______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, March 21, 2005

* yeah!! *

my dad has been reali nice n0wadays in terms of *gener0sity*
remembered i said he went t0 enr0ll with BBDC c0z he wanted t0 get me a car?
and n0wadays he's been reali enthu and flipping thru the papers for hp pr0motions c0z he wanted t0 get me a new ph0ne!
And, ytd.. i g0t 0ne!!
my l0ng l0ng l0ng dreamed *it's reali v l0ng le*
N7610~!! YEAH!!!
Black n red in c0lor.. dun0e hw t0 p0st the pics up als0.. hee! =)
cant possibly use the same 1 f0ne t0 take the pic 0f that f0ne..
*hello! what r u t0kin` bout?*
0k, means.. yah.. u all shuld n0e~ h0oho0..

0rh, and a new f0ne means.. n0 more l0w batt incidents!! haha..
it w0nt be like.."hell0? duuu duu duu.." ---> c0z the f0ne went dead!!.. =x

and 0ne more thing, tml is my presentatn.. 0nce it's d0ne,

ps: i wanna g0 tioman with feis and shan and v0n!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:51 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

* c0ncludes *

t0day is my last celebrati0n f0r my 2oth birthday..
went 0ut w my gang t0 cineleisure's cafe cartel..

initially, went sh0ppin` w v0n.. she delibrately 'acted' like it was a casual sh0pping..
then later 0n, she said she was hungry then br0ught me t0 cineleisure f0r dinner..
but clever me kind`of n0e feis and shan they all will be there..
litt tips al0ng the way.. like shan sayin` i c0uld pass her the pr0m $$ 0n sat(which is t0day), v0n sayin` my wish will get fulfilled t0day, marcus askin` if i'll g0 d0wn to t0wn on sat, ken askin` me if im free 0n sat and feis sayin` s0rry they didnt celebrate my bday t0day.. pick up bits by bits u will n0e the plan~ =) *clever me* everythin` seemed t0 be ab0ut sat!! ;p hee~
thanks pe0ple.. u all are s0 xia0xijie ban~ s0 y0ng xin!!!
*gan d0ng!*

then, when i reached, i saw xiuyi!!
dax's gf.. she s0 ke ai yeah!! v attractive quiet pers0nality.. 0k, maybe c0z she's shy.. but she p0ssess this reali calm attitude! even feis and shan agrees! =)
lucky dax huh!

saw ernest t0o!! it's been such a l0ng l0ng time since the last time i saw him!!
he's changed s0 much! bec0me shuai shuai lia0!! haha.. t0o bad n0 sparks l0ng way back when we 1st g0t to n0e each 0ther at chalet~ whahahah ... ;p *0k, lame!*

i'm realli v v v excited and j0y0us b0ut the times and the pe0ple wh0m shared and celebrated my birthday w me.. realli v thankful f0r havin` u ppl with me, ar0und me..
s0 much!!! thanks w0nt even be enuf.. but still, THANKS!

invent0ry 0f the day:
- Curi0us by Britney spears(0ne wishlist item d0wn =P!!)
- A medium size bag fr0m xiuyi (medium is what i needed!)
- Bisc0tti fr0m Marcus (this is an additional ;p)

Thankkss t0 all.. extended!!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:46 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005

* n0 more! *
bIg sMall f0nts are c0urtesy & c0pyrighted by zeNith

the l0usiest news 0f the day!!!
darn!! i cant g0 ti0man le~!!!!!!!
n0 m0re vacancy!! h0w c0uld it be?!
why did they 0nly 0ffer 36 seats? what kind 0f l0usy package is this?!

blame wh0?!
why did i 0nly sign-up s0 late?!
why why why!!!!!?
arrhg! -f***-
irritatin` la!!!
thinkin` 0f reali treasurin` this first time g0in` ti0man, yet last trip with the sch0ol..
then this bl00dy news came!

wahpiangz!! v bu shuang!!


jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:48 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Dint manage t0 get Mar's picture.. haha.. but she g0t us this drink fr0m china with tuNg's pic!! *s0 shuai!!*

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This is CuiYi.. *actin` stupid face!*

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so, this is Ping... =P *sweetie pie!!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:05 PM

This is my *My mel0dy* fr0m them!!! arrhgg!! all for me t0 bring t0 L0ndon~ s0 cute!! *i like i like!* thanks girls!! yeah!! the pill0w s0ft s0ft de!! *hug!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:04 PM

0n 16th.. i celebrated w ping, cuiyi and Mar~ this is my strawberry sh0rtcake!! =) *yummyz*

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This is fr0m my SP c0lleagues, Ah sien, cindy and Irene!! they say this bag is 1/2 my size lia0!! duhs!! haha.. reali v big la actually!! ho0h0o...

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:52 PM

this adds 0n t0 my Miracle c0llecti0n~ =p

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:50 PM

my 2nd pressie - From Elaine!! Miracle s0 magic!! =) h0oho0.. keep tellin` me she did her hmw0rk de!! haha.. thanks s00oo0 much!!! *i like al0t*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:50 PM

my 1st present c0mes fr0m Dahua!!~ he say i can bring it t0 London~ =) h0ho0~ Facial wash n t0ner + m0isturizer!!!! what i needed!! *nice*

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Peiyi~ v cute h0rr!!!

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an0ther 0ne!!!! nice fringe~! *i like*

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the p0int is.. i l0ve my fringe!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:45 PM

* Mel0dy all 0ver! *

ytd went Fish & c0 glass hs f0r dinner.. n0 wonder they keep 0n askin` and askin` me what i want f0r dinner.. then at 6pm, i finally decided..but given tt litt amt 0f time, they can actually prepare e cake, the pressie and everything there lia0.. guess tt was why ping's sis dr0ve her there.. haha.. *t0uched*

then we to0k s0 l0ng t0 decide what we want *ok0k, it's mee alright!*
finally 0rdered the significant must-have Fish&Chips, SeafoodPlatter and Black pepper Stingray!!! yumms!! then marilyn came and g0bble all the stingray~ haha.. n0 la.. actually it was yanping.. haha =p she la, keep sayin` WOAH! v nice lehs~ *hee*
anyway, we manage to finish everything, then mar say HUNGRY again!!! *omg*
and she wanted chilli crab lorr!!! haha.. but we were all full lia0.. s0, she grumbled and say, k l0r, i g0 h0me eat maggi mee........... *lolz*

s0, we to0k a bus t0 Taka, c0z i wanted t0 go Adidas b0utique.. but it was CLOSED!! at 9pm!!! arrGGHhh!! =(
then ping say wan g0 ChinaBlack.. but t0day m0rning have t0 w0rk.. s0.. in the end.. t0 all's disapp0intment, we didnt.. it was Ladies' night!! *wasted*

then c0ffeeclub 0pposite heeren's s0 cr0wded..with n0 where else t0 g0.. we went h0me at 1opm.. i reached h0me at 1045pm.. *s0 tired lia0*

s0, guess what they g0t me?!
WH0LE SET 0f Mel0dy's stuffs!! v cute 0f them..
2 litt pillows, a neck rest f0r the l0ng j0urney (can tie t0 the car's driver seat t0o..) a litt hankie, a c0smetic p0uch (which my mum wants!!! but hell0!! it's Mel0dy') and a luggage tag (whereby u chain it t0 the luggage s0 tt u n0e it's urs)..
+ 3cans 0f xia0tung end0sed de can-drink.. supp0singly each 0f us 0ne.. but they f0rgotten t0 bring h0me~
+ a hula-hula white plastic bag with a s0ft s0ft thingy inside (girls.. guess!!), Mar wanted ping t0 bring f0r her de.. als0 put inside my taka paper bag, i br0ught h0me als0!!!
+l0ts 0f l0ves fr0m them~ haha.. (this 0ne i say de..)

additional: Ah sien, Cindy and Irene (c0lleagues fr0m SP) b0ught l0tsa stuffs f0r me t0o..let's see.. =p
- hell0-kitty undie~ (purp0sely c0z they n0e i like mel0dy =|)
- green Adidas big big bag!!
- hand-made manuel car gear!! *this's reali inn0vative!*
- a stress-ball sticky sticky da bian!! with m&ms and red bean as dian3zui4~!! =/ *urghh*.. hahah.. purp0sely again!!!

Truly, a happy 19th 2oth birthday!! *lol* =)

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:37 AM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

* Miracle so magic & Bodysh0p TeaTree 0il!! *

aiy0h.. v v v t0uched!!
ytd evening met up with elaine for dinner.. dunoe where we wanna go have 0ur dinner..
so in the end, went Holland.V.. crystal jade then t0 AL Dente for f0ndue.. d0es it s0unds familiar?! well.. anyway, way b4 that, dahua called me.. he asked if i could meet him c0z he wanted t0 pass me my pressie!
and when i told him i was at H.V, he came d0wn!!
yeah, s0 nice of him.. reallly..!!
he nv sian2 v ma fan to c0me d0wn..=x haha ..
v t0uch l0r..thanks!! *as if he'd b readin`*

then later on, elaine passed me mine t0o- Miracle s0 Magic!!
she said she did her hmw0rk by reading up my wishlist and did 0nline search c0z she didnt kn0w what was Curi0us by Britney Spears.. she th0t it was s0me CD!! and she went t0 rec0rds c0. to ask the sales pers0n for all her albums!! but c0uldnt find any *curi0us* aiy0h.. luff until pengz!
s0, later on.. she went SASA t0 check 0ut on Miracle, then.. she g0t confused again..
is it Miracle 0r Miracle s0 magic.. hee!! =) later on, she decided that since i already had Miracle, then it must be Miracle s0 Magic le.. =) haha, clever girl huh!!

but, it was really a really fun, sweet and hilari0us day!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:16 AM

Monday, March 14, 2005

* x-t Ng! *

the title lo0ks like xia0tung h0r.. but n0!!! it's nt!!
haha.. but h0r.. i think willz will kn0w what's tt.. c0z it's him tt gave me the inspiration~ *hoh0o*

well.. quite a nice way t0 end t0night..
kinda delighted.. *wink wink*

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:23 PM

Friday, March 11, 2005

* lethargic *

came back nt l0ng ago..
yah.. *yawnz*
went sherine's plc t0 ransack her wardr0be f0r c0at n thick cl0things..
haha.. yeah yeah!! quite l0ng nv upl0ad pics lia0 hurhur~
0kok, will d0 it *0nly when i am free ar~*

these few weeks, have been c0ntacting numer0us insurance c0. ar..
t0 check 0ut 0n the qu0tati0ns f0r my insurance..
they -li0n 0pen big m0uth- l0r!...
$4303-$7690... all als0 have arh! sia0 l0r.. even m0re ex than my car's yearly depriciati0n!
wh0 ask me t0 be bel0w 26.. hais.. plus 0% NCD.. L0L...
dun0e u all understand what i talkin` b0ut als0~
and tt my dad kept-0n askin` me b0ut buyin` tt car.. im like *duhs!*...
s0 i t0ld him.. ab0lish the th0t lia0.. c0z 0f the unreas0nable qu0te~

but alas! ytd when i gt h0me, then daddy sh0wed me his BBDC b0oklet..
HE ENR0LLED!!! my go0dness!! *t0uched* right..
th0u i to0k private, he went f0r scho0l's.. hahaha.. unfair! l0l..
later 0n, he t0ld me c0z he wanted t0 get a license fast in 0rder f0r me t0 register a vehicle under his name, t0 get the insurance rate cheaper.. s0 nice 0f him l0r~ REALLY! *screamed!!*
th0u he became v pr0ud c0z he's g0in` t0 have a class 3 license s0on t0o, but i think the way he sh0ws it was rather c0mical.. =p

well well.. nth much then~
Just that l0r..
0rh.. and a friend wh0m went MIA f0r s0 long c0ntacted me 2days ag0 while i was in 0ffice.. hmm.. we were alm0st *speechless*.. dunn0 what he wants t0 say als0...
then i was t0o stunned f0r w0rds la, c0z he said we w0nt be c0ntactin` anym0re ma, and i to0k it seri0usly f0r his 0wn g0od and kept my pr0mise..
But, 0verall.. i am still glad that he b0thered t0 call after 3mths~

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:57 PM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

* s0urcing f0r items!! *

panickin` le..
realised tt i hasnt g0t my stuffs all prepared..
the m0st basics first..
thick cl0things.. NIL
thermal wear.. NIL
Gloves.. NIL

d0nt want t0 spend al0t 0n this trip l0r..
s0, the simpler the better..
but i h0pe.. it w0nt be such extreme c0ld that i cant handle..
v w0rried..

havent started 0n my presentatn yet.. v sian~
when am i g0in` t0 start d0in it huh?
i als0 dun0e.. set a date t0 start, but nv gt self-discipline t0 adhere t0 it..
sick 0f it!!
the startin` part really sucks!

what am i supp0se to write? what t0 write? h0w t0 write?!!!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:56 PM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

* nehs *

argh.. 8m0re days to the last day 0f attachment..
which als0 means it's ar0und 12days t0 final presentatn!! shit!
hate presentatns!!!

dun0e leh.. remembered feis says she likes the w0rking life after being immuned t0 it f0r the 5 m0nths, s0 g0ing back t0 sk0l actually didnt s0und s0 g0od after the 5mth "different env0irnment".. but t0 me, it seemed to be 0therwise..
i prefer t0 be in sk0l.. hmm.. but 0f c0z, nt t0 be in this manner whereby im IN sk0l AL0NE!!!! hais.. an0ther shit!!!

want t0 be with my classmates la.. =x

well, anyway.. an0ther 15days t0 be trip.. hey, suddenly realise it's like so0n!!
didnt kn0w until i lo0ked at the calendar..

but yah, lo0king back.. i've said im g0ing to leave behind, bringing back all the whatever new me i c0uld attain right.. well..
give it an0ther indepth th0t..
i am already a new me.. haha, since that day.. that day.....

hmm.. n0wadays hasnt been c0ming 0nline that frequent already.. c0z in 0ffice i d0 alm0st all emails check and bl0g checks.. s0 by the time i reach h0me after tuiti0n,
im already half dead.. n0 m0re additi0nal energy t0 bl0g.. ho0h0o..
but nah nah.. give it an0ther 8days..and, i will d0 a furnish t0 my bl0g~ haha.. a new lo0k!!!

-Qi Dai Zhe Ba!-

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:50 PM

Friday, March 04, 2005

* my 1st faraway land trip! *

havin` mixed feelin`..
finally bein` able t0 travel 0ut 0f Asia.. well, had been t0 malaysia + gentin` with my `peeps!` and it's been s0 much fun!!
it's like MALAYSIA!! and im s0 excited c0z yah, it's really wh0 u're g0in` with..=)
0f c0z im nt sayin` tt i d0nt like travellin` with my parents.. pr0 n c0ns.. dependin` 0n the purp0se 0f the trip t0o.. sh0ppin? = parents.. hahahahah.. =p

this time r0und, my 1st time g0ing 0ut 0f Asia.. with sHawn & esther..
leavin` f0r L0nd0n 0n the 25th..
[h0pe i can make it f0r the 14hrs flight..]
then t0 Paris, Italy, Barcel0na, Vienna
[*please ch0ose 0ne*] n0t c0mpletely decided yet but l0nd0n's a must, c0z it's g0nna be backpacking..

well.. will really really take this 0pp0rtunity t0 shake 0ff whatever hard stuffs i've been carryin`, bringing back 0nly
a fresh new me,
a new heart t0 c0mmit,
a new dream t0 pursue..leaving behind unhappiness that i sh0uld..

this time r0und, i am t0tally finacial independent.. full c0st sp0nsering myself!!!
expenses + acc0m0dati0n.. hard c0re!!!
g0tta change
sterling P0unds
+ eur0
+ US$ just in case man..
but, 0nce imm back.. then hahaha.. * d0nt dare t0 think *
m0ney can be earned back.. n0thin`s m0re refreshin` than a chance t0 breath in s0me fresh c0ld air.. 6ºc..

well..pe0ple.. i h0pe i can `make it` t0 aff0rd pressie f0r u all!! haha..
will a caucasian d0??
0r Italian? heee..
0rhh!! and i heard the LV there are 3o% cheaper.. but l0ng queue all seas0n man!!
pass me ur sh0ppin list ar!! but i d0nt d0 free delivery ar!! =x *hee~

yah, & i've calculated.. putting aside this trip,
i've still gt a trip t0
ti0man with sHan, feIs, v0n and gang la.. = 2o0
a pr0m night.. = >20o, but <3o0
plans 0f gettin` a car.. = infinity
0k great!! left with $o savings...
h0oho0.. can start fr0m scratch again le~ really!! nt kidding!~

but.. b4 all these GREAT things happens.....
g0d ba0 y0u me!! =x

ps: i'll take l0tsa pictures back!!
and yueling, i'll remember ur street grafitti + eiffel t0wer de! =)

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:13 PM

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

* c0nfusi0n yet anticipati0n *

num0r0us matters can really set a pers0n int0 real th0ts..
but yet, it can be t0tally un-necessary..
it really depends 0n h0w u cho0se to view it..

t0 think tt i myself sp0ilt my 0wn k0rea trip~
arrgh!! c0z i wanted t0 g0 HK, nt K0rea..
s0 when my parents asked if i wanted t0 change plans since we c0uldnt get a go0d package f0r HK.. but i insist "n0"~
haha.. cant believe it man!
k0rea.. the reddish 0range leaves..
the lavender garden.. the windmill..hahah.. DISAPPEARED!

nvm nvm.. "sai4 w0ng1 shi1 ma3, yan1 zhi1 fei1 fu2"..
u'll nv n0e what better things c0uld c0me al0ng.. =)

went turf city 0n sunday w dad n mum..
saw s0me many cars.. *eye pain!*
but 0nly liked 0ne.. *nt greedy de k*
Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5GdiA..
super stylish!! nice interi0r, leather seats, rev sens0r, spaci0us, wooden framin`.. perfect!!
even the license plate!!! SDS685Z..
vv nice no. l0r!
well, if it's like SY22Z w0uld be better la!! hahah..
this kind 0f n0. must bid la.. ho0h0o..

but...but.. 0ne maj0r 0bstructi0n tt made me walked away fr0m the sh0p..
50o f0r instalment, 150 f0r rd tax & insurance, 250 f0r petr0l, 1o0 f0r seas0nal parking, 50 f0r `0utside` parkin`..
u pe0ple can d0 the calculati0n urself..

1o50 per MONTH!!!!
h0w to get this amt 0f $$? h0w ar?
+ + this is n0t including the maintenance,
summ0ns (this is unav0idable n0 matter hw safe u are..) =x

th0u my dad agreed t0 help me pay alm0st 70% 0ut 0f this abs0lute extragenvence liability, still.. d0nt feel g0od ab0ut it..
imagine he has t0 f0rk 0ut additi0nal 7o0+ f0r this sp0ilt daughter 0f his..
hais...i dun0e what i want als0 la..
3o0+ per mth might be a challenge f0r me to0..
but, i cant still save al0ng the way..s0, 0kok still..
but it's his side l0r..that im w0ndering if i sh0uld still create 0ne m0re burden~ =|

anyway, fine..
i dun0e & en0ugh said..
if 0ne day, i really drives n 0wn a car..
u shall see me scrimping t0 pay 0ff debts le..

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:49 AM