?!
it wasnt like this bef0re man!.. made me s0 depressed man.. tryin' t0 fixed 0ut a day, but n0ne seemed t0 c0mpliance~
nex week i can is can la.. but sickening w0rk + curfew = n0 time t0 sh0p!
previ0usly n0 attachment.. s0, m0re time t0 walk ard.. that's y easier t0 c0mpromise the schedules.. n0w after w0rk 5pm, reached t0wn 6pm plus..still can d0 what? eat till 7pm, sh0p till 9pm.. g0 h0me! duhs.. might as well sleep at h0me!!
weekends cant mehz?
then th0t was h0peful t0 meeting up this week c0z my papa n0t in t0wn, s0 i m a free-bird man! then shattered my plans le~ n0 more......
wahpianngz, ever since 19th N0v!! which was m0re than 1mth ag0..
hasnt went 0ut le~ ARGHH!!
im g0nna scream s00n at my l0usy time-management!!
24hrs n0t enuff la!
stupid y0u!!! make me wanna "beng~ kui" already.......


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:03 AM

Thursday, December 23, 2004

* manicurin' + pedicurin' = $$$ *

hmm, im tinking 0f d0ing my pedi and mani 0n sat t0gether! but, $55.. ahah.. sh0uld i?
think i'll v0mit bl00d ba.. but, hmm.. let's see.. ar0und 3mths nv d0 mani le~
eversince the last french tip i did.. *miss~*

i already 0verspent f0r this m0nth le la~ plus xmas! aiy0h.. 天文数字!!!

the next pay that im g0ing t0 get shall g0 straightaway t0 e bank n n0 where else!
aiy0h~! if n0t ar, f0rever cant see a 4figure in my bank le la!
fine fine.. dun0e y, th0u t0day wasnt hectic at all, wasnt tiring at all..
but, im superbly bushed~
very very lethagic.. cant m0ve le.. lazy t0~ =p

well.. g0ing t0 bed s0on.. msg feiZ first.. c0nfirm things 0n sat/ sun..



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:36 PM

-l0tsa xmas pressie!-

was at feIz's plc last night after w0rk.. it's a early xmas celeb~
b0ught my pressie f0r em straightafter w0rk.. alth0u s0me was already prepared earlier..
but still missed 0ut a few.. s0 when t0 get em b4 heading d0wn t0 feiz's plc..
v0n went with me and later t0ngz came t0 dr0ve us there..t0gether with shanny and jiahui~
hmm..0verall b0ught like 8pressiez!!
haha.. s0 br0ke n0w!!! =|
sry i missed 0ut t0ng's.. cant find what i planned t0 get 4him.. will be heading town tml t0 get it!! wait h0r t0ngz!! haha.. =p as if he'll see it~
b0ught; pei- a mel0dy writing pad
feiz- a kitty 2005 organiser
shan- 2m0nkey keychain with neh neh de!!
jiahui- preci0us m0ment candies~
marcus- 'Fat Cat' mp3/hp p0uch
v0nny- Citizen Girl st0rybk
shiyuan- earring
gift xchange- Magnetic caledar~

speaking 0f magnetic calendar!!
there were 3 identical pieces! we all g0t the same thing but f0r different ppl.. haha.. it's s0 c0incidental~ very hilari0us bump!
& i guess feiz c0uld lit the wh0le hs up with her wh0le sack 0f candles she received!
& shiyuan will have nv ending supply 0f earrings, n she might need a few m0re piercing t0 h0ld em~
& shanny will need an0ther wardrobe f0r her entire new m0nkey c0llectn!
hee.. f0r me.. i m s0oo0 c0ntented, happy and 0verj0yed with e pressies i received!
all my fav! c0lors, designs, sanri0 character, style!!

my list 0f items received:
feiz- my mel0dy's p0st-it pad!! s0 mani designs!! =p
shan- GREEN magnetic p0larid pics h0lder/frame!!! l0vely!!
v0n- pink~ necklace with a cute,jappY dice as the pendent =)
marcus- GREEN magnetic calendar [haha.. what i g0t 4others!]
shiyuan- pink~ paper stand, she designed herself! inn0 right?
dax- haha, his was e 1st!! my mel0dy d0or-kn0b c0ver!
xchange- was b0ught by pei, bear bear digital cl0ck~ whereby u c0uld twist n turn its' hand, legs and head! [hee.. n pei sh0wed me its' para-paRa skills~]

thanks all f0r the sweet gestures and gifts!!
w0nderful xmas 2004!!
thanks feiz f0r the h0spitality,
thanks shiyuan, marcus f0r the yummz f0od..
and everyb0dy f0r the mem0ries~!

2004 is c0ming t0 an end..
bUt it's an0ther new beginning~ 2005
mERRy cHristmaS!!'


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:42 AM

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

* so much for my happy ending *

supervisor did nt c0me to work today eh.. s0, ive g0t n0thin to d0 eh.. slack slack slack..
eat peanuts, drink coffee, sketch my drawings.. all and all.. just didnt d0 my report still~ jialiat!!! =|
have s0 much things t0 buy f0r xmas and i haven even g0t one!
but all were planned le.. have been wind0w browsin' searching f0r th0se that i want.. s0, g0nna sweep all at 0nce t0day!! haha.. then u see my wallet burstin'!! 0hg0d!!

calculated.. g0nna spend lke $150 and that's excluding pe0ple like yL, willz and henry!! g0d.. haha!! finished siaz.. v0mit bl0od..!

speaking 0f henry, he t0ld me s0me1 0ver at friendster initiated having him as their in-h0use m0del~! w0ahz yeah?!! but ar.. xia0xin abit la.. 'c0z u nv kn0w..
but if, it's all f0r real.. then gdluck!! =p earn m0re $$$!!
can supp0rt ur b0ss[aHemm!] le..w0oho0!

tml meeting feIz and rest t0 celeb xmas!! hehheh =p at feIz's h0use~
g0nna turn it upside d0wn?!! c0unt me in!! heee..
see y0u peeps!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:04 PM

Monday, December 20, 2004

*meRRy xmAs t0....*
t0day heard Z-Chen's s0ng..then i super l0tsa 感触!! irritating la!
very t0uching l0r.. then make me feel s0 小 in the sensuality in the n0tes..

then 钩起回忆 yeh..!!
i was walking t0 my student's place while listening, and it straightaway affected my m0od.. ranging fr0m the ups, t0 the d0wns..
sweet sweet 0nes, sad sad 0nes..
see the miracle 0f music..
simply bey0nd w0rds if 0ne have t0 ever describe..
mesmerizing!! n0 w0nder i g0t s0 addicted t0 xT!! =p

well, n0wadays things are g0ing 0n simple and enriching f0r me ba.. 0k, mayb n0t enriching.. as in.. i have things t0 do, n0t t0o much 0f emptiness.. which is gd piece 0f news! 'c0z u imagine feeling empty and it just isnt experimental~!!

uh huh.. c0mplains, nags, judgemental remarks c0me n g0.. but as part n parcel 0f life.. 0ne day, gr0w up n learn the meaning 0f life.. the meaning 0f n0t leading life like a r0utine th0u path may be paved 0ut, but once in a while, ch00se a turn in a c0rner t0 taste what it actually feels like being f0rward 0f urself.. use ur heart, n0t ur brain.. 0nce in a while..
live like a pisces.. live like me..
dreameristic, fantaristics, pess-0ptimistics!!
=) smiles when it's y0ur turn~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:01 PM

Sunday, December 19, 2004

ehz.. n0thing t0 update 0n th0ts.. 'c0z ive been sh0pping!!
everywhere is sales man!! this yr's sales is CRAZY!! haha =p well, bought a tee fr0m balen0~ the 0ne which feIz has.. hmm, 0ne super-pink p0l0 fr0m Fila, a white-g0ld ring~ duhs right.. mama buy f0r me de w0rs! then i bought a p0l0 tee f0r papa als0 l0r..

hee ;p nuthing much! needa sh0p f0r xmas pressie t0o! hee ;p

late lia0.. tired!! gdnight!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:54 AM

Friday, December 17, 2004

lappy g0t c0ntaminated.. =( u n0e.. it's virus attack again!
s0 sent it f0r repair in sk0l.. that's y these days n0 bl0gs l0r..
feIs help me '包到完' wahpiAng!! owe her a treat saIz!!
=) thankss geR!

hmm..ya basically things are still the same la..w0rking 8-5pm
then tuition, h0me.. tv..eat..sleep!! n0thin' much t0 l0ok 0ut f0r la..
'c0z keeping myself busy ma.. then 才会觉得过得比较充实啊~
=p 0rh, since tues till thurs..schering-plough gave us lotsa training~ regarding w0rk la, health la, safety la.. all s0rts.. s0me r really interesting.. the rest send me d0zzing 0ff~ haha lol..

hmm...l0oking f0rward t0 tues ba.. 'c0z that's the 0nly pre-planned after-w0rk activity that i have till n0w.. w0oho0.. liddat n0t bad la..afterall, i d0nt have any spare time le.. 24hrs like insufficient argh!

s0metimes, u feel very hurt 0n certain issues, but 0n the 0ther hand, there're things t0 smile f0r.. like n0wadays.. al0t 0f peeps gib me interesting philosophies.. and the c0ncern they sh0wed are really heart-warming~
0rhyeah, anyways.. wanna get this bo0k "the 5-pe0ple u'll meet in heaven".. this is a m0re to self-aspiring bo0k la.. + an0ther 0ne.. "citizen girl".. it tells us h0w this girl juggles sk0l, w0rk, family, relationship and citylife.. s0unds interesting h0r! hee =p me wanna g0 buy.. d0nt think library will have them~

late le~ tml must 陪 meimei g0 cut hair w0r.. sleepz le~
晚安!! ;p dreams..
?°senڑؤTï0n?L?? ? tWIsT ??????mث ?

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:56 PM

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

放开了手.. 感觉很自在~


0r maybe, it's the effecT 0f my typicAl m0od swing..
which made me feeL s0 d0wn, tensed, blah blah~
recentLy eyed 0n Lanc0me MiracLe
g0ing t0 get it s0on..
bUt ruNNing 0utta caSh.. thInk sh0uld geT it?!
haha, but that's definately g0nna cheer me upz!!~
w0oho0.. *grInniNg*
n0thing c0mprehenable at w0rk.. the usual stuffs..
geTTing busy and 0ccupied.. which is definately great stuffs!
better than r0ttin' and n0t havin' any litt' thing t0 d0~
that's the w0rst worst w0rst!!
h0oho0.. =p

yupz..s0 time actually passed reAlly quickly f0r me 0rh..
still waIting f0r 荣's call th0u..
hasn't seen him 0nline recently t0o..

წ˚śēnšÄTï0ń∂Lღ ● tŴİŝŢ ☺დᄐ①⒩ːmË ∮

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:53 PM

Monday, December 13, 2004

veRy hiGh stiLL!!
ytd arh..
was s0 nrev0us l0rr..sweatin' siaz..
scare he w0nt g0t int0 top10~ n0t i d0nt have faith in him la..
is i 'kanchi0ng spider' la~

g0t.. g0t v0te f0r him.. [quite 0bvi0us la h0r..]
but ar, v0ted 30nly w0r.. + Ddesire = 8 v0tes nia..
u think 8v0tes enuf t0 clinch meh?
dream' on arh!! yeah!! s0, it g0es t0 pr0ve that...
振荣 g0t fan-sSs 的哦~

al0t 0f funny things happened in the studi0 la..
haha ;p like me and marilyn keep teasing him arh..
whatever expressi0n he d0, 0r a single acti0n fr0m him.. we'll c0mment.. but n0t t0 him al0ne.. it's t0 the wh0le studi0!! whahah =) l0ud de w0r..
and arh.. his 小动作 al0t de l0r, u must n0e!

m0st 0f the time durin' c0mmercial la, durin' sh0w very rude ma..
eg: he'll reply sms, 0r even pick up calls.. then we'll like sh0ut t0 him..
"唯! 投票给自己啊?" s0, that was when i saw him sliding up his handph0ne..
and tada!! then i excited and asked, ''你换手机了~!''
s0, guess his reacti0n!!?
he held his new ph0ne high up pr0udly, waved and sh0w me a smug face~ as th0u telling me, ''yay!! my new f0ne''!! *o_0'"*

hee.. s0 funny deh~
when the sh0w ended, he was being interview.. litt' ph0t0 sh0ts.. blah blah..
u n0e all th0se thingy..
s0, we watched..
until he came slightly cl0ser.. and did a super cute acti0n! *saluTe uS*
haha.. then i t0ld him, i cant get a BBQ pit l0r, then he h0ld the trophy like it was a f0ne sh0wing me a 讯息, 'i will call y0u~'

s0.. i waiT l0r..

正当一切好像很完美.. 很开心之于..
way b4 the sh0w started.. every1's n0t enthu at all!!
especially cheez and marilyn.. im t0tally disapp0inted and ann0yed!!
t0ld me u've gr0wn up, n0 l0nger hyper 0ver such events..
but.. have ever c0nsider me?! w0nt i be feeliNg tt way t0o? w0nt i be tIred t0o?
all and all..
wh0 wanted t0 start this thing? n0t just me..
wh0 g0 crazy 0ver dasm0nd 1st? n0t me initially~
wh0 is thr0win' things d0wn and leaving me with all that we were supp0se t0 share?
i w0rked 0n 'c0z i belief it's the resp0nsibilites!..
n0t 0nly t0 him al0ne, t0 the ppl, t0 the club, t0 Artiste MgmT~

''we built this with 0ur 0wn hands.. n0w.. u want me t0 tear it d0wn with my 0wn t0o?''

i d0nt believe s0 much with gr0wnin up 0r n0t..
'c0z, 人一但变了心, 说什么都没用..
那,我呢? 到底要怎样?

维持了三年,我就放手.. 所以现在..
睁大眼睛, 找适合人选~

-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:34 PM

l00k at the title!!!
u n0e what i was g0ing t0 say..
i type a 1000w0rds l0ng bl0g..
but stupid c0mp!! i "clicked" 0n 'publish butt0n'--it sh0wed me err0r msg!!
then everything g0ne, except the title!! like very useful l0r..

t0night then write la!! =x

c0nclusi0n + b0ttom-line:
Dasm0nd W0N!!!
and, c0py/save ur w0rk b4 u take the nex step! =u

-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:41 PM

Sunday, December 12, 2004

this few days.. hasnt been updating my bl0g..
but.. things still d0 happen.. 'c0z everyday 0f my life is like a jump..
起起落落.. 起伏不定..

my last bl0g was 0n the 8th.. s0 meaning..
thur and fri was 'bl0gless'..
eh.. sh0rt-term mem0 is what i suffered fr0m s0meh0w..
but 0ne thing f0r sure.. i went tuti0n after w0rk 0n thur..
s0 = b0ring'
but fri is different..
went back t0 skol f0r MDES meeting..0rh!
i missed them man! thou we r n0t as cl0se as previ0us MES..
but still will miss w0rr.. =p
erm.. one thing t0 menti0n..
reached sk0l at 530pm, dr0pped 0ff at the bus-stop.. saw e guy fr0m gentin' trip..
then walk past him sensing s0mewhat familar th0t..
but dismissed the thots..
then meetin' ended ar0und 730pm.. walked 0ut of the sk0l.. waited f0r the bus 0utside Np..ALAS!!! saw him there walkin' out after me..
then i realise, 'eh! this's the cute guy fr0m gentin'!! haha..'
seen a pers0n twice within 2hrs, accidentally..
lol.. quite 爽.. bleahs!

well.. i met up with feIz and Pei l0rr at causewAy pt.. duhs! s0 farrrrr...
lazy lazy..
but the time i reach there.. take my dinner.. bought stuffs fr0m TBS.. then went h0me!! haha.. s0 lame`

then t0day ar..g0t Le0 meeting.. went aar0n's hs..
erm..it was a pre-xmas celeb l0r.. + meetin' la..
had steamboat..*yumz yumz*
hee =p same thing.. t0ok cab h0me.. haha, left aar0n's hs[pasir ris] at 10pm..
g0t hm.. 1045pm.. s0 late h0r!!
hais.. cab still s0 l0ng w0r.. but uncle driving at 110km/hr lia0 w0r.. sl0w mehz?

i think fEiz, yL and sHann very 可爱 de l0rr..
t0day we saw a xxx thingy 0n tv..
then i c0mmented 0n it relating t0 s0me 0ther things.. then yL and fEiz reacted str0ngly t0 it.. like please l0r!! speak the language fluently first then say la.. g0t the height then say la.. s0 damn '贬低' l0r..
but.. I LIKE!!!

t0day's bl0g very l0ng..
but i haven finish w0r..
ytd ar..ar0und 1+am la.. das' msn me w0rr..
say he want gathering.. wahpIangz.. s0 last minute..h0w?!
n0 pits t0 b0ok.. n0 chalet available..
shits l0r.. hais.. h0w how h0w?!!
still g0t where can held inf0rmal gathering de?!

tml g0in' starAwards 'live'..
v0te f0r das' argh! =)

-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:52 AM

以下:一段匪夷所思,虚构想象 的 疑问..

距离十尺内,即使不用肉眼来见证, 能因为 '心' 感觉到而顿时停步,心跳加速。

我啊,至今.. 都没遇到一个能令我心跳加速的呀!
我是不是死了啊 还是麻木了?
或者说是.. 有这样一个人存在吗?


-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:38 AM

y0z..yL make f0r me dehz!! nice ma?! =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:30 AM

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

canT believe missing 0ut the j0y and fun in sch0ol!!
arrghh.. y must i be having my attachment at this crucial last sem?!!
th0u i cant say attachment is b0rin' me~
it kind 0f made me attached t0 it thou..

argh!! very stressed up la!
0rganising the le0 gathering!!
keep 0n stressing and 'pestering' me!
aiy0h.. +rep0rts +p0sters!
im dying!!
n0 free time..

就趁现在.. 睡觉!

-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:31 PM

[g00dbye my l0ve] --> tuning in to tensi0n n0w..
such a nice nice s0ng.. really s0 nice..
l0ve the tune and the music sorTing..*ta0 zui*

well well..
yeps.. by the l0ok 0f the time n0w..it's n0t difficult t0 realise that im in the 0ffice l0r.. hee =p
c0mpleted the w0rk m0k told me t0... s0, while waiting him t0 be back.. d0 s0me blogging l0r..
then if still n0t back yet.. then ah ha!!
write up 0n my rep0rt!!
have been owing it since s0 so l0ng le.. duhs l0or..
whahah lol..

a litt' 0f changes t0 my bl0g.. the statements, w0rdings and stuffs la.. 'c0z realise h0w l0ng it had been & h0w things r 0ways changing all al0ng..
s0 s0mehow.. n0thin' last l0ng..
s0, the next thing that's g0nna be changed is the skin.. hahah.. sicklia0 right u pe0ple.. me to0!! hee =p

haha.. 0k!!! b0ss is back.. get back t0 work!!

-.t0 fuLfiLL me, means fuLfiLL mY drEams.-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:35 PM

Monday, December 06, 2004

ka0z.. i dunnoe what's the arshin' pr0blem with me la..
all these while gettin' m0re short-tempered..
but nv the case with my gang la..
hahah lol.. dun0e y als0.. 0nly when it c0mes t0 w0rk and parents..
irritatin' la..
then the sickening secretary say i AV la.. kukunand0n..!!!
n0 la.. i AV and n0 AV same de la.. b0dy horm0nes special de..

n0w 1415hr..at w0rk..feelin' like i c0uld beat pe0ple up n0w..
just shifted fr0m level3 t0 level2.. n0w 0n Zp's desk..
ka0!! keyb0ard spacebar sp0il......
duhs l0rr..!!
s0 difficult t0 type with0ut spacebar la.....

saturday went t0 celeb shaNNy's bday.. haha.. quite fun w0r..
she and AARON.. *maTch maTch worr*
like happy littl' c0uple.. h0pe he really treat u t0nnes better!! =p ya0 xing fU 0rh!

thjen sunday went KTV with FeIz and maRcus..
sing sing until 9pm then i run le.. aiyah..
but nvm la.. n0 m00d t0 sing als0 leh..

n0wadays ar, seld0m c0ntact henry le..
let's h0pe he read this and will initiative abit la..
dun0 what he busy with la..4ever busy de..
i als0 busy de h0r!

let's h0pe things will g0 better f0r me in all aspects s00n..
the end 0f 2004 d0nt seemed t0 be s0 travel-able f0r me..
been 0n r0cky times to0 much that i yearn f0r sm00th lanes.....


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:06 PM

Saturday, December 04, 2004

n0wadays enc0unter and heard l0ads 0f relati0nship pr0blems..
feeling helpless t0wards my friends ar0und me and myself..
but f0r me myself.. it's n0t so much 0f a pr0blem myself..
'c0z 我懂了,清楚了..
"n0 use h0lding 0n, when there are nuthing m0re f0r me t0 hold on t0.."


n0wadays enc0untered s0 many things..
but i think i already s0rt things f0r myself..decide f0r wh0 i am, what i want..
life is like a l0ng r0ad.. twisting and turning.. s0metimes u turn int0 the c0rrect r0ad, br0ught u t0 a right lane..
0n the 0ther hand, 0nce u turned int0 the wr0ng 0ne.. then everything is back t0 square1~ 0r even w0rst.. n0 U-turns, n0 turning back.. u just have t0 c0ntinue 0n driving straight... u knew it was wr0ng, but u've g0t n0 chi0ce......

我要.. ''坚强''


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:55 PM

Friday, December 03, 2004

herE shE pEEps AGAIN!!!! HEEE!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:58 AM

hee =p fEiz is 0ways peePing!!!!!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:58 AM

hahahah!!! SP safety heLmeT and my piGGy cusHi0n aT my deSk.. =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:57 AM

mE 'n' sHeriNe 0n tRain.. simpLy L000VVEE tHAt HAiR C0LOR..but, 0bvi0usly, iT didnT lasT me tiLL n0w.. =(

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:56 AM

daX 'n' his caKe @ SP caNteeN.. hee.. p0sted late.. but.. better than d0nthave~ heh heh..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:55 AM

it's mEe!!! aT M0S bURGER~ WH0O0Ho0.. haha ;p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:54 AM

hee.. anticIpaTing leHz!!! =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:54 AM

thIs iS the mAn behInd feIz new l0cks 0f bl0ne!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:53 AM

Thursday, December 02, 2004

yah.. the title sh0ws everything..
what else t0 say?
was at w0rk... d0ing speadsheet.. an0ther 12,000 entries at leasT!
haha =p think im g0ing bonkas!
wo0h0o.. driving me MAD!
well.. exaggerate a littl.. n0t s00o bad in a sense actually.. ;p

hmm.. tml g0ing d0wn t0 r0ots le~!
finally s0mething t0 lo0k f0rward t0.. really sick 0f keeping that hair..
'c0z it's to0 l0ng le.. still very thin 'n' layered t0 be cut..
but, d0nt care la'!
g0tta gib Ken a sh0t!!
hee ;)

hm.. dunn0e w0r..
n0thing interesting in these few days that i th0t is significant enuff t0 include..
t0 conclude and stuffs..
just plain 0ld life.. haha..
maybe.. yeah~

m0ving 0n is great i think..
was t0ld t0.. was asked to..
th0u wasnt f0rced.. but sees n0 pt in n0t obliging le..~

i want s0me m0tivati0n.. s0me things t0 l0ok f0rward t0..
s0, here i c0me.. creating everything f0r myseLf!!

here i g0 crapping AGAIN!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:59 PM

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

yeah yeah yeah!!!!!
终于啊.. 有水准的 SGIdol!!!
taufiK tAuFik!! yeah~
haha =p
luckily Sylvester nv win.. u think he's g00d mehz??
i d0ubt s0 u kn0w..
he really d0nt s0und as g00d as TAUFIK!!!
maybe he d0es kn0w h0w to b0und the cr0wd.. but bleahs!!
wh0 cares!! it's TAUFIK that CAN sing!!
haha =) y i s0 激动 right?
i 0s0 dun0e.. c0z d0nt understand y s0 many ppl supp0rting SLY..

aiyah!! whatever la..
s0, t0day neh.. 在 c0mpany 把 spreadsheet 做完了!! 哈哈..
终于!! s0, tml will start s0mething different le ba..
wo0.. abit scare scare la..
haha ;p

s0 ar.. after w0rk then me, feIz and v0n g0 JP get "s0mething"..
haha.. cant stand siaz.. s0 difficult t0 get lehz!!
haha =p n0se 坏了!
'c0z ar.. we very 挑剔嘛.. ch00se n ch00se like s00o0 l0ng.. haha =)
little bit little bit 0s0 must obselate w0rr!!
arghh!! 职业病!! i just menti0ned 0bselate!!! hahah ;p

0k0k l0r.. s0 late le.. wanna g0 slp le la~


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:43 PM