______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Sunday, August 28, 2005

* zer0-pr0gress day! *

0ther than doin` this editing stuffs here and there..
i've n0t been d0ing anything the wh0le day.. t0tal slacker since i last t0uched my n0tes on fri.. and i felt rather pleased that i AT LEAST studied 1 and 1/2 chapter.. well thats' s0me pr0gress huh..
now i am on the f0ne with ernest, calling t0 craps with me.. bleahs..
then he said i s0unded s0 liveless and fierce.. what's with me all these days man!
even zeffy c0mplained t0 yueling` i am fierce (zeffy's my tuition kid..) c0z yueling tut0r zara; wh0 is zeffy's sis.. well, i g0t this j0b bc0z of YL to0.. c0z the mum ask her t0 rec0mmend a tut0r.. then YL asked if i am interested.. all and all.. in the end, the mum decided that she wanted s0me1 fierce and didnt th0t i c0uld handle zeffy.. but.. i did.. all i h0pe there's s0me impr0vments in his grades =x

ok, back to bl0gging topic!! lol.. so starting fr0m tom0rrow, i am g0in` t0 study until i faint!! faint inside the library.. with a cup 0f bubble-tea in my hands!! whaha.. =D study study study is the GOAL of the week.. hee..
th0ugh i prefer to study in the r0om.. let's say there's n0 room.. then i shall d0 it at the cafe lo..

i did mention this t0 shanny b4 that i am addicted t0 studyin n0w.. must be the effect 0f graduating s0on.. the l0st-ness and the c0nfusi0n.. which led me t0 the only clear path - d0 well in exams!
0ne must be resp0nsible f0r the deeds that they do.. and the things which they are supp0sed to, but didnt do.. and it applies t0 the duties 0f being a student and a project team-mate 0f others!!
i d0nt wish t0 menti0n names, but if u happen t0 stumbled up0n this URL and saw my newly set-up lay0ut.. wake up and d0 something responsible f0r our assignments!!

t0 shanny : as i menti0ned earlier t0 u, i n0w could already understand ur stand when u were carrying the burden f0r us when we were y0ur project mates!! * ap0logetic, s0orriie =x * hee..

i guess i had been l0sing quite a n0. of readers bc0z of my n0n-consistency 0n bl0gging..
but a newly designed skin will definately b0ost myself up!! as the previ0us black 0ne only made me wanna d0zz off.. =O
hee.. ok0k, tag me 0ften then..

n0 more ins0mnia again PLEASE!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:19 PM

* new lo0k! *

w0ah! finally after s0 long.. and i am tired!!!!
all the way since 945pm - 1130pm yueling had been helping me with the ph0tos and placements..
then after she went h0me.. i c0ntinued until N0W!!!!
arrgh.. and i am still n0t feeling tired.. i guess i am serious this time!!
is0mnia!! whatever h0w u spell it.. check the spelling tom0rrow~
but just didnt feel like slping a tiinnnny weeny bit th0ugh..
but nonetheless, after the eff0rt to create this new skin.. i sh0uld realli pampered my eyes and sh0ulders.. which is aching already!! =x

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:17 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005

This is going to be a wh0le stretch 0f phot0s.. beaches, sent0sa and japanese exchange students.. enj0y!! =p (Btw, that's me at Palawan beach, sheltering from the rain~)

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me and yueling at PALAWAN BEACH- where mem0ries stayed.. forever..

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Me and Fuyumi!! =) *i like her*.. read on.. to see why.. haha.. though not going to be specific.. ( this and the pic below are taken at sent0sa..)

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we at 0ne-0f-the-many-places-of-interest in sent0sa.. haha..

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This is one picture that i am so proud to show it on bl0g!! d0nt u not think that it's super nicey done? with great lightings and brightness? YET!! it's not PHOTOSHOP-ed!! not edited at all!! w0ah!! =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:29 PM

the pictures below are all taken on the last day of their trip, 10th August, 11pm at Changi Airport Terminal2 departure hall.. although filled with reluctantness and em0 wreaks.. phot0s are up still!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:24 PM

me and masato again..the only guy in the gr0up.. very nice guy.. yet f0rever smacking me whenever he sees me.. hit my head with his hands.. and he always got bullied by the girls in the group!! girls power!! heehee.. =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:23 PM

my fav girl in the gr0up!! Fuyumi~ d0nt u just like her?!? sweet, nice, we clique quite abit.. she's always teaching me Japanese to wreak this guy in the grp.. l0tsa jokes whenever u talk to her.. interesting!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:20 PM

The leader of the Japanese exchange student, Hiromi.. very and the most proficient in english.. the translat0r with in the bunch~ awww~!!

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blurry!! didnt realise it 0n the spot~ arrgh!! me and Chie!! she's so nice, friendly and em0tional.. like me!! =p

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me and Yuki.. picture was taken to0, at the airport.. maybe it's why all went mad with facial expressions.. =o

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me and Ayako.. seriously.. she's forever giving me these faces.. lol.. dunoe how to get her to take a NORMAL pic with me~ =p

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Ok..this is off-track.. haha. just wanna show u ppl my newly cut-ed hair for this year's new year.. initially~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:15 PM

Monday, August 01, 2005

* likes.. *

icelemontea goodhairday bracelet heartshapedpendant diamond necklace rings manicure pedicure nokia7610 guesswatch mymel0dy retractablemouse piggys0fttoy danielchan cds nicesongs JJ hongjunyang perlini tiffanynco LV burberrys watchingtv fm933 dasmondkoh laptop lishan yanfei melodyee cuiyi marilyn yueling sherine pointnclickgames www.shiyun22j0ll.blogspot.com nemofishes perfumes cliniquehappymen cliniquehappyhearts dknyapple bodyshop chanel esteelauder cliniquehighimpact mascara citigem fionaxie chrishuangchienjun tissue sunglasses bells tigger polaroid smiles sand money smellofrain clouds aircon expensivelunchesanddinners dahua'saccompany projectshopbloodbrothers london cleomagazine muji sanrio popular cdrama dreaming thinkingofyou lovingsomebody havingsomebody beingloved pampered feelin`touched windydays sunnytanningdays niceskirts comfyshoes stylishme mp3 creative slimmerme niceadidasjackets morethingsinthewardrobe makeups blushers eyeliners diormediormenot tcc essentialbrew mochavilla grilledtofusteak vanillamilkshake KL gentingwithclique coldweather swimmingpool nicepensandpencils postitnotes levijeans denimskirts handphone internet msn yanfeng secondarysch uniform painlessheels nicebags whiteleatherclutches shoulderbowlingbag r0xy stussy myyh0use pretz calbeepotatochips sunyanzi jurongpt bubbletea ngeeann'slibrary sms sleeping lecturebymrwee examsspoton japan sentosapalawanbeach driving longjohncoleslaw kfcwhippedpotato nopplate toyatorav4 hondacrv mercedesclk auditt shoppingwithendlessflowof$$..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:22 PM