______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, January 31, 2005

*i d0, i d0!*

t0day, wh0le day did nuthin'
0nly went f0r practical less0n l0r..
then dr0ve myself h0me, c0z i am the last student le ma~
*shuAng!* hahas..

tml g0tta w0rk AGAIN, s0 sianz..tired!!
wanna slp~! hais..
anyway ar, saw a thriller..
this Jack Neo m0vie, "i d0, i d0.."
opens 0n 8th Feb..
wh0 wanna watch?! =) hahas..i wanna watch lehs!!
must be very funny!!

aiy0h.. very lei le lehs..
wanna ZZz lia0.. dun0e what t0 write als0~
wanna dye my hair t0o!!
s0on..i h0pe! after New Year ba~ hee ;p

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:22 AM

Sunday, January 30, 2005


miSs his s0ngs, v0ice, gUitar already..
4hrs after gettin' 0ut 0f MB2!
hahas.. i just have a seri0us fetish f0r guys with gd singing quality n skills..
m0re0ver he writes n c0mpose them!!
my g0odness.. it's all i need~ all i have t0 ask f0r!!
the passi0n n enthusiaism f0r music is in his eyes, like the phant0m of the 0pera~
his scratch are s0 natural n meltin'!
alright.. im half-d0ne 0ver with mesmerizing..
-s0methin' ab0ut u [l0ve t0 listen t0 him sing this s0ng]-

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:38 AM

Friday, January 28, 2005

*this is especially t0 feis..*

i b0mbed ur fl0bberchatb0x!
s0, better say it here..

-the 0xygen acti0n in fire *PuiSuan*-
i bidded u gdbye n went h0me, then ps said he wanted t0 sm0ke, alright..s0 i waited f0r him awhile while he dilly-dallied..
waited till i grew impatient.. when i had t0 leave, i have t0 leave!
s0, i nudged n pulled his shirt~
instante0usly, he r0ared at me, s0 loud that 9o% of ppl in MB2 turned n stared at me.. *immediate th0t- HUMILATED extremely*
turned n walked away..
^4o% percent queasy..

-the salt 0n the w0und *gu0hui*-
all the while, he was msgin me f0r the sc0re 0f a few 0f his s0-called, "feared opp0nent".. and i t0ld him e sc0res n stuffs..
then i just happened t0 type ina sentence, "feelin' so sick!"
guess what.. n0thin'! he just said, "s0 hor..wh0 w0n huh?"
see!! nthin' b0ut me feelin' sick! arrhh.. then i replied him his query and shut it 0ff le~ assh00oolle!

started t0 really think..
wh0 i am, what m i in ppl's eyes?
0nly when needed, then i m bein' remembered..
esp. u all kn0w wh0~ [fEis..0f coz n0t u la!]
then felt tt im like a rubbish leh~ discarded de~
n0t impt de..then at this pt.. face felt warmed, slippery and wet!
alm0st immediately, i stunned myself!!
"did sY just cried?"
*did my mascara smudged?*
well.. maybelline's gd..nv smudge la~

fEis fEis..
i h0pe u'll in-depth kn0w tt..n0t u, it's nt u~!!
its just tt everytime things happened, i'll think n things just g0t linked up, and the effect will leave me bein' 0verly reactive & depressed..


jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:49 AM


dun0e what's gt int0 me~
feelin' s0 terrible tt i just merely sat d0wn 0n the bus..
feelin' s0 b0ttled, s0 unappreciated.. and cried..
n0t tt it's unlike me..it's tt.. i feel that..
i lost the courage, the interest, the faith i used t0 have..

bc0z of this.. f0r dun0e h0w l0ng, i saw myself cryin'..
unbelievable.. didnt imagine i am s0 weak afterall..
split personality is gettin' str0nger..
i d0nt like t0 be treated as th0u i can d0 nuthing..
i d0nt like t0 be seen 0nly when im in need..

i dun0e..
recently, i feel this strong discontentment fr0m a pers0n..
whenever i talked t0 **..
** gave me a feelin' like, can u finish ur sentence quickly..
i've n0 time f0r y0u.. terrible!!!!
but, when face-to-face.. everything seemed "0kok" n0t t0o bad..
then whenever a c0ld expression came, i h0pe with a smile, i can break the stiff-ness..but, did it?
i dun0e.. i cant tell.. expression-less..

t0day's p0ol made me feel useless..
i can d0 nth 0ther than sellin' c0okies~
seeing everyb0dy runnin' b0ut.. bein' busy..then me?
and then dad called..
went d0wn t0 meet-up with him.. f0r quite s0me time... c0z i th0t..
i wasnt necessary there..tt's what the impression tt i received...
what i d0?
sell c0okies...
went up..feis t0ld me with an anger t0ne "ni shi zh0ng hen jiu h0r!"
feelin' s0 maligned again~
c0z deep in me..i was all al0ng thinking..
when i was there.. i l0oked s0 extra~ tt's personal feelin'..
s0, with0ut me..n0b0dy would n0tice~
d0nt think tt im making up excuses..tt was really hw i felt~
abandoned n useless..

jUst a useless & discarded mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:42 AM

Thursday, January 27, 2005

*First preliminary r0und*

26th Jan o5
Leo's p0ol c0mp 1st day- prelims..
64 peeps came, but i think my energy 0nly survived f0r the 1st 32~
can see me hyperactively t0kin' n amusing the ppl~ haha..like a cl0wn!
the rest 0f the remaining night, i *st0od* ar0und, tokin' t0 ppl i already n0e 0r *new friends*..
basically, i enj0yed myself!
knew num0rous pe0ple eh..they're really nice n funn~!!
^kaiLing's gang [workin adults but still child at heart! b0ught lotsa c0okies fr0m me! thank y0u!!]
^Tan Chien How [this chinese l0okin' guy wh0m played very seriously n c0ncentrati0n f0cused..nv smile thru0ut the game but, s0on after tt, went t0 talk to him c0z he pr0mised t0 buy c0okies fr0m me![hee..] darn! he's really nice!]
^Pan Zhong Wei [Interested in j0inin' Le0 club t0 bring kids 0ut~ haha.. really a big guy, but attractive personality~]
^Ron and Paulz [they're Guohui & j0nathan's friends.. heard b0ut them but nv met them b4.. arrhg! they suan me right fr0m the start! as th0ugh we r really cl0se friends already~ bleahs! *ps, j0n's really shuaiz!*]
^Kevin [kn0w him in sec skol, but we NEVER talked.. he changed al0t, nearly c0uldnt recognised him~ well, maybe it's like re-kn0wing him ba..]

This is a very different experience f0r me..
And i really must say i *enj0y* interacting w ppl~ truly enjoyin' it!
*0kok, maybe i just l0ve bein' a litt' while 0n the attraction..*
wh0 d0esnt wish t0 be sp0tted 0nce in a while?
n0netheless.. u nv kn0w whether these *friends* wh0m i made will stay in c0ntact after the game's d0wn~
time n eff0rt shall tell..

Shan, feis and the rest 0f Leo and marcus..
Xin kU ni meN le!!!
esp. feis!!
u must be really tired..
it's exactly h0w it feels like t0 0rganise events f0r pr0m n das's club!!
but.. i guessed, u had s0me fun t0o!!
d0nt keep all things t0 urself..need help, tell me..
ok? maybe u think i can 0nly d0 a litt'..
but with just tt litt', all0w me t0~

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:23 PM

*t0 feis..*

he's 21..NSF, stayin in clementi~
knew each 0ther 0n friendster..remember i told u i mass-send 1o0 msgs t0 ppl t0 publicise b0ut the competiti0n?
he's 0ne of them wh0m replied..
0ther than p0ol qns, he asked a few m0re personal qns like..
*where u sk0lin'?
*h0w 0ld are u?
*where d0 u stay?
*then he called me at night t0 CHAT!!! [even th0u i 0nly entertained him f0r the first night c0z i th0t he might be a new friend~then subsequently.. i died d0wn..]
*asked t0 meet up!! [ used p0ol comp as a excuse! but, 0f c0z i didnt!]
*so, saw him ytd..he asked me if i wana watch m0vie w him~ [errh..pls l0r..]
*s0, jiann bing *dear* [haha..] msged him 0n my behalf, "no"...then his reply was.."used me t0 join p0ol comp le then cant even be friends lia0 meh?" [please l0r, i didnt f0rce him t0 j0in! it's 0n his 0wn acc0rd! sh0o 0ff la~]
*i dun0e, he tried t0 act mysterious 0n numorous attepmts..
*when he made a statement, and i believed, he'll luff n say, "u belief what i say ar? y0u're really very naive n inn0cent h0r, nv experience nightlife b4 issit?" [immediately felt like slappin' him if he wasnt at the 0ther end 0f the f0ne, 0nly if he was infr0nt of me!]
*when i didnt pick up his call or reply his msg..he'll act as th0ugh im obliged t0 n started saying things like, "wah..da0 liao h0r~"
--0nly talk t0 him thrice n l0usy impressions devel0ped!--
I am sure the pr0b didnt lies with me, c0z im always friendly de l0r..
[*everyb0dy n0ds ur head =p *]

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:09 PM

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

*shrugs shoulders*

alright!! im really busy n0wadays! als0 dunoe y m i s0 busy..
with tut0ring, p0ol comp, drivin' and attachment g0in' 0n..
i can hardly think 0f anyday which im g0nna b h0me b4 1opm..
finished already la.. g0nna get gr0unded s0on..
i can predict arh..
plus new yr ar0und the corner!! hahahs..
*shuang!* $$$.. hahahs..
*eyes with $-sign*
still l0oking f0r buyers f0r my v20o w0rs..
wanna sell it to buy N7610~
w0oho0~ excited man!
h0pefully can get everything d0ne n settled by feb..
-get drivin' license
-sell away v2o0
-buy N7610
-buy m0re cl0thes, skirts and sh0es!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:28 AM

Monday, January 24, 2005

*re-cap t0 last night*

l0ng tirin' day~
w0ke up at 0830 f0r drivin'~ sian! i had enuf 0f drivin' la!!..s0 pissed liao.. 0ways drivin' the same r0ute, d0in' the same thing..
but, l0oks like there's n0 other way to attainin' a license l0r.. =(

then later that, met YL as pre-decided t0 walk ard westmall, then proceeded t0 h0mie f0r lunch l0r, actually wanted t0 work out at the gym.. but YL lazy.. + sY lazy.. = r0t at h0me!!
then c0z YL l0st her ez-link card, we went JP t0 cancel n seek f0r refunding l0r..l0ng story la..
b0ught her ear-stud f0r her bday still c0mplain it's big! please lor YL, it's ur 'style' man!! =p
Later on, feis called.. hee.. say she sian.. duhs!! then me ask her t0 come n j0in us lor.. she wanted t0 buy CNY clothes ma.. dun0e what she d0ing at t0wn, then n0t sh0pping.. hais.. me sh0uld have g0ne d0wn rather than askin her t0 come right.. but already t0ld mum will g0 back f0r dinner ma, s0 n0 choice le..
feis went my h0me f0r dinner t0o..
heh heh ;p later that she acc me g0 craps with JH & MX l0r, they r0de JH bike d0wn t0 l0ok for me ma.. s0.. hee ;p pulled feis d0wn..
aiy0h, she s0o0o quiet!! jia jia act 'shu nu' ;p
at 2030, they left, c0z JH g0tta b0ok in le ma, then me walk feis t0 the bus-stop.. then g0 h0me le.. tired.. zZZZz...

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:47 AM

Sunday, January 23, 2005

sh0pping' spree!! = n0thin' left! =(

hahas.. went sh0pping, t0ok taxis t0-n-fr0..
really 0verly sp0ilt lia0! die die~ cant let this bec0me a habit!
went sh0ppin' with Sherine fr0m 2pm t0 8pm, n0t c0nsidered l0ng, but the t0tal amt spent f0r the b0th 0f us, $3o0!!
mad!! festive seas0n really make the ec0nomic bec0mes better l0r!
pe0ple spendin' like there's n0 tml~
hee.. abit kua zhang!! =p *h0oho0..*
t0ld sherine my *st0ry*, she cursed n swear!! haahs.. *shuangz!*
s0 glad ppl 0ways stands 0n my side!!
includes shAnz and yanpiNg.. but still......
they did say that, sh0uldnt blame anyb0dy f0r this result th0u..
*yah, i understands fully~*
0rh! b0ught this red tube f0r CNY! ka0s! must d0wn 0ne size first la~ hahas.. t0 perfect-en it~ whahas.. =) alth0u sherine says it's 0k already..
but.... t0o b-x-s-x-y~!!!!! hahaahs!! *shHhH..*
pleaSe d0nt ask me t0 wear it f0r u t0 see.. hahas..
especially, u n0e wh0 u r~ =o keke...
tired lia0~
me tml meetg yuElinG after driVin'.. g0 slp early le~!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:12 AM

Friday, January 21, 2005

*i kn0w u'd be readin'*

Dear friend,

i respect the decisi0n u made this m0rning..
the fact that I..
didnt n0e a simple pers0n can thrash a friendship that used t0 st0od str0ng..

"0ne 0f the few pers0n that i c0uld t0k to, 0ne 0f the few pers0n that i c0uld let my heart 0ut on", u said it, but g0ne le~

This is the LAST entry that im d0ing 0n u..
because a ch0ice is made,
"i w0nt be talkin t0 u anymore le diary"..

All n all, c0z this inventi0n 0f bl0gs..*what the..*

And yes, peepin' t0m!
i d0nt hate u, neither d0 i dislike u..
h0wever, sad t0 say,
d0nt have t0 go 0verb0ard, it's better t0 just stay 0n-b0ard!!

It'S jUst mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:41 PM

Thursday, January 20, 2005

*deleTe my eNtriEs!!!*

i d0nt think i'll wanna delete my entries..
i d0nt think there sh0uld be any m0re things t0 be suspici0us 0r jeal0us 0f de l0r..
be c0nfident!!! =|
This is MY blog, I get t0 decide wad is t0 be put in and wad is n0t..
And, yeah!''
Think b0ut it~

Im just a diary 0f X'ist..
jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:40 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

*l0st f0r w0rds..*

these while.. me & chrisS had been c0ntactin'..
yah, quite 'bu t0ng de gan jue'..
play j0kes 0n each 0ther and 'talked' t0 each 0ther..
like h0w r things? h0w r u ar? all these de~
alright, s0metimes warm up le jiu m0re than h0w r u? i am fine la~
lol.. hahas..

stupid him just 'nag' at me t0 slp early next time, c0z ytd late le le i was still awake ma.. ;p whahas..
s0 this m0rning nag at me t0 slp earlier l0r..

hahas..i dint n0e i l0oked cute when i slp..
thanks f0r givin me this inf0 har!! =o bleahs!!!
aiy0h.. make me wanna slp again~ *yAwns!*

stupid dAx!
tell u i wanna buy N7610 hw l0ng lia0 la..
say help me find, s0 long lia0.. kuku de..
n0w 0thers als0 wanna buy lia0 lor..sian!!
but, i still want!!!! =|

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:17 AM

Monday, January 17, 2005

hee hee =) candid sh0t f0r me n shAn.. the rest.... heehh.. very seri0us takin' fot0s~ =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:12 PM

d0nt ask me what i am d0ing' hard t0 answer u~ =|

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:11 PM

*restless still hyperactive*

These few days t0o lazy lia0.. nv been bl0gging~
hmm..t0 update..

15th Jan
slack in the m0rning..just t0o lazy t0 m0ve..supp0singly me n shan wan2 bring feiS t0 the beach de..but t0o 0ccupied f0r the past week, dead beat lia0~
we b0th tire 0ut~ hahas.. s0 only met feIs 0ut f0r dinner~ well, early supper?! =)
at BAKERZIN w0rs..
i had Blueberry s0da and sweet pleasure~ *yummezz!!*
then chatted al0ts! c0z the 3 0f us nv g0 0ut 2gether al0ne le~
then updated each 0ther, was really thrilled and delightful` Just s0 nice t0 chill 0ut with u guys!! It's 0ways s0 FUN!!

16th Jan
Went Li0n's Home lunch with the eldery f0r the wh0le day!
JiannBing dr0ve me & feIs there..
super tired but.. meaningful, fruitful and funfilled t0o!!
Jiann Bing sent us h0me t0o, think he must be very very tired!! *p0or JB*
nv th0t volunteerin' could be s0 enriching~ =p and especially the meetg after tt.. was very united eh i think..
t0 summarise, i enj0yed myself!!
And made a few new friends! They were really "0N" and fun-l0ving! =)

17th Jan
Went w0rk l0r..then tuiti0n.. haha, r0utine fr0m m0nday t0 fri~ *siGh*
but later after tt, gt a call fr0m gu0hui, he wan2 meet me t0 pass me e p0ol competitn f0rm!! w0oho0~ 4 f0rms~
hee ;p
s0 he came 0ver t0 l0ok f0r me at my place v0id-deck la~
we chatted f0r quite s0me time..
but, i g0tta admit.. im willin' t0 stay there 4s0 l0ng was bc0z 0f this friend 0f his.. *cute cute* de~ friendly t0o.. but in the end, it's me n gu0hui sp0ke e m0st~
s0, the pt 0f me sayin' this is, really nv judge a pers0n by his/her l0oks..
th0u he didnt l0oked *shuAi*, he's a damn nice guy, n if nt f0r his friend, i might just t0ok the f0rms n walked 0ff.. and l0st a really gd friend-2-be?
pe0ple walk in n 0ut 0f 0ur life, my life..
wh0 stays, wh0 g0es.. it g0tta be predestined?
n0t quite.. f0r i believe..like t0day's incident..
i ch0se wh0 t0 stay, and wh0 nt t0~

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:30 PM

Friday, January 14, 2005

Me and MDE Id0L IRWIN~!!
after the c0mpetiti0n.. w0oo0! shUai 0rh!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:13 PM

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

*sick 0f everything*

im sick of myself
im sick of life
im sick of the way they treat me
im sick of not having freedom
im sick of listenin' bout irritating things
im sick of things ard me
im sick of naggings
im sick of the way ppl handles things
im sick of losing things
im sick of not having things
im sick of being used as substitutes
im sick of being myself!


Suddenly, i really hate the kind of life that im leadin'
the type of routine that i have to go thru..
That's y, i dream of being a journalist, a reporter..
around the world, write what i see, what i hear and what i feel..

A colorful life, a colorful me..
Dreams get fulfilled.. w0nt they?!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:30 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


wanna buy new f0ne!!!
1st step: Get rid 0f old f0ne!!
2nd step: Get $$$
3rd step: l0ok f0r cheap deals
4th step: Make purchase!!

F0r me, im still at 1st step lor!! i wanna sell my v2o0 & GD88..
Actually, v20o dunwanna sell de.. but camera n0t workin' le..
unless can repair..but, need hw much arh?
really like v20o al0tsss seh..
hais..d0nt mind gettin' back the same m0del~ whahas..
then my N7650 h0w als0 ar? *hahas*

m0rale 0f the st0ry.. t0o many f0nes can be quite *c0nfusing*'!
aiyah, u all help me la.. help me with the
3rd step 0kook?! cheap cheap de.. $5o0 budget 2nd-hand als0 can~ =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:31 AM

Monday, January 10, 2005

*n0t my day*

t0day m0rnin, i w0ke up..received a sms fr0m cHris, he read my bl0g n saw me sayin' him ign0rin' me.. and he sms me t0 's0rt 0f' explain that his f0ne's batt went flat while he was in camp, that's y..
yah, n0t ign0rin' me n stuff..
well, even if he's ign0rin' me, the fact tt he t0ok the trouble t0 sms n explain is en0ugh!! Really appreciated tt~! s0 sweet~ ;)
hMm t0day, went sh0ppin' AGAIN with dad n mum~
was wantin' t0 get a pants fr0m gi0rdan0, 593 fr0m levis, p0lo-tee fr0m burberry & RalphLauren.. in the end..I G0T NONE!!!
593 n0 size 27!!
gi0rdan0 t0o cr0wded,
RL n0 RED-col0r,
burberry w0rst, cann0t even find arh!!!
In the end, g0t s0o so0 s0o Mad
N0t my day!! i d0nt care, i am g0in t0 pull Elaine['regular 0f burberry & RL'] 0ut n sh0p till i find what i want!!

o0hh..did i bl0g ytd??
think i didnt~
well, went 0ut with Henry, spent $80..
haisssss.. b0ught a pair 0f slippers *i liKe!! nicEy!*, my mel0dy hp accessories, an0ther hp access0ries fr0m 'gift-a-name', a waTch and what else huh hEnry?!!! =|

hees.. tirEd le~
gdnightz!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:22 AM

Friday, January 07, 2005

Cy readin' the menu!! Captured!! =p *smiLes*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:07 PM

We went Swensen's f0r Ice-cream & was urshered t0 table n0. 22!!!!!! =p hees... =) s0 lucky!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:07 PM

yeah e 3 0f us!! Me, YP & CY.. taken by Mar.. =p g0od ph0t0grapher! Just tt e hp didnt sh0w it 0ut =|

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:06 PM

e MeLody's stuffs r my pressies fr0m YP!! s0 nice! thank u YP!! ;p and the rest r 0ur pictures =p had s0o0o much fun!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:05 PM

itz me & YP!! nv expect this pic t0 be s0 clear!! t0ok it 0ver p0lar0id with my hp!! =p nicey!! i like! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:02 PM

*l0tsA funzzZ!!*

went 0ut with YP, CY & Mar.. just g0t h0me n0t long ag0~
hee.. thank y0u pingz f0r ur pressie~ i realy like al0t lehs! =p
sure enuf~ it's ALL ur influence!
t0day ar, Bc0z i f0rg0tten t0 bring my cam..s0 i went h0me after w0rk t0 take it..and then, i met YP at my plc's bussie t0 g0 JP 2gether..
then met CY, f0ll0wed by Mar..0ways the latest!! =o hee..
yeaps! then we had a hard time decidin' what & where t0 eat, s0 in e end, we had CrystalJade!! hahas.. *yummiEs!* had e xia0l0ngba0, fried rice, prawnnie, veggie was reaLLy nice!!! YP ch0ose de~! s0 nice!!! 0hn0~ cant have enuf 0f it~

T0 YP: nexT time we eat again k! =)

then..t0ok l0tsa pics at CJ.. Yp t0ok the m0st!! hahas..then keep snatchin' 0urs.. haha.. 0ways s0 greedy~ =o haha..
till all my 20films finishes, we went t0 buy s0mem0re!!
then went swensens' t0 have desserts..Mar & YP had Banaaaa split, me n CY had C0okiesSummit~ *sweEtie~* g0t ch0co ballS de~ =)
but this time r0und.. n0t s0 lucky.. 5/10 was sp0ilt!! we br0ught back t0 c0mplain but failed!~ that wasnt e w0rst..it's the service attitude!! she insist that there wasnt any gurantee, then refuses t0 gib us the pers0n-in-chaRge's c0ntact!! YP and me g0t s0 mad!! =||

s0, in the end.. alth0u she was really irritatin', but still we had lo0tsa fun 2gether.. it's been like m0re than 1yr since we went 0ut in 4s'~!!!!! 0ways sh0rt 0f either 1 0r 2 =h0pe t0 see u all s0on 0rh!!
tiredzz.. had fun lia0.. then wannA sleEp.. hees..
nigHt alls~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:53 PM

*wanna buy l0tsa things*

im g0in' 2b br0ke financially s0on..
drawn 0ut a buyin' list and realise the amount is damn huge $$$
take a peep at my wishlist~
bwuang~ =|
n0wadays gettin' very lifeless..
bl0ggin' but aimlessly, nuthin' in particular im t0kin' bout..
and turnin' t0 be m0re materialistic~
d0nt ask me what happened?
d0nt tell me waste $$$.. c0z i n0e.. but, im aimin'.. nv say IM MUST BUY!
see h0w la.. see finacial all0ws al0t~
hee~ will be takin' my TP s0on..
s0, need m0ney again~ there u g0..
m0ney in, m0ney 0ut~

Later me g0in' 0ut with threes0me..[CY, YP & MAR]
h0pe they'll like their pressie~
hahass..g0in' t0 have dinner with them~
*yummiEs* dun0 what we'll be havinnnn' =)
see u aLL lata!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:53 PM

Thursday, January 06, 2005

*siAnz daY*

t0day ar, it's all w0rk and w0rk~
nuthin' else l0r..
hais, 0n the f0ne with eLaine n0w.. hais, an0ther BGR issue..
girls ar girls... f0rever de la~
haiz, t0k b0ut s0methin m0re cheerful de k!
tml me meetg' meL, cy and mAr f0r dinner...[piAngz, then yf just sms me say tml they celebg v0n's bday at wiLdfire.. dUhs l0r =(]
nvm la~ then i just pass v0n her pressie..=) h0oho0~
aiyah, then me wanna slp lia0 le la~ tired le w0r..
very stressful als0 la.. l0tsa meetg c0min up, then got date with feIz and sHan de, then bc0z 0f all th0se suddenly p0p up thingy then g0tta change all my plans.. sianz l0r! dun0e la.. see what they say l0r.. =|
hasnt been hearin' fr0m cHris f0r the past 2days.. must be 0kok with twinkle again le.. then i extra n0 need lia0.. muhaha..zzZ.. madness!
yupz, as i was sayin' this sat.. g0in' t0 meet hEnry t0 get l0tsa things ba.. must spend $$m0ney!!! arrgh.. s0 tensed up, bad m0od.. zer0 end0rphins.. need s0me replenishment!!!
h0pefully i d0nt 0verspend..0nly 20o budget h0r!!! eehh~ that s0unds like al0t.. make it 1o0 then~ save s0me f0r next sh0pping trip~ bleahs!!
but im g0in t0 get a burberrys p0l0~ might c0st 10o le~ haha..
dunn0e~ think b0ut it first ba..
gdnightz peeps! tired..wan an!!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:08 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

*hALf a dAy at sk0l*

t0day, i went back t0 sk0l t0 settle s0me rep0rts thingy, lappy tantruam and 0s0 t0 have lunch~ =)
hee.. met feIz, shAn.. blah blah blah.. u kn0w.. like th0se in class la..i fixed my lappy t0o at CAL2..0rh!! the uncle really expert siaz.. san liang sia k0ng fu settled le!! muhaha.. t0 think tt i used like 2days still unfixed!! bleahs!~
then had lunch with sherz at c4 and, i knew this was g0in' to happen when i g0 t0 c4.. [eeaakkk!~]
but nvm nvm.. let passe be passe.. she cant let it g0 i can d0 nth b0ut it le~
wuu0h0o..then sherz dr0ve me back t0 w0rk le l0r~ then me "ta ba0" c4 f0od f0r dax.. he super like hungry 'me0w me0w' siaz!
6mins finish the wh0le cutlet rice! p0wwer!
s0, h0pefully when i get h0me t0night, s0lve the remainin' lappy pr0bs..i shall c0me 0nline again!! yeaH!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:01 PM

Sunday, January 02, 2005

fiNaLLy..MiracLe Lanc0me.. left it with hEnry f0r few weeks le~ hee =) yeAh!! g0t it back lia0~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:04 AM

heNry giB de xmAs presSie!~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:00 AM

*chRissy and hIs chAnge*

0n the ph0ne with cHris, haha =) it's quite l0ng ever since we're 0n the f0ne..
hmm f0r n0 particular reas0ns la, we're t0king..like bef0re.. n0 distance apart like i th0t there t0 be..
like he said, maybe i am 0ne 0f the few pers0n left, that he c0uld spill his heart 0ut.. f0r me, he's the few that i can spill 0ut mine t0o..it's a kind 0f a very nice feelin' t0 n0e that there's s0me1 that u can dig ur heart 0ut 0n..
well, n0 0ther side-track feelin'.. d0nt let ur th0ts w0nders.. c0z' me n cHris, destined t0 be buddies le!! seld0m u see pe0ple that g0ne thru what we did still can be s0 perfectly n0rmal when facin' each 0ther and t0kin' ab0ut things s0 naturally.. i like the way we r treatin' 0ne an0ther.. but, im t0kin b0ut the current cHris, n0t the 0ld chris that 0ways 'fa pi qi' 0n me~! bleahs!*
im glad.. that the tide is finally d0wn, and i f0und myself 0nce again.. and f0r chRis.. i realise the feelin' between us.. s0 real and true friendship..
and.. thinkin' deeper..
i guess we have t0 admit, as we gr0w 0lder..
0ur s0cial circle will just have t0 be substituted by s0me 0ther things..
be it relati0nships, 0ther c0mmittments, family, w0rk, studies..
it's rare t0 have a few m0re s0ulmates whereby they're willin' t0 sit d0wn listnin' t0 what u'll have t0 tell.. and im blessed with quite a handful..
but, mayb n0t 0ways they're there.. but, 0nce in a while.. i'd still see them ar0und.. im c0ntented.. d0nt ask f0r t0o much, c0z i cant give them all 0f my 10o% t0o.. as we gr0w.. i 0nly h0pe f0r all 0f u.. t0 be mates f0r as l0ng as eternity~
[thank y0u aLL f0r bein' there..
sHan, v0nny, chRis, heNry, yueLiNg, wiLLiam, dax, marcUs, t0ngxiaN, cUiyI, yAnpIng..]

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:29 AM