______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

* behind the screen *

remember 2mths ag0 my trip t0 L0ndon?
yah.. i was having my breakfast 15mins ag0 and i suddenly remembered s0mething t0 tell u all~!!
the cust0m immigration 0fficer at England, London!! they all lo0ked v v fierce! and they werent smiling even if u smile t0 em, they'd ign0re u..
and they interr0gate each 0f every 0ne 0f the visitors!
f0r me, c0z i was travelling w shawn and esther, s0 we 3 were interr0gate t0gether..
lucky i am n0t al0ne, if not.. might be sent back t0 singapore!! haha..
bc0z im n0t calm en0ugh!!

he: "where are u all fr0m"
we: "singapore"
he: "what is the purpose of this visit?"
we: "vacation"
he: "how many days do u all intend t0 stay?"
we: "7...8..."
he: "so is it 7 0r 8?"
we: [c0unting fingers..]"including t0day, 8.."
he: "where will u all be stayin at?"
we: "the regency h0tel, queensgate"
he: "what do u all intend to do here f0r the 8days?"
we: "........."
shawn: "visiting museums and learn the culture"
esther: "sh0pping.."
me: "........" [nearly pee-ed!!]

he lo0ked at me.. then i smiled.. but he ign0red!! kns~
s0, in the end.. c0nvinced.. he handed us 0ur passp0rt and ushered us 0ut..
nv even say "Enj0y ur trip" like 0ur SG's immigration 0fficer.
s0 rude huh!! haha.. n0 la.. i heard they're v wary 0f who n who entering their c0untry, afterall.. we n0t WHITES.. if u're a British they d0nt even ask u a single shit questi0n lor.. next time i must p0wder myself b4 hand.. *L.A.M.E*
I can imagine h0w difficult it is f0r the BLACKS, the afganistan's, indians to enter..!!
well, shawn is a mixed-bl0od.. s0 he carries partial Indian bl0od in him..maybe that's why.. hahahaah..
even when we c0me back t0 singapore, me and esther walked past with0ut anyb0dy checking 0ur bags.. but they searched shawn's.. despite him walkin with us and h0lding a striking red Singaporean's passport in his hands..
see! that's h0w racist pe0ple can be!!!!!!
but, i d0nt deny i am t0o.. unless im certain u're singaporean..
if n0t.. i will be 0n my alert t0o..

learnt quite al0t 0f these cust0m regulations things..
hee.. but, i m pr0ud t0 be a SINGAPOREAN, c0z.. u can see that 0nce u say u are singaporean, they eyes beamed!!
lesser defence than if u say u're fr0m somewhere else..

9mths, 17days

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:58 AM

Sunday, May 29, 2005

* sunday-bleus! *

in the m0rning.. i was fine..
n0w.. im not..
faced a unreasonable family, n0t 0f the same frequency..
c0nstant arguement..

was chatting with glen 0n msn since n0on till n0w.. still chatting la..
but 0n and off..
c0z he replies like snail..
well.. kn0w a little m0re..
he had a crush 0n this girl xxx..
used t0 have fighting fish but n0t anymore..
have a lobster as a pet..
stays 0n 12 st0rey unit 288..
hahah.. all th0se la.. silly things..

still.. a l0usy sunday..
s0metimes, i feel like stayin al0ne..
can have whatever i want!
whatever i d0, n0 one would b0ther..
but, i cant.. s0 end 0f complaining!

whatever lor!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:58 PM

* p0lished-lustre *

pretty things are always captivating..
pretty things are always not mine..
pretty things are always harder to attain..
pretty things are always more desirable..
pretty things.....

why is it when we really wanted s0mthing.. we d0nt have it..
when we wanted s0meone.. he's nt 0urs..
supp0se it bel0ngs to the pretty things cat0g0ry..

t0 all the 0thers wh0m th0t 0f 0wning herself a pretty thing but didnt..
cheer up.. u are n0t al0ne.. =x
rather 0nce than never..
but, s0on.. with great eff0rt.. im sure.. i will!

well.. after s0 much said.. im lying down res0lutions.. weird peri0d 0f the year..
but wh0 cares when u have 0ne.. as l0ng as u achieve it.. =o

bef0re 16th March 2006 - which is my 21st birthday..
(i still have an0ther 9 and 1/2 mths t0 make it c0me true..)
i want t0 be/have....
- at m0st 45kg!
- l0ose permed hair like ayumi!
so meaning, i w0nt cut my hair f0r the next 9mths.. at least, n0 maj0r cutting w0rk!!

for the rest 0f the litt' res0lutions like earning h0w much 0r having whatsoever..
all deals with m0ney.. f0r example.. a DKNY/GUESS watch!! this one yanfei, lishan and mel kn0ws about it.. 0r maybe mel f0rgotten =( bleahs! haha..

0ne more tt d0esnt cling 0nto $$..
tt's is t0 be attached!!
well.. 0k, this is fated.. but i've been thinking.. with the ab0ve menti0ned big resoluti0ns attained.. this last 0ne w0uldnt be s0 difficult~ c0z.. it's all b0ut l0oks and first impressi0n.. guys!! stop nodding ur heads!! irritatg!! =x haha..

0k.. s0mething lighter..
28th May.. went sh0pping with meL and feIs...
t0 town.. meL dr0ve us..
a meL and sY's basic.. F0OD FIRST!! haha..
ok.. s0 the hungry yahfei g0t her deal~ *wink*
we went t0 鼎泰丰 at parag0n for a late lunch/ 0n time tea-break..
0rdered all-time-fav0urite 小笼包..! and i cant remember what..
0rh!! and fried rice and a plate 0f disgusting unc0oked veggie..
0k, whatever.. i only like the 小笼包 la!!
then g0t a call fr0m a cl0se girlfriend tearing 0n the 0ther end..
*h0pe u are feelin al0t better, at least.. a little 0k.. give me a ring if there's anything u need*

yah..s0.. we finish 0ur f0od and fo0t the expensive bill and left..

later 0n.. 0nly meL g0t what she wants.. arrgh!! me and fei b0ught abs0lutely n0thing..
duhs!!! see!! tt's the pr0blem 0f n0t weighing bel0w 45kg..
u d0nt l0ok nice in EVERYTHING!!

and i hate it!! hate it!!!!
tt's the reas0n for the res0luti0ns.. i have t0 l0ok nice 0n my birthday!!!!
ok, whatever..

c0z we only started at 3pm, and ended at 6pm.. me and meL wanna watch 16th g0lden mel0dy award, s0 we 0nly g0t to sh0p at Guess and a few n0t on disc0unt sh0ps.. s0 it's either un-desirable, cant fit in, d0nt l0ok nice 0r, cant aff0rd..
and s0, ended up with n0thing...


anyway.. t0 add on..
we casually went t0 giordan0s.. c0z their placement was s0 at-the -middle.. ok, yah..
and this guy appr0ached meL saying,
"Are u girls sh0pping, can we stay with u f0r awhile? bc0z we are als0 waitin f0r a friend"
i th0t it was meL's friend.. s0 i was like.. *silent*
then i saw this helpless stare fr0m meL's.. then i finally g0t the idea.. and pulled her away..
*d0nt blame me.. it's been t0o long any guys walked up t0 me!! hahahha..ok, s0rry, n0t funny!*
but, the guy came up again and say,
"if u all d0nt want us t0 stay with you can tell me, dont have t0 walk away.."
*DUHS!!* and meL thot ok, let's be nice and said,
"orh, s0rry"
but she later 0n regretted ap0logising.. =) hee..

see!! that's the part and parcel 0f life' things that u'll experience if u are c0nsidered a pretty thing,
if u are below 45kg,
if u have pretty hair!!!
anyway.. let me attain my 'pretty thing' res0luti0ns first huh..

wait n see, i cr0ss my fingers..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:02 PM

Friday, May 27, 2005

* will it c0me again..? *

t0day, went t0 sch0ol like n0rmal.. yeah..
and m0st imptantly, class was great.. i mean, it was fun! =)
hmm, then after sch0ol.. went t0 meet my c0usin f0r lunch..
uh huh.. tt was a realli late one.. tu tu tu until 3pm!!
went with her f0r a haircut at 530!!.. see..! time slipped past just like that..
and yah, g0t to know s0me of her NRA friends.. hur hur..
interesting!! nice peeps!!

clement, glen, j0yce..
didnt realli t0k much.. but still.. it was a nice j0urney fr0m sch0ol to shirley mah..
they crapped AL0T!! uh huh.. and i luffed with them..

clement l0ok abit like aar0n - shanny's BF..
glen g0t this c0ol and shy c0ntrast l0ok..
j0yce is a bubbly and l0ud girl.. =) hee..
s0unds abit like me.. bleahs!
w0rst 0f all is my c0usin!! vv n0isy, vv l0ud.. vv 38!!
hais.. thr0w my face.. =\ h0oho0..

and!!!! glen stays AT MY BL0CK!! i mean.. yeah, same bl0ck!!
c0ol hor!! i nv seen him b4!! i mean.. he says we were in the same lift 0nce.. but.. darn!! i missed it.. hahah.. h0w could i miss such a tall and cute l0okin pers0n huh??

well.. had a realli fun day, 1/2 g0es to NRA!! haha.. they r0cks man!!
i mean.. hip-h0p-ers~ realli c0ol..
v fun-l0ving..
well, a bit 0f pr0mo here:
-Catch NRA Manifest0 28th May, 8pm channel 8.
-And NRA Skratch 4th June, 8pm channel 8!!

my c0usin and th0se mentioned ab0ve will be there =) hiph0p dance c0mpetiti0n~

Lastly, glen is cute.. hahahahahh =p


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:35 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2005

This is Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush's wedding ph0t0!! v pretty... v HANDSOME right!! =) hee..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:09 PM

Monday, May 23, 2005

* updates *

the last bl0g was on me and yp's crazy eating fr0m changi t0 h0lland V huh..
that was 0n thurs..
w0ah, time flies.. it's m0nday liao!!

Fri - i t0tally f0rgotten what i did.. anyb0dy refresh my mem0ry??

Sat - went 0ut w yp AGAIN to t0wn.. well.. she was still slping when i call her..*s0rry* and pulled her 0ut fr0m bed.. hee..
then later 0n we went t0wn quite late.. c0z it was raining damn heavily.. then it's dangerous t0 drive ma.. s0, we waited.. f0r v l0ng!! aiy0h..
and it left us with n0 time t0 shop c0z i have t0 meet YL at westmall f0r movie..
which i REGRETTED!! idiotic!! irritating sh0w!! s0 gr0ss.. s0 disgusting, s0 psych0logy-imbalanced!! then yp dr0ve me to westmall and went h0me herself.. *guilty!*

Sun - went t0wn AGAIN!!!! with my parents this time.. hmm.. actually f0r no particular reas0ns.. c0z we went bai bai ma.. it was vesak day.. then later 0n.. i wanted t0 shop at Ralph Lauren.. s0 went t0wn lor.. but, the sales was s0 fake!! haha.. as in.. still $99 for a p0lo-tee.. s0.. yah.. didnt buy.. then levis.. tried 0n the SquareCut jeans.. yeps.. nt bad.. but didnt buy yet.. maybe next time.. yups..
then feelin realli irritated n0t buyin anything, i went parag0n's sisley t0 buy this realli nice purse tt me and yp saw 0n our sat trip t0 town.. s0 i went back t0 buy it.. since at parag0n, i wanted thai express.. s0 we dine in there lor.. heh heh.. =) nice f0od!! i wanna g0 again!!

Mon - which is t0day..hmm r0t the wh0le morning watchin tv, then went market f0r lunch.. then my spare ph0ne's screen sp0il le.. t0tally cant read anything.. everyb0dy sms me at that n0. will nt get my reply.. c0z i didnt even realise there's new msg!!! duhs!!
but!!!!! my daddy b0ught me a new f0ne le.. LG 7120.. i like de la.. sh0w u the picture next time =) n0w the fone's charging.. h0oho0..
s0.. yups!! can sms me at tt n0. again liao.. yeahs!!!

Tues - t0mmorr0w im meetg Weeliong f0r breakfast, then yp and dahua f0r lunch.. yeahlor.. heee... wednesday start sk0l le.. hais..
*g0odluck to me!!*

sY22 1803hrs

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:23 PM

Friday, May 20, 2005

Picture courtesy 0f BMG music.. *JAY when he was a kid =x* haha.. n0pe!! it's peiyi la~ h0oho0.. s0 ke ai!! But she's v naughty!! arghh~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:28 PM

i think it's rather 0bvious.. d0nt have t0 intr0 liao.. yp!! als0 kn0w as meL la.. =p hee.. and her fav XLB!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:27 PM

clueless?? heehee.. =p

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guess wh0 i went sakae with??!! =) this relates t0 bl0g dated 18th May.. hahas..

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shan's name 0n the beach t0o..!! =)

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me and fei.. well.. erm.. i l0ok like a pig!!

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she's trying t0 write her name th0u.. =) hee..

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me and shan at EAST COAST beach =p heehee.. it's been s0 long since i last went t0 a beach.. 0k.. we didnt put on *beach wear* sighz!

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XIAOTUNG!!! Yeah!! =p *I MISS HIM* HurHUr.. =x

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:21 PM

* 翡翠 小笼包 *

truly addictive!! v addictive!
it's crazy man!! me and meL went b0nkers ytd..
hahah.. and we were b0th realli v v full.. v!

ok, basically.. we were preparing to give cuiyi a surprise by appearing at the airport t0 send her off.. but wh0 kn0w PIE's gt traffic jam, 0k.. s0 we th0t ECP then..
haha.. think we're clever?? no!! jam als0!!
we were travellin sm0othly 0n AYE then..... JAM!!! all the way t0 marine vista!!
which is at Marine Parade la..
-time check : 8.20pm- god!! we r late for sure!! her flight is 8.55pm!!
aiyah.. s0 the 3 0f us.. went swensens' f0r dinner!!
wah nice ambience huh.. *excuse me!*

then after the late unexpected dinner.. the litt sweet-t0othy meL wants desserts~
haha.. and swensens' *eeek*
s0, we dr0ve to Holland V.. for TCC..
well well.. saw Lishan there.. not realli surprised.. but still yah.. a litt'..
and so.. we had tiramisu and g0t realli *drunk*..
i dunoe.. but me and meL were spr0uting nonsense after the tiramisu!!
and we luff s0 l0udly in public.. but, was realli FUN!! =)

and... to the s0me of us.. it's nt realli surprising that meL wants XIAO LONG BAO!!!
but, the *w0ah* part was.. we had 2 r0unds of *servings* alreadi~ =arrhg!! ok0k.. so we *ran* t0 crystal jade, fearing that they were cl0sed..
-time check : 10.55pm we r the lucky 2 last patr0ns!-
it's n0t only 小笼包 we 0rdered.. arrh.. meL's 42kg n0w liao i think.. hahas..
c0z i assumed she was 40kg b4 ytd~ hahahaha =p

then we ate and sat d0wn for awhile while we sms each 0thers' friend and disturb them.. haha.. *t0ld u we were drunk huh*..
then SHE DR0VE ME H0ME!! alehluya!! im safe =) heehee..

s0 enthu, being drive ar0und and t0 drive..
h0w i wish i'd quickly get my car and drive ard with my friends..
-time check : reach h0me 11.58pm.. still Cinderalla~ =) 0ff to bed..zZZ..-

sY22-fun day with yp and dee2-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:17 PM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

* smile back again *

i luff al0t today.. smiled al0t!!
i had l0tsa fun..
spent a litt m0re than usual..
but still.. i think it's w0rthwhile..
had l0tsa fun!!!! *grinning!* =)

*psst! i went sh0pping, walking ard and eating with...haha.. a friend la! duh..*
sY22 23:35

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:32 PM

Monday, May 16, 2005

* c0ffee and icecream *

is there any simple thing that can make u smile??
0r is there a special pers0n wh0 d0es the j0b??

for me..
haha!! i dun0e.. al0tsa things!!
pendants, LV, perfumes, my mel0dy,adidas, watches, blushes, rings, psbb bags!!
plenty!! hahaha..
but.. tt special pers0n..0ther than xia0tung..
i cant think any!
i mean, yah.. there USED to be.. *i d0nt want t0 get hated again!*
now.. the impact is g0ne/lesser..
huh.. t0 name them..?? sh0uld i??


yah... since sec0ndary sk0l.. haha..
behind each.. is a l0ng long st0ry..
of all.. CJ kn0ws pengsum, James kn0w CJ..
well.. i mean kn0w the st0ry..
0ther than that.. they're c0mplete strangers t0 each 0ther..

hahas.. ridicul0us.. like tellin the wh0le w0rld my life..
nvm.. im starting a new me s0on.. 0nce skol starts!
the past is passe.. meant t0 only be remembered.. else, f0rgotten..

th0se wh0m i hated, 0r u hate me..
let's start again..
f0r th0se wh0m i l0ve, 0r l0ves me..
will stay the same..

a new sign-0ff cl0sure:

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:49 PM

* s0metimes l0ve just ain't en0ugh *

suddenly i realise i have fewer friends n0w..
everyb0dy seemed t0 be s0 busy with their 0wn things..
w0rk, sch0ol, b0yfriend..
i seemed s0 free..i am free until 24th May 20o5 at least..
anyway.. what was i tryin t0 say??
i dun0e..
pisceseans als0 think t0o much..

there's this 0ne person wh0m i feel is drifting away..
we arent tt cl0se anym0re i feel..whatever they d0.. i m 0ways left 0ut..
it realli hurts t0 kn0w that they are d0ing s0mething, yet.. u were nt asked t0 go..
0r even w0rst.. they are there alreadi...then c0incidentally.. u call her..
then she will be like, "we th0t u are busy......."

right.. th0ught u are busy...
i kn0w im busy.. but what makes a difference is being asked, and n0t being asked!!

anyway, t0 conclude.. i make sure i ask every single person t0 a celebration 0r party, whether 0r not i kn0w they will c0me..
Jonathan, i did ask y0u.. but u didnt turn up.. =|
when i heard u 0n the f0ne sayin, "but n0b0dy t0ld me b0ut it"
i kn0w exactly h0w u were feeling..!!
alth0u it was s0 last min.. but, still.. i h0pe it helps a litt..
it's better than t0 realise 0nly after the wh0le celebratn is 0VER!

i cant help but p0nder and w0nder with sadness h0w many zilli0ns 0f fun i had already missed out!!

0ne more thing.. u will nv realise..
as much as u wanting t0 hear my st0ry.. s0lve my pr0blems..
i.. as much wants t0 kn0w urs t0o..
but, i nv g0t updated.. n0 more..

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:49 AM

Friday, May 13, 2005

* *

during certain days 0f the week, certain m0ments 0f the m0nth...
pe0ple start p0ndering..
and mine's here t0day....
well maybe due t0 certain reas0ns tt sparks the th0ts.. the thinking cap's 0n..
0r whilst dealing with certain issue.. then one'd think again...

-drifting away-
i was reading YL's bl0g..then she say s0mething b0ut working and earning $$ like a c0w pr0ducing milk..w0ah!! i mean, why n0t?? l0tsa ppl are d0ing that.. yanfei is.. mel wants t0.. but cant find a j0b.. haha..
and, me?? well.. i wanna take up tuition again, c0z tt's real easy $$..
n0t exactly easy.. but, it's c0nsidered flexible and realli a g0od alternative then part-timing.. see what i mean??

and.. yeah.. the m0ney wise is a great luring trick!!
flashy $$.. w0ahhh!
mayb.. it's the time where im bec0ming materialistic.. 0r m i alreadi is??
whatever the case..
im saving up f0r Melb0urne with esther and shawn again, but in the meanwhile spending on luxury yet!!..
0hno.. where d0 i start??
h0w?? when?? ... what else?

first thing first.. MY CAR!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:39 PM

deedee's eyes are Pink, but i f0rgotten t0 make it turn green b4 taking the picture..aww... but, she's a limited edition 0k!! and she's MeL's..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:55 AM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

* n0-title *

hmm.. kn0w what..
s0metimes ppl just w0nt get c0ntented..
there's s0 much great stuff, g0od ppl - th0u usually it 0nly happens t0 br0ccollis..
br0cc0llis means Pretty lady/girls th0u.
it's a secret c0de bewteen me, James - the wh0le 0f spaggedies, MeL and cUiyI..
well, back t0 t0pic.. - c0ntented 0r not.
hmm.. i mean, under what circumstances, 0r in an0ther w0rds..
till what extend will 0ne be c0ntented??

c0z.. i 0ways wanna be happi, grateful and yeah, again.. contented..
but, why?? why i just w0nt??
i always take things f0r granted..
i 0ways th0t i will have certain things f0rever..
but till u l0se it.. yeah.. s0mewhat similar t0 the previ0us post, but no..
it's nt.. it's an0ther issue..
---------till n0w, i dun0e what im typing-------

n0netheless, i did realli l0tsa catch up with l0ads of ppl..
will update u 0n that!! =)

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:58 PM

it's me and deedee!! =) at Paragon's Spageddies!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:51 PM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

* sunshine after the rain *

I hate to admit tt i realli miss s0mething, 0r s0me1 0nly after l0sing it~
and the feelin to regret is realli terrible + h0rrible!!

w0uld u ch00se to regret l0sing s0meb0dy??
0r, w0uld u ch0ose t0 terribly misses s0meb0dy?
-Give it s0me th0t and let me kn0w in the chatb0x-

-g0ing d0wnstairs ; t0 be continued-

0k, im back..
went d0wnstairs f0r massage and facial with my mum!!
go0dness, i 0nly wanted massage.. and my mum wants me t0 do facial!!
my face s0 g0od liao.. nthing t0 clean l0r!! eeyer!!
In the end, I PAID!! for her t0o..
wah!! v clever h0r my mum.. duhs!!
tt's her present lia0.. my $97.50!!

fine.. n0w, my face is s0 0ily, c0z they applied the gel thingy..
later g0ing to wash it 0ff.. hahah..
d0nt like things 0n my face that's sticky de!!
but h0r, the massage n0t so g0od leh.. abit painful..
but the c0mplimentary massage tt c0mes with the facial is g0od!
s0 ir0nical right?!

yah, as i was sayin ab0ve b0ut the regret 0r l0sing s0mething/s0mebody part..
hais, this week.. i sh0uld say, was a n0t-s0-g0od week f0r me.. alth0u i realli had n0 financial pr0blems, c0z i am kinda free and easy with my spending p0wer..but, n0w only la!! s0on g0nna bankrupt again la.. =) just g0t my $160o pay.. but lo0k at the way im spending! =|

anyway, back t0 t0pic.. i met few 0f my realli cl0se friends f0r the first time in dun0e hw many wks 0r m0nths c0z since i started w0rking as temp c0ntract staff in SP, w0rk is s0 hectic tt i d0nt ever have time f0r my 0wn family!!
yah, well.. s0, that's the *relax and nice* part..
there's a few things which i realised i l0st, 0ver the time...
let it be fr0m work, 0r any 0ther reasons.. that's irreversible..
Gordon.. L0st him..

s0me of u might think tt..
"excuse me, u d0nt s0und as th0u he was ever y0urs.."
ok.. i kn0w what u all mean..
but, it's the feelin 0f having all ur ever want, attention and care...
till abs0ultely "ZER0"..
the sudden empty-ness is bey0nd w0rds..
cl0se ur eyes.. and u will feel the pain!

whatever.. im 0ff f0r dinner.. l0ts m0re t0 update.. the happy 0nes..
after dinner!!

jUst a drEaMy n sEntImeNtAL mEe"

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:30 PM