______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

* *

y0z ppl, im BACK!!
OMG.. it's been s0 long.. and guess what, when i m required t0 sign in and l0g on int0 bl0gger.. i paused a m0ment..
c0z.. i f0rgotten my username and passw0rd!!
haha.. ive been missing f0r so l0ng uh..
i h0pe i d0nt lose my readers after being MIA f0r a period 0f time =)
i dun0e where t0 start updating u guys..

well, basically.. ive been gaming nonst0p!!!!
here's the link..click here
s0, it's basically all my free time there.. in the game..

and yah, my life still rev0lves ar0und the few g0od friends!
met lishan, yanfei f0r meetings..
met yanping and marilyn f0r lunches..
met sherine t0 slack n r0t ar0und..

then back t0 the boring scho0l t0o..
it's 5th week already.. exam in an0ther 2-3wks m0re..
well, i cant say i wanna attain whatever..
but this time r0und.. the best sh0t is t0 be given!! =p
jiay0u me!!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:41 PM

Saturday, June 18, 2005

* LinJunJie!!! *

im V V V V disapp0inted!!
i dun kn0w why i'd feel this way th0ugh..
i scrimbled up0n JJ's friendster, g0t realli sh0cked, then decided t0 dr0p him a message.. which i f0rg0tten the c0ntent..
it's just n0rmal things that u'd say th0ugh.. then i went back t0 check this m0rning..
he's l0g on that night the message was sent t0 him.. but didnt n0t reply me!!
whereas the rest 0f the message i sent t0 0thers, i received the replies already!
aww!! im s0 s0 depressed!!

0k, im gr0wing my 'likings' f0r JJ.. i kn0w.. but i dunn0 why..
his music has g0t p0wer u kn0w!!

and.. usually when dasmond didnt reply my mails and message..
i'll n0t take it that hard..
n0w.. i feel s0mething different..
well.. maybe when tw0 sad things strucks at the same time..
u might n0t have enuf energy and time t0 react t0 it huh..
im SAD!!

JJ's th0ts day

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:54 AM

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

* 160605 *

1516hrs.. still in class..
t0tally drained 0ut.. didnt sleep al0t ytd..
v v sleepy yeah.. n0 concentratn at all..
0ther than e few m0dules in the m0rning..

hmm, met Justin and Lishan for lunch.. and that ger is f0rever late!!
in the end.. we finished 0ur lunch and she barely reaches..
but.. she b0ught me safety pin t0 secure the skirt which i am wearing..
damn l0ose..! dr0pping every single steps i take!!
thank y0u shanny shan!!

eehmm.. j0nathan wu is seating beside me staring int0 space and talkin t0 an0ther classmate.. g0odness!! 0kok.. at least better than me - BLOGGING!!

DT is always s0 energy taxing.. nv able t0 listen attentively.. aww!!

w0o.. i c0mpleted 0ne m0re game - Darkness 2.. it's damn creepy and a t0uch and anxiety and freaky!
SHERINE!!! g0 play it! =) hee..
Click HERE

uh uh.. need t0 s0lve it?? then tag me alright..? heehee.. =P

t0 be c0ntinued..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:13 PM

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

* re-cap *

The below entry may not be suitable for
i. people under 18,
ii. people above 18 but have a low tolerance level for foul language,

If you belong to any of the above categories, please click here and return another day for more family/friends oriented entries.


When your friend ends a relationship, what would you do?

a. Keep him/her occupied day and night to distract him/her from the trauma.
Not recommended if u r of different sexes, in case you’re accused of trying to hitch her

b. Drag him/her to a watering hole and order 10 Long Islands and 20 Tequila shots.
Not recommended. In case you ma bok earlier than him/her, he/she has to take care of you. And a hangover isnt the most desirable complement to the heartache he/she is going through.

c. Pin The Ex's picture on a dart board and pretend u r Legolas from Lord of the Rings.
Not Recommended. Scarly they patch back how?

d. Curse and swear at The Ex, telling your friend he/she is better off without The Ex.
Not Recommended. See above.


Okie, I haven understand e reas0n from The Ex, so u th0t it's not fair for me to jump to conclusions. But the side of the story I hav heard so far warrants this. Once again, WHAT THE FARK WERE YOU THINKING?!

Okie okie, maybe he had his own difficulties and sad side of the story, but WHAT THE FARK WAS HE THINKING?!
I definitely have a problem with people having difficulties making up their minds.

Fine if you cannot settle on a Monogram or Damier from LV. But when your decision involves another party, you had better think twice before popping the "can we go steady" question, cos you’re not the only person to get wounded. You get another innocent party hurt- the person whom you thought you will love for the rest of your life- maybe not the rest of your life, but at least a reasonable number of years...

In this case, The Ex had caused a massive amount of damage. At the moment, I cannot determine whether the destruction is reversible or irreversible... I cant help but say WHAT THE FARK WERE YOU THINKING?!

Ladies and gentlemen, puppy love is reserved for adolescents- for people barely out of puberty. Boy has a crush on Girl, Girl gets the butterflies-in-stomach feeling, Boy and Girl go part tor. Boy or/and Girl gets bored. Sigh.

Puppy Love is part and parcel of growing up, no?

At 20, I certainly demand a more mature approach to the ''can we go steady'' issue.

Some of my peers are married or pregnant..
Quite a few are still feverishly waiting for Cupid to strike.
There are those who are not keen (yet) to live with someone for the rest of their lives, so they are out of the dating game. (well, Me! Me! Me!)

Initially if u kn0w it's n0t f0r long, then d0nt ever think 0f c0mmitting..
Nonetheless, I still want to know

I'm not gonna spew cliche phrases to highlight the meaning of friendship, go through the kind of things you'd write in a primary school autograph book, or worse, shout 'Friendship Forever'.

Cos she knows there's always me.
Whether it's popping champagne, or shedding tears...
Whether it's accepting c0ffee invites, or cursing morons (oh, i excel at both!)...
she and sY are "Friends Forever!" (Shucks, I just did it..)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:58 PM

Monday, June 13, 2005

* drive me, drive me n0t *

number 0f u-turns - 4
number 0f r0undab0ut - 1.5
number 0f middle fingers sh0wed - 1
number 0f h0rns - 2
number 0f ridicul0us stares - 1
number 0f thumbs-up - 1
number 0f depressi0n felt - endless

busy sunday!!
but happy 0ne 0verall..
w0ke up at 1015hrs..
called yanfei.. d0uble c0nfirm plans..
slack ar0und, get ready t0 set 0ff ; ups and d0wns, queasy..
'bai bai' first, say my prayes..
1300hrs left h0me.. papa dr0ve me t0 bbdc.. b0ught P-Plate.. c0st me $10/=
aww! s0 ex!!
walked t0 feis h0use.. sweatingz.. FAR!! hahas.. a litt`..
pasted p-plate, adjusted seat, mirr0r.. deep breath... release handbrake, D gear, accelerat0r, steering wheel.. left turn.. 0ut of carpark!!

pick up shanny at westmall.. PIE.. ToaPayoh.. *giddy*
its realli tiring t0 drive.. energy taxing..
c0ncentratn 0verhaul.. =x
sm0oth ride, nice and accurate parking..
*d0nt smile yet*
--Meeting Time--

1700hrs, left t0apayoh.. heading t0wards t0wn.. l0st 0ur way..
u-turns, n0 directi0nal accuracy, stressful..!!
t0ok this r0undab0ut at newt0n circus..
turn and turn.. nv seems t0 get 0ut.. hahahas.. realli hysterical!
s0 feis says f0llow 67!! hahaha.. then it turns int0 J0hor!!
0h best..........!!
but luckily.. saw arr0w pointin` t0 Steven's rd.. left turn..
0RCHARD!!! 3 dwarfs clapping and screaming!! *0k, actually 0nly 1.. in the rear seat! =P*

multi-st0rey carpark.. SCRATCHED against the wall!!
paran0id... parked appr0x. 10times b4 getting the vehicle straight!!
--Dinner ; still paran0id--

2000hrs, send shanny t0 w0rk at Holland V..
to0k clementi way ; send feis and the car h0me..
seems like a l0ng j0urney.. sky turned dark already by then..

the sunday j0urney ended with a sudden inner inferi0r *n0t v seri0us la..! just slight*
w0rst is yanfei havin` t0 come up with st0ries t0 explain the adjusted mirr0r, the milleage metre, the fuel, the cashcard and the rather-0bvious scratches..

c0nclusi0n : papa say hack care the stares and h0rns, he'll still buy me a car! haha..

hyundai matrix day..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:04 AM

Friday, June 10, 2005

* sch0ol *

missed sch0ol f0r 2days.. deadmeat!!
0versleeping is a KILLER!!!!!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:20 PM

* friends ar0und me *

i just met up with quite a n0 0f friends recently..
and chatted with a few which i havent quite chatted with recently..
s0, this entry, suddenly.. made me wanna bl0g on my friends!!
im s0rry if i tend t0 miss 0ut a few.. maybe bc0z......

Pri sch0ol - Sherine
sherine's the 0nly one fr0m pri that i have been c0ntacting like ALWAYS till now.. and i realli has have enj0yed her c0mpany since the age 0f 1o.. we walked t0 the bussy t0gether.. hang 0ut t0gether, swim t0gether, sings ktv at her c0ndo t0gether, to0k ne0-prints t0gether, bring up the ph0ne bill t0gether th0ugh we already see each 0ther in sch0ol like 5days a week.. this is s0me1 that i kn0w is a friend called FRIEND!

sec sch - Yueling, jinhan, muxing, weilin, yijia and jingqian
u must be w0ndering why is william n0t included.. bc0z i started t0 realise.. i didnt t0k to him that much in sec.. 0nly when we g0t posted t0 the same p0ly then we started t0 hang 0ut more 0ften.. seriously, i d0nt know why..
YL - a sec4 friend till now.. and future.. =) she seems t0 have her 0wn wh0le in her mind.. carefree and hardw0rking.. nv afraid t0 piss ppl 0ff if u piss her.. v direct and straightf0rward pers0n.. making me luff and hip-cups like mad!!
Jinhan - my crush fr0m sec 1-3.. haha.. n0thing much on him.. a rebelli0us yet nice guy 0n the inside.. called him up s0 many times in sec1-2 days.. but 0nly g0t cl0ser when we were ab0ut t0 graduate, tt's in sec4.. well, we were in the same class then.. he went 0ut with my friend in the end.. ends.. hahaha..
muxing - n0thing 0n him.. a c0cky and crapper.. but sentimental..
weilin - my super cl0se friend during my sec3 days.. with0ut her.. im a l0ner.. c0z i wasnt cl0se with anyb0dy elses lia0.. th0u we seld0m contact now.. still.. 0nce in a while we will..
yijia - my sec 2 friend.. cant imagine in sec1 i was her enemy.. haha.. bc0z 0f she disliking me.. i was 0utcasted fr0m the wh0le class.. great influencial huh~ bahs..
suddenly i dunoe why.. we bc0me cl0ser in sec2.. all the way till we separated to diff sec3 class.. still in c0ntact.. 0nce in a blue m0on..
jingqian - the 1st girl wh0m talks t0 me in class.. 0n the very first day 0f sch0ol..
later 0n.. n0 more..
0ther like ha0y0ng, meilian, shimin, jeffery, ch0nglin..
s0unds more like aww!!

p0lytechnic - lishan, yanfei, v0n, t0ngxian, marcus, william, chris, seet0h zhiwei, kristie, twinkle, henry, dax, xiuyi, j0nathan wu.. the list is t0o l0ng t0 be handled!!
lishan - what else is needed t0 say here??
clever is her surname, hardw0rking is her middle name and l0ving is her last name.
yanfei - guys thinks she's fierce, hard t0 appease.. haha.. t0 us.. she's certain and firm 0n herself and her wants..
v0n - happily in l0ve..
t0ngxian - happily in l0ve..
marcus - im a DJ, and his my l0yal listener =)
william - well.. haha.. as ab0ve..[sec sch0ol sectn]
chris - needless t0 say.. everyb0dy kn0ws.. in fact.. all the list 0f ppl here kn0ws!
seetoh - w0ah.. he'll read my bl0g de.. hee =) my preseident wh0m is thinking 0f stepping d0wn already.. fat h0pe!! hahah..
kristie - seet0h's capable secretary!
twinkle - a friend i th0t was w0rth keeping.. she decides..
henry - s0me1 wh0m walked with me f0r a part 0f a while..
dax - my IAP savi0r!! a great listener and everyb0dy's best friend!
xiuyi - dax's princess!! s0me1 wh0m is gentle, l0vable and i like her..
j0nathan - i sh0uldnt deemed him t0 b v cl0se.. but.. he's quite nice s0metimes.. thanks f0r the ride h0me fr0m sch0ol when i begs!! haha..
*shanny, feis and v0n h0lds the maj0r secti0n here*
.... still a l0t a lot more i reck0n..

Danieland -yp, cuiyi and mar..
yp - sweetest in the universe.. en0ugh said!
cuiyi - i either sees her m0re, 0r yp m0re.. 23 l0oking like 15.. ev0nne xu and R&B's xia0qia0 l0okalike.. we share the same frequency.. yp said..
mar - she and yp shared the same mad fact0r frequency =P

0thers - James and dahua
James - a singing 0bessesor!!
we clicked t0 the max 0n music.. th0u he always bullys me!!
Dahua - xia0tung 0bessesor.. hahah..

like a family member - elaine
hee.. dunn0e what t0 say.. a family best bud!!
my elder sis.. th0ugh unofficial.. we are kn0wn as perfume freaks!!
we can c0nsider setting up a perfume sh0p.. hee.. =P

l0ng-winded meE t0day

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:27 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

* STILL me *

seriously i realli d0nt understand s0me mindset 0f 0thers..
maybe bc0z im n0t a psych0logy student huh..
but, ok.. im t0o, a girl.. i kn0w how it feels.. but h0w did this takes 0n to such a undesirable extreme??
h0w c0uld s0meone be s0 paran0id and t0tally trustless!!?
my g0d.. this is super brainless.. why n0t get urself a l0ck and l0ck wh0ever up?
yeah!! great idea!!!! hahahaha..

well.. maybe im bec0ming more mentally imbalanced all thanks and c0urtesy 0f u-know-who-u-are..
after all the mentally and em0tional crisis u br0ught me and 0thers, miracul0usly, im n0w very str0ng and adaptable t0 changes.. 0n the 0ther hand.. it's y0u im w0rrying b0ut.. hahaha..
beware!! like i said.. u are bringing t0 n0t 0nly me ur diagn0sis, but t0 th0se ar0und y0u.. u th0t u g0t what u want huh? u th0t by d0ing these u w0n? stand t0 gain?
maybe yes.. but have u realised the pain u endure in related with ur acti0ns?
it pained u?? it SHIOK me!!! i've started t0 realise...
it's GREAT to see u like that uh!!
what?? im psych0tic?? what t0 do? all thanks t0 u my dear!!
i dun0e.. i might reach u by ur ankle f0r a snap-0ff!!~
0r u think glueing the lips taste better??

w0o.. back t0 stable me..
it's tues.. n0 sch0ol..
g0in` 0utta with sherine f0r c0ffee?? m0vie?
i dun0e.. c0z apparently, she's SLEEPING!!
heehee.. pig la!
0k, let's see..
bl0g 0ut first.. be back t0night.. perhaps..

till the day arrives, i'll be with y0u..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:35 AM

Sunday, June 05, 2005

see!! what am i wearing?? hurhur.. =) my FIRST BLACK watch~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:14 AM

i love the bag, i l0ve the b0x and I LOVE THE WATCH!!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:14 AM

cl0se up!! =p *thank y0u!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:13 AM

* 040605 *

bl0gging's freqency have been decreasing and decreasing..
due t0 many many fact0rs.. lazy, n0thin t0 bl0g b0ut, tired.. em0tional..

but.. i had FUN t0day!
i seriously did.. alth0u there's a mixture 0f bein` bullied elements in it la!
c0untin` back.. it's been quite awhile since we last met.. uh huh..
just pure friends catchin up and lunching..
i mean, yah.. it was a mature thing.. n0 more kidish play..

and i g0t this real preci0us, sweet, pretty surprise..
0k, n0t realli A SURPRISE.. c0z i ch0se it..
but it's realli a gesture that i appreciate, thanks and felt v v t0uched b0ut..

"w0ah, u still using this watch ar?"
"yeahlor.. i wanted t0 buy but blah blah blah.."
"0k, then later we g0 buy watch 4u lor.."
"wait till my bday la.. haha"
"nvm, belated + advance present.."

and.. 我觉得。。这是一份很特别的礼物。。因为从小就只有爸爸会买手表给我。。
而,令我非常震撼的。。 是当时,大家心里是怎么想的? 他不会每一个朋友都买那么大的礼物吧~
简直是又惊又喜吧。。 沸腾的情绪波动。。

we are always bickering la..
but healthy la huh..

brIng the waTch t0 bed.. =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:04 AM