______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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September 2004
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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, July 25, 2005

* weeks by weeks *

it's a monday once again..
but this monday is not as bad..hmm.. yeah should say that..
let's see how the week passed..

studying for OPC and going for exam..

studying for PM and going for exam..

studying for WSS and going for exam..

studying for DT and going for exam..

declared holidays.. no more paper..

sent0sa, palawan beach(where mem0ries remained since 15th may 2o04)
but c0z it rained, we went t0wn to catch (bug me not)..
thanks yueling for the treat!!
darn, arent i br0ke!!

went bugis with my parents and later on, went f0r thomas c0mmissionary at SAFTI..
went dinner with shan and fei.. reached home at 11pm..
straight to dreamland..
thanks thomas for the treat.. darn!! again, arent i br0ke!!

i had t0nnes 0f great time during the weekend..
haha.. i'll post up the pictures s0on.. bc0z, pictures speaks a th0usand words =)

as f0r today...
i g0t back one paper..
PUrchasing Management..
and guess what!!!?? 85%!!!! hahaha..
i am mad.. i duno h0w i got it..
but if u ask me n0w the procedures and steps of purchasing,
im g0ing to be in t0tal daze i supp0se..
haha lol..

yeaps, and later.. there's LEo meetg at HV... arrrgh!! b0ring huh..
ok, but feis must be v stressed up now.. jiayou!!!!

m0re results t0 be reviewed

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:39 PM

Friday, July 22, 2005

* 1 week 0f hard w0rk *

finally, all papers d0wn..
im free.. f0r awhile bef0re i start siting d0wn t0 meet project deadlines!!

i am a kinda c0nfident f0r all the papers..
c0nfident 0f passing and just a little f0r sc0ring..
better be g0od..

the week just went past in a flash..
n0 acc0mplishments.. n0 nothing..
but afterall, finishing exams is a g0od thing f0r now..

s0 as a matter 0f factly, i went singing this aftern0on..
and i am totally disappointed with myself!!
where was my c0mposure? my v0ice? my c0ntrol..??!
i sing like a n0rmal, stupid newbie!!
i wasnt even t0uched by my 0wn v0ice, there's n0 feel..
i ejected every s0ng b4 it reaches the climax!!

this is h0w w0rst it was!!

now i am feeling so bad, s0 dem0ralised.. the superstar thingy 0n channel U did made s0me impact.. i expected m0re from my v0ice.. but the result turned a total flip!

but be s0me kind 0f h0rmones imbalance!!
i am going singing again s0on!!
and this time r0und.. i better s0und like s0mething!!

i think i did mention t0 a few 0f u all that i was thinking 0f taking singing less0n..
way b4 this superstar thingy.. and n0w, the urge is str0nger with the superstar thingy!!
it feels s0 g0od to s0und g0od.. (understand this language? lol..)

i tried getting ppl t0 comment f0r me.. but the maj0r pr0blem c0uldnt be s0lved with0ut a real guide!

James says "no feeling, energy used up quickly."
william says "t0o much mid-range v0ice, thr0at and n0se t0o freq-tly heard.."

whatever the case..
singing is..... just like writing and c0mposing, u need t0 have the 感觉~
j0urnalism and singing.. seems far n0w, than ever..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:55 PM

Sunday, July 17, 2005

* 4papers t0 go *

ytd went for shanny graduation dinner..
me, shan(of course) and feis went..
then yah... it was v v v fun 0nce again!!
and suddenly..
it came..

what if 3years down the r0ad..lishan graduated from NTU too, with stunning results..
with gl0rious rec0rds..
but the person t0 celebrate with her will n0 longer be the same again..
i cant foresee the 3 0f us.. i dunnoe why..
i feel that when everyb0dy started their 0wn life..
things changed..
but there b0und to be a few things that i wished t0 be kept the same..
and definately..
it's the friendship the 3 0f us shared..
8 years ago..
me and sherine went separate ways after graduating fr0m 0ur primary sch..
i seriously dunoe h0w we g0t back t0gether..
i think we bumped int0 each 0ther somewhere..
but definately there's a period 0f 3-4years that we l0st all means 0f contacts..
alth0u it was a happy ending f0r the b0th of us..
but when it c0mes to graduating again..
im paran0id..
i dunoe why i d0nt feel s0 much when graduating fr0m sec sch..
but i feel alot this time..
maybe c0z of the days.. maybe c0z the mem0ries, maybe c0z 0f the PEOPLE!!
and fei, shan.. aiyoh.. *s0bs!*

i dunoe what to say thou.. but i hope we'll not g0 0ut of 0ne an0ther's "circle"..
u all will be in mine, needless to say..
nice recap: the 3 0f us took individual pictures with...... OLIVER!!! =) whahah..

passe 0r not? not not!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:20 PM

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

so in the end.. we had a picture with the much-crazed-about-person-in-campus!!!! OLIVER~!!

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i cried t0o much la!! 23 distinctions.. not mine..hahahah..

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me, trying to suck her intelligence~ *sluurps!*

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introducing..*drumrolls* BAY LI SHAN!!

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me and shiyuan~ ;p i smiled t0o much.. and cried t00 much!!

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me, tianle and feis.. she's gorgeous right!! and shanny's mum says.. she became thinner.. s0 happy la h0r!.. hee.. =p

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me and tianle.. competing wh0se head is rounder..=)

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* graduation day *

this entry came a little late.. c0z it's 20hours gone though..
12-7-2005 i went to my classmates' graduation.
and i felt v v honoured to attend, coz some only invited their parents or siblings..
but Lishan INVITED ME!!!
of course, together with her parents and an0ther cl0se friend of hers..
she had to g0 down to SSIC to tell them, that she'd want to increase her guest list..
as each is only allowed tw0 guests thou..
so u see the trouble she to0k..
well.. im v v fortunate i guess.. to be able to attend their graduation..
i dunnoe what else t0 say.. HAPPY, HONOURED, DELIGHTED!! alot alot..
which friend will invite u to her grad la.. well, SHE DID!!
anyway, it's not an ordinary seat and invitation that im offered..
it's a GOLD MEDALIST WITH 23 DISTICTIONS, 4 As, Gold CCA award, sembLog, caterpillar logistics, blah blah blah award prize winner..the list is just to0 long..

and ok, i was late.. (bcoz it rained.. really..)
and when i walked into the convention centre.. i saw the seat that i was ushered..
and i felt like the president MR. NATHAN!! front seat man!!!
haahahahaha...omg!! so wo0o0oho0o..
and we were even led into a VIP REFRESHEMENT room!! whereas the rest just have it outside.. I CANT PEN DOWN THE FEELING INTO WORDS..
i can see the contentment from lishan's parents' glori0us faces..
if my parents were to see me in lishan's shoes....... (continue to dream, im not stopping you..)

but the thot of not seeing myself graduating with them gushes into me and i felt a little sad..but not too bad.. i can handle it thou =)
s0, shan.. no worries bout the lecturers' QNA.. =) haha, small peas t0 me..

next yr, i shall invite shanny and feis.. but.. i cant bring u all int0 the VIP refreshments room nor the graduation dinner that's only for the GOLD awards winners..
haha.. at most, my treat to... sakae?? swensens?? heehee.. lol.. =p
oh yah, talking bout dinner..lishan invited me to the graduation dinner too!!
aiyoh.. not i wanna say.. GOLD MEDALIST de gradution dinner =) hee.. all wooo00 pe0ple..
let's see if i can get a GOLD in CCA.. but hahahah.. (dreaming continued..)
i have lotsa thots t0 bl0g it d0wn, but flashes of ytd's events are vivid.. but the feelings are vague already..
i just felt really loved, touched, proud of Lishan!!! hahah.. - go0sebumps..
and im have to say that, among all the lousy things that befall on me, the lousy things that i encountered, im still fortunate to have them with me..
Shan, FEis, sherine, v0n, yueling, mel and cuiyi with me..

enought said.. pictures on the way..
13th July 05

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

* stable ahead *

w0rk had swall0wed up all my time...
and i realli wanna stop it.. c0z im not enjoying the w0rk..
c0ntradicting why im still staying..
i pr0mise to w0rks f0r 2weeks..
so i guess, i have t0..
whatever lor..
just w0rk and see h0w..
exams are c0ming in an0ther 2weeks time..
uptight busy schedule.. arrgh!

fair me

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:14 PM

Saturday, July 02, 2005

* clueless; emptied *

in one's life, what's the first thing u wanna achieve..
say for urself.. 0r for ur l0ved one.. 0r even t0 show it.. f0r the seek 0f it.. t0 th0se ar0und u?
i d0nt know h0w fake i am.. seriously..
i believe.. in 0ne way 0r an0ther..
we are FAKE!
denial defied..
raise ur hands if u think that u're 10o% real?

was on msn with BiYong..
he's realli 1 nice fren t0 have..
nv failed t0 sms 0r msn t0 ask bout one's well-being..
but anyway..
we talked.. and of coz.. went int0 talking bout the busy schedule 0f Chanel after being in Project Superstar..
well.. then i remembered there was this filmstrip that showed Chanel in an Mercedes SLK.. so i asked..
then he said it's his cousin's..
explained things and stuffs..
later on.. i was green with envy *dotz dotz*..
the next second, very modestly..he c0mmented that he could easily b0rrow it f0r me t0 drive..
OH PLEASE!!!! MERCEDES SLK CONVERTIBLE!! h0w many digits? lend me y0ur fingers man!!

ok.. i was thrilled.. i was.. seriously.. and tempted, high, overjoyed and imagined myself spinning..
drifting(opps! no no..not AE86~)..
i felt like a princess.. travelling thru and with the wind in AN CONVERTIBLE(i know it's not a vowel, but I WANNA EMPHASIZE!)
i felt like im in the centre of attention..all eyes 0n me(or maybe the car)..

the conclusion.. nah.. im phobia-tic and paran0id..
over matrix's incident..
im g0nna just drive my own's..
n0t SLK thou.. but still 4 WHEELS~
s0on.. TO BE CONTINUED.. =)

byebye SLK

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