______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Friday, February 25, 2005

* bad mo0d *

l0usy mo0d t0night..
g0t a sc0ldin` fr0m dad all 0f a sudden then sp0il all the 0ther stuffs..
wanted t0 d0 this & that.. write s0methin`.. write a s0ng..
d0 rep0rt.. n0w n0 need le..
write shit!
n0thin t0 write..
really.. he asked me where did all my $$ g0es to..
h0w i kn0w?
u ask all the rest l0r.. where are their $$$... i dun0e lor..
yanfei c0nfirm say she dun0e de.. dax c0nfirm als0 dun0e..
arrhhg!! whatever la..

g0 to slp la..

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:03 PM

Monday, February 21, 2005

* NTU *

went f0r NTU talk with sHan, feIs n v0n at h0tel inter-c0ntinental..
after serenading the vicinity, every0ne else had decided which course they wanna take.. but i, again, harb0ur ir-realistic dreams..
j0urnalism *yes, again!*, c0mmunicatn studies, Bachel0r in Chinese studies(h0ns), s0ciol0gy, maritime, advertising, are all the c0urses that i feel that im interested in~
but.. interested is 0ne thing, fitting in is an0ther..
f0r 0ne, j0urnalism, advertising and chinese studies are abit hard t0 get in leh.. average B grades.. i average C leh!!! =|
h0w how?
then i was thinking b0ut s0ciol0gy 0r maritime.. c0z b0th c0urses accepts and rec0gnise my dipl0ma..
but s0ciol0gy b0ut wad de arh?
haha.. maritime is m0re like what im d0ing n0w already but m0re t0 e shipping base..
still i feel, University is like quite impossible f0r me t0 get in leh als0..
my results.. s0 l0usy..
75% judgin` 0n p0ly results
20% 0n O'levels results
5% 0n CCA..
i can sc0re f0r the 5% 0nly l0r..*s0 pr0ud arh!*
s0 litt` l0r!!
die lia0.. can credit transfer?
lisHan transfer me la..
me ok0k la.. if can ar.. either maritime 0r s0ci0logy l0r..
c0z i d0nt even think i can get int0 the rest to0..
but still, Bachel0r in Chinese studies(h0ns) is v temptin` t0 me..!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:24 AM

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

* whats my g0al in life? *

everyb0dy has like already pathed 0ut a r0ad they wanna take after graduation..
what b0ut me?
what is it that i wanna achieve in life?
yeah, well everyb0dy n0e i wanna head t0wards to media line..
j0urnalist, rep0rter..
BUT!! my dipl0ma is 0n L0gistics!!
n0 link, abs0lutely n0ne!
0thers suggest a private c0urse 0n mass c0mmunications..
but, that's g0nna be an0ther few years and $$$ d0wn the r0ad..
m0re0ver it's g0nna be yet an0ther dipl0ma..
then what? furthers int0 degreee fr0m there?
5 years?! 4 years.. cant imagine still studyin` at 25 yrs 0ld f0r a mere degree..
0kok, nuts!!
In life, we 0ften n0t get what we want.. but f0r s0mething which i can pursue.. n0w.. the questi0n is.. sh0uld i? 0r sh0uld i n0t?
i c0uld just venture int0 a cert fr0m any UK 0r Aust. private U straight after grad with0ut havin` t0 start fr0m scratch AGAIN!
but..is L0gistics tt will interest me?!'
let me d0 s0me s0rtin`.. need time t0 think..
why are pe0ple studyin` all the way t0 get a pD. Bach. Masters??
what d0 they need it f0r?
t0 meet the qualificati0ns when interviewin` f0r a j0b?
0r t0 impress 0thers when they send in their resume?!

i really d0nt kn0w la!!
let me think let me think..

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:27 AM

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

m0re 0n Venice up0n request~ =) Like places 0f Interest and their buildings and churches.. but, i th0t it might be b0rin` f0r m0st 0f u.. tt's y did n0t include the pictures.. *cheErs!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:26 AM

night time in Venice.. n0t t0o clear.. but definately an experience 0f a life-time!!

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this am0unt 0f pige0ns can just freak me 0ut!! please~ it's like a milli0n 0f them?! =x

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Venice reaching dusk...

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M0re 0f Gondolas.. the trademark 0f Venice..

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the maj0r transp0rtatn in Venice - Gondolas..

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this is what happens t0 the r0ads during high tide~ fl0oded with streams 0f water.. water level as at 2o03..

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an0ther view 0f Venice!! breath-takiN`!!!

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0penin` up the fr0nt d0or and be greeted with shimmering water under the daylight~ *cl0se my eyes*

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t0urists enters Venice thr0ugh ships and waterb0ats.. imagine h0w Venice c0uld be immersed in water by the l0ok 0f h0w it is bein` surr0unded...

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this is only 0ne 0f the 117 lakes which c0nnects Venice int0 a city..

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Monday, February 14, 2005

* Venice!! *

0n this r0mantic Valentines' Day..
Let me share with u all.. s0me pictures 0f my m0st desired c0untry in 2o05..
Venice!! 0therwise kn0wn as "Wei Ni Si"...

By the end 0f 21st century.. Venice might be t0tally immersed in water..
I h0pe i c0uld save en0ugh t0 pay Venice a visit..
casan0va, marc0 p0lo's h0met0wn..

Arts and Literature backgrd..
Venice's hist0ry started all the way back as early as the 5th-6th Century..

L0cated in Italy, Eur0pe.
Rapidly gr0wing int0 a busy t0urist attracti0n that next f0ll0ws Pisa & R0me..
16H0urs flight fr0m Singapore, transit usually d0ne in Paris, France 0r Amsterdam, Germany..


jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:15 PM

Saturday, February 12, 2005

* l0tsa things happened *

Day 1 CNY for me, as usual, g0 ah g0ng hs t0 `bai nian`..
then spent wh0le afternn there b4 they all c0me t0 my hs f0r a 'da kai sha jie'
whahass.. s0 duhs..then the rest 0f day 1 is
tv, tv, cards, cards, tv.....n0thin` much le~

Day2ar.. went 5th aunt h0use..
then after tt g0 th0mas hs f0r his 21st bday celebratn l0r.. hee =p
then play 21 dian eh!! w0n 20 $$$ nia.. hahaha..
0kok la, then the next day take cab use finish lia0" o_0''
haha..duhs right!

3rd day neh.. went to sk0l to have lunch w feIs n marcus..then waited f0r feIs t0 fang xue then g0 t0 JP t0 watch "i d0 i d0"..whahah.. tt `duhs feIs n lisHan luff until belly l0ud l0r... =o
but 0kok la.. it's actually a nice sh0w to kill time.. entertainin'.. =) but n0t t0uchin enuf t0 m0ve my tears....

s0, 4th day..which is like n0w!! at yuelin' h0use lor..then later maybe they r g0in' f0r m0vie t0o.. but still n0b0dy is m0vin' leh..they playin' PS until v shuang l0r..i duhs! dun0e hw t0 play ma.. King 0f fighter...... -_-'''

s0... yeps..waitin' f0r henry t0 come now..then later me must g0 5th aunt hs t0 eat dinner.. shan n feIs they all g0in' siyuan's hs.. but dun0e i g0t time t0 g0 anot w0r... see see lor.. =p
hais.. the th0t of g0in' t0 w0rk on m0nday jiu sian!!!!! hais.............

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:22 PM

* happY nEw yeAr *

these few days nv bl0g..
but gimme few days m0re then i'll c0me back t0 bl0g kk? =p
had been g0in` hs visitin` since CNY day1..
yeah yeah.. s0, it's hs visitin` tml t0o~ haha..
g0in` yueling's hs and 5th aunt h0use l0r..
yeah!! can play PS2!! whahaha... =o

i'll be back.. =)

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:31 AM

Monday, February 07, 2005

Just wanna act cute~ nth` else!! =p see!! my fringe!! *I LIKE!*

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cL0se up!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:14 PM

hee~ nice hair cut w0r.. i n0e, n0t much difference right?! well.. fringe is sh0rter, the 0ther side is sh0rter t0o! The right side thinner l0r` ;p hee!! *i like!!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:13 PM

im still usin` this antique =) l0ve da f0ne!!

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* nuthin` t0 bl0g *

s0me f0tos t0 view l0r~
2m0re days t0 CNY!!
haPPy nEw yEar pe0ple!!! =)

c0llect m0re 'aNg ba0s!'

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:08 PM

Sunday, February 06, 2005

* nEw hAirsTyLe *

these 2days didnt bl0g..lazy + late nights..
s0 didnt c0me 0nline.. email b0x burstin` als0~ hahah..
well, i shall update 0n few events ba..

4th Feb o5
went t0 w0rk as usual.. then in the evenin`, met up *sHan, feIz, v0n, pUisuAn, kEn, zhEnpeI, jIahUi, sIyUan and aLex* f0r reuni0n dinner at JE's S-11!
here is s0methin` really c0mical~
we had 'zhu cha0' and they 0rdered "la0 yu sheng"!!! hahas.. s0 0ldies leh!!
duhs.. then u are supp0se to stand up, 'la0' e f0od whilst sayin` 0ut auspici0us phrases.. haha.. all 0f a sudden, im like 30+ yrs 0ld! hahahas..
but, ken v n0isy.. keep sayin` strike l0ttery la, t0to la.. =o!
but v fun leh!!
it's been s0oo0 l0ng we r eatin` as '0ne big grp' le~ Miss the m0ments t0gether!

5th Feb o5
met sherine in e evein` t0 have my manicure & pedicure d0ne..
w0ah!! d0 until 7pm ba i think.. fr0m 5pm~ tired* haha..
but nice nice!! an0ther $5O g0ne!! =|
br0ke lia0~
nuthin` much f0r sat.. then went h0me..

6th Feb o5 *t0day*
went f0r a haircUt as the *usual plc*~
w0ah piangs! wait v l0ng as usual... DUHS!
hais.. then the sun s0 BIG ar!! h0t hot!!
wanted a m0re feminine l0ok, but in e end...
still PUNK! hahas.. l0oks like i must change fr0m the internal la..
*eh! st0p n0ddin` ur head!!*
but i really like the fringe! yeah, 0thers might n0t realise..
still i think, the edges are really defined & sharp!! *i like*
sh0rt short de, just like th0se shrubs n0e!!! hahahs..
*l0usy c0mparis0n =|*
but..... an0ther $41!! w0ah!!
my m0st expensive haircut ever~!!
*-wh0ah l0udly!-*

0kok lor, yanfeng & sherine ask me t0 'kan kai dian' & treat like as a CNY treat!!
hahas.. duhs w0rs~
but nvm la.. my expenditure f0r these 3days ar, i can earn them back within a week la..
s0, nt THAT bad still!!

i aM aiMin` t0 buy [miRacLe maGic!!] s0 nice!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:20 PM

Thursday, February 03, 2005

* tiRed!! & strEssed *

s0 tired leh n0wadays!!
feelin` very 0verl0aded n0wadays!
it's like, i have t0nnes 0f things t0 do, but n0ne is c0mpleted!
i'd better quit bein` like this!
0r i shall nv make it anywhere!!!!!!
sick 0f it!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:40 PM

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

* drained`0ff *

feelin` very restless..
very sick & tired 0f my 8-5pm, 6-73opm life~
tirin`! And yet, i've gt n0 ch0ice 0ver what i am d0in`!
what's this?!
Am i leadin` my life 0r u're c0ntr0llin` my life?
s0o sick!!! terribly sick!
physically, mentally exhausted!
trust me!

g0t nuthin` to say~

0h ya~ ytd while i was waitin` t0 pay f0r my license, there's this guy infr0nt 0f me wantin` t0 pay f0r his PDL.. $25 standard la..
then he wanted t0 pay cash.. *excuse me, BBDC d0nt accept cash, u are new ar?!*
and he was s0 panicky~ he didnt n0e what t0 do, c0z he's gt n0 $$$ in his card!! tt's what i heard him tellin` e c0unter staff.. s0, he gt n0 ch0ice but t0 c0me an0ther day la~
well, but b4 he walked 0ff.. e *angelic me*[the lights dimmed!] flashed my card n sh0ved it t0 the lady at the c0unter~

haha..and that guy was like s0 grateful i guess coz he kept 0n sayin` thanks t0 me!
well, 0f c0z he paid me cash la!! *duhs! =o*

i did 0ne kind deed` & im pr0ud!*

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:31 PM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

*b0rin' day*

t0day, nv g0 t0 w0rk..
slept till 1o3oam w0ke up.. change and stuffs..
g0 drivin' AGAIN!! wah.. is very the sian ar.. rather take taxi la~!
then waited f0r the Practical tester t0 c0me n pick me t0 the vehicle..
gettin' litt` nerv0us, c0ld, sick, tired` st0mach churnin'~ hungry la!! BBDC f0od like shit..
see lia0 als0 dunwan t0 eat! =(
0kok, en0ugh 0f c0mplains.. then i did circuit.. d0 very l0ng l0r..
the tester likes me t0 d0 circuit s0 much!
0n the r0ad even m0re shi0k l0r.. just tt he 0ways give last min instructns, then g0tta shift lane last min! =|
lucky gt 0ther students there la, if they drive vvv sl0w, then i cut l0r! 0r when they all0w me t0 make the turn 1st, 0r shift lane, i'll wind d0wn my wind0w n give them the *thanks* handsign! i mean, "hey!! u r havin' a test! still acted like s0 casually~"
0k, maybe it's just 8o% eff0rt fr0m me c0mpared t0 *better days*..
just d0nt have the *gan jue* t0 drive la~
But, perhaps..tt's what the tester's l0okin' f0r.. natural drivers!
s0, when we went back f0r the final evaluatn.. he was very pleased i think..c0z he 0nly say, "aiy0h, why seat belt als0 can f0rget t0 fasten ar?".."why u check blind-sp0t s0 l0ng ar, n0 need t0 turn the wh0le head la!"
then i luff very l0ud! c0z his expressi0n was damn c0mical~
well, i can even f0rg0t to fasten seat belt.. *blur-ed*

then sherine went t0 drive me h0me..0k, we went westmall first t0 pick up her lenses and m0vie plan was decided 0n 0ur way there - "sHall we dance"

then g0 h0me le~ nuthin' la, just drivin, m0vie.. g0 h0me~
that's all!! sian right.. haiz!!

then tml g0tta w0rk als0..
i think ar, maybe im s0 sian 7o% bc0z 0f presentati0n ar!! hais...

nth t0 say.. v sian!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:59 PM

*a t0ast t0 aLL musician!*

i think ar.. this time ar.. is *died-ed* lia0 la..
must marry a musician!! haha..pe0ple like pachebel, m0zart and kevinkern le!
since tt night heard Alex with his guitar.. i am like.. saw this d0or that leads me s0mewhere..
*angel ab0ve my head*
has t0 be s0methin' t0 d0 with music..
definately g0 ga-ga 0ver talents, music`ally-inspired and th0se *meltin' t0uch 0f s0und waves transmitted 0ver the air..
n0t f0rgetin' hum0r0us pers0nality ..
y0u n0e, pe0ple like:
1. Xia0tUng [still need t0 intr0 mehs?=)]
2. William [my sec. friend, current cl0se guy pal!]
3. Alex [this talented guitar`ist!! hahas..]
4. JJ [what else t0 say? BRAV0!]
5. Li Sheng Jie [Really man` and em0tional t0uch t0 his s0ngs]
6. Ou De Yang [sweet sweet de l0r..]
Alright!! it's really like al0t!!!!!
but, seri0usly.. they're really g0od with each havin' their str0ng pts..
*th0u tUng has ALL!* hahas..

feel like learnin' sax0ph0ne again!! ever since i have the urge t0 d0 s0 3years back~ n0w.. it's back again!!
but, it's ex t0 learn sax!! hais.. =(

alright alright.. guess g0tta just keep 0n d0in' my lyrics then!!'

^ g0od luck t0 myseLf, f0r tmL!! =) ^

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:05 AM