______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
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September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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February 2006
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August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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July 2010
February 2012


-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Thursday, September 29, 2005

* my 4th day at w0rk.. *

ah haa!! timecheck.. 12n0on..
u ppl must be thinking, wah!! so free arh, n0 need d0 work?
hee, have to.. but i finished!! plus, my b0ss is having her meeting..
and she trusted me t0 c0mplete it myself and fax it over t0 the cust0mers!!!
i couldnt believe it!!

Purchase Order, delivery note, packing list and cartonization procedures..
0kok, all l0gistics stuffs.. i did it and fax it 0ver to the customer at Malaysia le..
haha.. s0 fun!!! but v scary.. c0z her colleagues t0ld me to be careful when they 0verheard my b0ss told me t0 do it c0z she's rushing for meeting..
omg omg!!
they didnt trust me =(..
but n0 choice, c0z it's only my FOURTH DAY!!
i will be uploading the pics and ph0t0s i to0k these few days..hee =)
so u all shall stay here and see see lo0k l0ok k.. =P

later i am taking half day leave, c0z ive got stuffs to attend t0..
and then, meetg kh f0r KFC!! LOL..
orh, we are g0ing to watch "wail till u are older".. the andy lau show!!
haha, ratings when i am back =)

timecheck : 1213pm..
45mins m0re..

bye f0r now, and pics t0night!

the tap is running endless..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:04 PM

Friday, September 23, 2005

* 3m0re days!! *

oh well well.. an0ther day g0ne in a flash..
w0ke up, saw a unreplied sms fr0m khianhuat;

"s0rry ar, t0day cant.."
"nvm nvm, i said if u are free, if n0t it's fine =P"
"but i can meet u f0r breakfast.. bleahx"
"breakfast? but i am g0ing tuitioning zeth n0w"
several smses exchanges..
"s0 breakfast later?"
"orh ok, i'd finish at 1030am.."

by then, i was already halfway through my j0urney t0 tuition zeth..
zeffy is always sensitive about my timing, if i am early.. he'll figet..

"oh man!! i haben finish my carto0n.."
"oh boy! i havent taken my breakfast.."
i replied.

stumped his fo0t and went upstairs..
haha.. *vict0ry, i w0n!*

up0n arrival in his r0om, he'd d0 a timecheck and says,

"alright.. u came early..s0 we'll end early t0o?"
"that depends 0n h0w well u d0 y0ur work.."
"d0es it mean i can g0 when i am done.."
"-i ign0red him-"

because he's always h0ping that i release him early and make him d0 lesser chinese assessment..
suddenly, i recalled he 0nce said..

"yueling is better, she d0esnt make me write s0 much, and she let me g0 early.."
"i know u liked her better.."
"but u always make me stay m0re than an h0ur!"
"it's bc0z u didnt finished the assigned w0rk.."
"-he ign0red and mumbled t0 himself-"
"d0nt give me y0ur attitude!!"
"-c0ntinued mumbling-"

and by this time, i was fuming!! and i could think n0 further..
thus, i played with rusty!! their d0g.. lol..
zeffy just carried 0n mumbling.. !#$%^&*^%$#

i know he hates me.. hais.. what t0 do?!!

this time r0und, bc0z of tw0 fact0rs,
1) i met khianhuat 1045am at mall..
2) i didnt want zeth t0 mumble further.. haha.. =x
i let him g0 a lil earlier than usual, but still m0re than the pre-decided 60mins/less0n.. he went 0ff at 1040am..
he was 0verj0yed!!.. kids.. my go0dnesssss...

then AGAIN, breakfast on khianhuat.. c0z he said.. he w0n m0ney last night.. s0 there shouldnt be a reas0n why he cant treat me f0r breakfast..!!
.. he always wins..

i met ha0yong at 麦当当.. he's studying f0r his exams.. i decided t0 smack him.. and i did.. haha.. but was disapp0inted that he didnt even came 0ver to say hello!!
ha0yong!! listen up!! u better d0 something t0 amend this!!
then when we finished breakfast, and about t0 leave.. ha0yong was stuck in the gents..
but bc0z khianhuat g0tta to leave mall by 1130am, i didnt wanna waste time.. and left.. sadly, with0ut bidding go0dbye!!!! i regretted!!

s0, we went int0 popular t0 get zara new assessments t0 do..
khianhuat was the 0ne whom gets s0 enthu t0 find it f0r me, whereas i st0od r0oted t0 the gr0und.. daydreaming!! haha.. lol..
we paid at the cashier.. walked a lil m0re, and left in separated ways..
he went 0n to meet his friends while i returned h0me.. =p

it was sleeping all the way till 6pm until i realised i was late f0r zara's tuition less0n!!!
then i decide t0 take a cab d0wn, but n0 cabs were insight!!
in the end.. i was late f0r 10mins..
haha.. s0, in the end tuition ended at 8pm, again.. 0ver 60mins/less0n..
but zara didnt c0mplain, hers was silent pr0test!!! w0rst right??!!
she wasnt attentive and she just said "i dun0e h0w to do this.." with0ut trying..
then i decided, it's time t0 go!!...

i packed my bag.. and left.. feeling all w0rn out~
came h0me.. realised that i am starting a new chapter 0f life 0n monday, a w0rking girl/lady/w0man/WHATEVER!!.. but still..
l0t 0f things left unc0mplete..
quarterly rep0rts and 3rd BOD minutes..
i need a new life!! a new start..
but while i change, while i m0ve on, while i gr0w up..
i wanna bring all 0f u with me..
t0 m0ve 0n int0 a different chapter..

shanny, feis, sherz, mel, cy, yl.. and recently, khianz and ha0yong!! hee.. =)

Adecco called again t0day..
"hi, this is Ann from adecco.. i understand that u are starting w0rk f0r Richmonde, but i currently have a p0sition with Panas0nic at Tuas as a Logitsics Asst. w0uld u be interested?"

within 0ne sec0nd..

"0mg!! definately!!"
"haha.. u are very cute.."
"!!! huh?"
"y0u resp0nded very quickly"
"LOgistics Asst s0unds amazing!! i want it!!"
"ok, i will send your resume t0 my client and arrange an interview.."
"thank y0u!!"
"byebye, have a nice day.."

f0otnote: s0metimes.. even a c0nsultant will say things bey0nd their pr0fessionalism..

i turn 0n the watertap f0r m0ney..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:19 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2005

* m0ney m0ney!! *

突然又有了想 bl0g 的冲动..
为了让你知道, 也让我能将一切牢记..

this wh0le week was tuitioning week..
haha.. c0z i had finally declared graduated!!
therefore, n0 work on hand, n0 exams t0 study for.. n0thing!!
s0, all i did wh0le day was sleep, eat, tuition zara and zeth!!
well 0f coz n0t forgetting answering calls fr0m Adecco~
they practically called everyday t0 hand me temp assignments, ranging from admin staff t0 cust0mer service personnel..
but finally, after much c0nsiderations and interviews, eliminati0ns..
blah blah blah..
i g0t a Logistics dept's Administrative personnel job..
sounds b0ring i know.. but as l0ng as i th0ught i c0uld learn s0mething, see s0mething familiar and related t0 Logistics field and t0 also let my resume lo0ks 'pr0fessional' i decided t0 give this a g0!! =p haha..
it's at $7/h0ur, s0me th0ught it was 0k, whereas s0me says it's minimal..
i am c0nfused by u all.. lol.. but i am fine la.. i like it!! that's it.. haha..

well, enuf 0f j0b thingy.. but w0rk will c0mmerence 0n the 26th, Monday.
Wish me luck!

Yesterday, i went shopping with khianhuat..
0k, if u wanted t0 know the full scaled itinery, as f0llows;
930am - 1030am : tuition zeth
1045am : supp0se to meet khian huat, but he's STILL asleep ;P
1130am : met Emily (Adecco- Raffles) for interview
1200pm : Finally met up with Khian huat at Raffles.
1300pm : Reached Orchard to meet an0ther Adecco consultant
1400pm : Eventually done with all interviews!!
1405pm : went Lido and get tickets for The Brother Grimm
1600pm : went shopping ar0und fareast, heeren, parag0n...
1930pm : Dinner
2030pm : to0k train h0me..
2130pm : h0me sweet h0me!! =p haha..

al0ng the way during sh0pping.. khian huat was very attentive and go0d sh0pping 'ka ki'.. n0t like the usual guys, standing 0utside the damn sh0p lo0king irritated and impatient, he was a t0tal opposite..
but 0ne thing!!! he's super lame.. al0t of c0ld j0kes, well.. n0t funny, came 0ut, thus making me didnt kn0w h0w to react.. *LAME*
n0netheless 0ne thing t0 mention.. he was a gentleman.. seri0usly.. a BIG gentleman!!
but.. please d0nt rush t0 tab the bill each time we reaches the cashier c0unter..!!
even my belt, necklaces, rings and bracelets y0u also wanna pay!!!! *Arggh!*
next time if it became my habit then i see h0w u'd burn y0ur pocket! lol..
thanks for the m0vie, macd0nalds and what else huh??
yah.. =P
in the end, i treated him 0ver dinner as an expression 0f graditude lo.. luckily i whipped 0ut my card quick en0ugh!! damn!! arent i lucky? *haha..* Fighting 0ver paying the bill is fun s0mehow!! but tedi0us!! hoh0..

in the end i spent ar0und $50 after d0ing so much things!!
merely paid f0r dinner and my big big belt.. bleahs!!

haha.. that's n0t all..
had planned an0ther crazy sh0pping spree with SHERINE this aftern0on..
well, up0n hearing 'sherine'.. things arent g0ing to be simple!! haha..
firstly, driving directi0ns guide!!!
h0w t0 get to Bugis fr0m Jurong?!
in the end my daddy drew me a map!! haha.. with detailed turnings and r0adsigns..
voila!! reached bugis with N0 SWEAT!! =P
then the madness sh0pping marath0n begins..
cl0thes, skirts, pants, sh0es, jackets, bags, shades, f0od, mel0dy stuffs, n0tebo0ks.. u name it, WE 'T0UCHED' IT!! haha lol..
skip the details, minus the time we laugh and j0ke and crap ar0und..
0ur legs alm0st c0uldnt take us back t0 the car.. and we needed t0 crawl!! haha..
and me especially, my sh0ulders went w0bbily!! (wr0ng adjective, but wh0 cares?..)
haha.. c0z i was carrying all the sh0pping bags 0n my shoulder instead!!
(h0w? just stuffs all the plastic bags int0 my big barang barang bag lorr!!)

but that's not the end 0f my day..
my busy, crazy, tiring and hectic sh0pping day ended 0nly after an0ther tuiti0n less0n with zara!! haha..
and she saw me dressing up, with a big *and 0bviously - bulging!!* bag..
she said, 'it seemed like u realli went f0r something big!' lol..
yes!! big spree!!

then, me and sherine concluded that..
We are OLD already!! haha..
0nly 5h0urs 0f 血拼 and we surrended with us saying..
"可以不要 shop 了吗? tired lia0.. 哈哈哈。。"

fo0ter note - No more sh0pping f0r the next 2 weeks!! lol..
spent $50 + $80 liao.. *br0ke!!*

n0 m0ney le.. haha..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:55 PM

Saturday, September 17, 2005

* AnYthinG UndEr E ShAn SectioN *

First of all, I must clarify to the reader that the writer for this blog is me LiShan .. haha .. Not Shi Yun .. Anyway it will be quite obvious while you carry on readin it, seein all the funNY Grammer & SentencE StrucTurE Mistake .. hmmm .. Y am i ending up blogging?? I was complaining to shi yun 1 day that maintaining a blog is very tedious, thus having a blog of my own is such a 麻烦的负担 。。

*Crackin mY Brain on What to bloG* .. S mY focus is on my big toe at the left foot. Hurt my toe badly during work few weeks ago. I don't know should i be happy or sad as seems like the WhoLE NaiL is in the mid of dropping off .. Drop off, the wound will heal faster buT my foot will be so ugly with 1 nail missinG .. I guess it gonna take very long for the nail to grow back ..

First time blog, dun wanna blog too long, I scared might bored the reader .. K tt's abt it .. heEz

The Perfection of the iMPerFections

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:46 AM

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

* buddy muddy puddy!! *

w0osh!! hectic week f0r me..
every senester is the same, whenever exams period hits!!
i'll g0 crazy, and a few pe0ple will g0 busy with me!!
*alth0u they d0nt have exams.. =x*
well.. my appreciati0n and l0tsa thanks t0 the f0llowing pe0ple, either f0r staying up late with me, c0aching me.. enc0uraging me.. pestering me t0 study.. haha..

First on the list :
- my tut0r, the sch0lar, my best bud!
y0u're f0rever s0 willing t0 teach and n0t afraid that ppl g0 pass u.. haha, c0z u kn0w the day w0nt come =) ever s0 helpful and enc0uraging!
shanny, 谢谢你!真的。。是你,让我能够毕业!是你,让我感觉 A 的滋味~ 是你,都是你~ =)
0ther than alot alot and t0nnes 0f thank y0usss.. i dun0e how else t0 express the graditude lia0..
u br0ught me ch0colates when i say i was sleepy..
u buy me bubbletea when we were studying..
u w0ke up at 6am and came to sch0ol t0 c0ach me just bc0z i suddenly
d0nt remember the s0lutions!..
u stayed up till 1am and left ur hp by y0ur bed t0 make sure u hear it rings if i have any d0ubts..
u make sure i understand bef0re u leave t0 meet ur bf...
u... h0w could i ever n0t have y0u?!!

Khian Huat
alth0u it was a sudden 'b0om' that we are c0ntactin` each 0ther frequently n0wadays..
but.. it was realli sweeet 0f u..
hee.. =p the acti0ns, ur enc0uragements..
and y0ur f0rever..'i am sleepin` lia0..' messages c0ming in and making me jeal0us.. haha..
n0netheless, still, i want t0 谢谢 y0u *heehee..*..
n0t f0rgettin t0 mention especially the night where u h0ld on to the ph0ne with me fr0m 11pm till 4am in the m0rning while i was f0rcing all the the0ries int0 my head.. using y0ur HANDPHONE!! then at 4am, i c0uldnt take it and needed t0 rest..
but u didnt went t0 sleep and instead, gave me m0rning call an h0ur later at 5am..
*c0z i wanted t0 wake up t0 c0ntinue studying..*
then u went t0 sleep at 510am..
man!! isnt that tiring!!
arrgh!! 真的。。很感动, very very..
**i am writin my bl0g now.. finished my exam, but he's still n0t up yet!! lol**

erm.. i think n0 more third 1 t0 thank..
haha.. but i wanna thank th0se whom listened t0 my n0nsense when i was d0wn with exam-peri0d disease!!
my freaking n0nsense and nuisance smses..
she g0t my calls and i kept wanting her t0 tell me 天国的阶梯's st0ry!! c0z i c0uldnt wait!! hoh0.. and whenever i call her, she'll tell me m0re on the paper that i am g0ing to take.. t0 calm me.. haha.. th0u i got m0re queasy!! =p
i called her 0ne night and started p0uring all my 委屈 t0 her..!! she is simply a pie!! sweet 0ne!! =p
th0u we all had 0ur m0ments.. angry and happy 0nes, but we never failed t0 share it with 0ne an0ther..that's quite s0mething i sh0uld say!! what is busy schedule? we still sees each 0ther rather cl0sely!
man! isnt i pr0ud!! =)

2 m0re papers t0 go!! please please bear with me awhile m0re
=) heh heh..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:43 PM

Monday, September 12, 2005

* what?? and u are? *

i've got t0tally no idea what i had been d0ing this wh0le day..
dreaming 0n.. studying.. talking.. eating snickers bar.. accepting f0necalls..
well, and n0w.. bl0gging!
h0w darn!! exam is in an0ther less than 24hrs time!!
studied 0nly ONE pathetic chapter the wh0le 4hrs i spent quietly in the library..
with n0body disturbing me!!! 0nly i myself disturbing myself..
what c0uld this be? i am supp0se to be c0ncentrating and d0ing DT revisi0n!!

i've t0tally n0 idea, n0 idea.. n0o0o idea!!!!
s0 MUCH the0ries!! i hate the0ries~!! n i hate it 0kie!!

st0p bugging me!!! i want this t0 end quick!!
n0 more the0ries f0r me~!
arrgh! now i am further more c0nvinced that i wanna break thru, quit my th0ts 0n persueing my degrees straight after this but instead.. step 0ut, get a breather.. a t0tally different kind 0f w0rld.. a t0tally different kind 0f "stress"(well, w0rk have stress t0o) and break free!! lol..
i guess this might be the only way f0r me t0 grow up fr0m a daddy's girl.. a mummy's pet..
0nce i get stable inc0me myself.. daddy might not set me curfews anymore~
please, n0 more curfews. no m0re exams.. n0 more this.. n0 more that.....

hais, just en0ugh 0f nonsense..
was suddenly had a serious urge 0f writing..
s0 b0rrowed a laptop t0 bl0g!!
haha... h0w c0mical~
well well..
back t0 THE0RIES!! *damn it!*

0orhh, wh0 are u lo0kin` f0r?

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:00 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

* 空无一人,这片沙滩。。 *

有点 blue~ 有点 blue.. 好寂寞..
不是因为 Kelly 在 绝对Superstar 唱过。。 而是。。
在一个天气凉凉,空气清新 的星期天。。

是打算念书啦。。可是啊。。 Adam Scott 吸引了我~
也等于一整个下午 无所事事, 毫无进展。。

昨天去了 LeoClub 的 fellowship
笑到肚子痛!太金殿了~ 从六点说着,闹着,吃着。。 到十点半!
Uncle Chong 打给我啊~ 他说 机票要 六百元呢!
死定死定了~!! 完蛋!
好贵啊!! 哈哈。。我疯了~

还是叫爸爸先还吧~ 我只存了四百也~
完了~ 完了~
excuse me? 大家,有没有 sp0ns0rs 啊?

ha0yong 叫我赶快去读书~
而我还在 blog.. eeek!!! 搞什么啊!!
洗澡去了~ 洗香香再去读吧!

P/S: 是 ha0yong 帮我搞定这中文html, 谢了哦~


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:13 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005

* 有点 blue 有点 blue~ 蓝蓝的~ *

空无一人 这片沙滩~
0kok.. i am sure it's g0nna turn 0ut like crazy writings again..
haven s0lve the chinese s0ftware html yet..
bein' lazy.. tutu~

anyway.. sch's w0o!! to w0o.. t0 woo
fr0m excited.. t0 neutral, t0 b0red, t0 sian, t0 dead!
but why?

0k ppl cl0se to me.. ppl wh0m talks t0 me these few days will kn0w!!
i g0t th0usands 0f ppl kn0cking and c0min` int0 my r0om..
f0r g0d's sake!!
and all i did was t0 sit d0wn there, al0ne.. studying by myself..
is that c0nsidered a crime? s0methin` wr0ng with that?
*yay yay.. i am c0ol.. n0 worries..*
all there g0es my tut0rials n n0tes AND TIPS!!
u t0ok it.. zapped it.. happily.. and perhaps will sc0re well.. and me?
well.. great w0rk people!!
i am t0tally 0ver all affected by it..

0k..*heavy l0aded stuffs d0wn..*
let's talk b0ut happi things..
0k, well.. there isnt any.. *shucks!*
but i d0 consider seeing shanny as 0ne great nicey thing..
and e lunch with kh with nicey t0o..
and n0t forgettin` the funny zeth (my tuiti0n kid) he c0mpleted his maths and english!! *yay! finally*
0k, 3 happi things in a straight 24hrs day..
and it lasted f0r a mere 3hrs maybe?
lemme see.. shanny came f0r 30mins.. tuition was 60mins.. lunch was 1 plus hr..
3/24 = 1/8.. a fraction 0f 8 was spent smiling~ *urrgh!!*
t0o lil!!! g0tta w0rk 0n it!!

well.. let's see the pr0gess f0r today..
3chapters 0f DT and 50% calculations f0r 0PC..
meaning ive g0t WSS calculations and Purchasing the0ries t0 go..
but n0netheless, i have t0 gib my BEST SHOT this time r0und, MY final show!

byebye biy0ng.. he's g0ne t0 lond0n..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:58 PM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

* twinkle twinkle lil star my f0ot *

haha.. 0k, it's a weird header.. f0r no reas0ns.. i went blank when the blinking curs0r stopped at the header space.. i was l0st..

it's been quite awhile since i bl0g.. where's my drive i asked.. nv seemed t0 get an answer.. when the drive is there, i face my lappy f0r 4hrs d0ing up the webby.. but couldnt even spend 15 mins bl0gging.. what g0t int0 me?

the last bl0gged day was tUNg's bday.. meaning a straight 5days 0f absence..
i'd say that it had been an exciting week f0r me!!

let's start from m0nday.. (0k, 0ther than m0nday was b0ring..)
i was back in sch0ol t0 study and study.. is there drive? i f0rgot..
maybe there isnt.. but talking b0ut studies.. i g0t to thank Lishan AGAIN *yes, again* f0r not kicking up a fuss t0 c0me and c0ach me 0n the topics that i cant d0..
thank you girl~

tuesday i went back t0 sch as usual t0 study.. alone.. ever since they graduated.. i learnt and gr0w to bec0me a l0ner.. haha, yet independent and c0nfident!!!
usually, if u want me t0 do things al0ne, i'd rather sleep in~ haha..
but it's different!! i w0ke up early, went t0 tut0r zeth, then t0 sch straight..
c0z i bo0k a r0om in advance.. i sashayed int0 the ro0m *haha* and t0ok out my n0tes..
then 1 by 1.. friends came in & 0ut.. bumping 0nt0 me c0incidentally..
1st was khian huat.. then yanfeng, and Justin scared me c0z he came in secretly! lol..
then as the time begins t0 drag 0n.. i l0st the c0ncentrati0n..
i began smsing.. t0 khian huat first.. and voila, he wasnt c0ncentrating t0o!!
haha.. and was already 0n his way h0me..
we c0ntinued msging.. then he asked if i wanted t0 have lunch 0r s0mething.. but it was 33opm! i had mine already, s0 did he.. f0r the next 15mins was t0 mentally decide if i wanna meet him and leave my bo0ks for that day! hahaha..
0k, cut it sh0rt, we went f0r m0vie.. and just walking aimlessly at JP..
0k b0ring it sounds.. but at that pt 0f time.. it was 5pm already.. s0 u ppl sh0uld kn0w i hate g0ing s0 FAR if we hasnt already g0t much time t0 spend.. =p
lastly was gi0rdan0.. (th0se p0los are captivating!!) and i was s0 dying t0 get the grey and *shit* green p0los 0n the shelves!! arrgh.. 2 f0r $30.. g0ing b0nkers in the wallet!!
and kh said, it's my bday m0nth, ive g0t 2o% disc0unt.. wanna buy? haha..
in the end, i still didnt.. ;) but it struck me!! ur birthday m0nth??...
omg omg.. s0 when is it? i didnt ask immediately.. but l0ng en0ugh t0 let us walk all the way t0 the interchange.. *ho0h0o..*
"tom0rrow l0r" he answered calmly.
(what the #$%^&*()*&^%$.. tml??!! and u are 0ut with me? n0 dinner dates?)
i just simply went wild..
after qnsing him f0r the next 5mins.. finally realised he d0nt celebrate bdays..
n0body celebrates it f0r him..
and 0nce again.. i knew what i had t0 do..

the next day (ok, i meant wednesday).. which obvi0usly was his birthday la.. i still did the r0utine stuffs.. tuition.. went t0 sch t0 study.. but i met lishan.. and his bf dr0ve us (i was the troublesome 0ne) t0 westmall t0 get his cake, Imm t0 get the gift b0x and pressie.. and Longjohn t0 get the knives.. lol.. in the end, it was 7pm.. but i started smsing kh since 5pm t0 make sure he wasnt g0ing anywhere.. all the while he was at h0me.. what a day~ birthday.. 0k, n0netheless.. i finally met him, at 730pm i guess.. at his v0id-deck.. i dun0e if he was surprise.. but he did smile.. haha..
and he said s0 many thank yous that i l0st c0unt.. =P
haha, s0.. happy bday t0 him.. (yesterday) he turned 18..

and f0r t0day..
same thing happened t0 me.. tuition and sch.. haha.. man!! am i b0ring?
ppl like kh and justin said.. it's t0o routinized that they'd have kn0wn where t0 create a c0incident incident 0f bumpin int0 me in sch0ol!! haha..
NP library, level 4, right turn.. r0om 409 - Ivers0n. (LOL..)

as f0r tml.. i can even bl0g in advance people!!
tuition at 103oam, ends at 113oam.. reach sch0ol at 1215pm..
study all the way till 5pm.. then g0 h0me.. (shiyun!!! u are BORING!!)
erm, alright.. i know.. well, lunch?? that will have t0 depends if there's any "coincidental bumpin` incidents"~
haha.. =)

byebye biy0ng, b0n v0yage!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:47 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

* HAPpy biRthdAy xia0tUNg!!! *

f0r a sh0rt tell0 0n what happened t0day..
as usual, we will have 0ur 0wn celebration if tung's n0t ar0und t0 celebrate with us, then we'd just d0 it 0urselves.. hee..
this year, although there's simply n0 planning and definately more simpler..
still, it was enj0yable.. =p
like i always said, it's n0t what u d0, it's wh0 u d0 it with..!
well, we went f0r lunch at Crystal jade(yes, mel0dyee.. again c0z 0f u..) haha.. c0z yp was S0 hungry she exclaimed! lol..
well, then i had xia0longbao (like as if u dun0) and the urge 0f calamari swept 0ver me and yp dr0ve us all t0 spaggadies and parag0n.. =) hh0oho0..
0nce again, as usual.. al0t of inc0nsiderate drivers and m0rons!
needless t0 say.. skip that part..

s0 we had garlic bread with cheese and calamari~ but sadly t0 say..
it didnt taste as g0od as bef0re.. maybe we werent hungry at all already..
well, i wanted t0 get the 'zha ji pai' fr0m 'shilin ye shi' but.. t0o full le la..
s0 in the end.. didnt eat lo.. abit disapp0inted.. (if 0nly i can eat everything with0ut putting 0n any weight!)

haha.. well, then we sh0p ard and yp br0ught us t0 this sh0p where they sell nice little access0ries and very cheap!
necklace - $3.90,
ring - $1.90..
can u believe it? =x

yup.. by that time, we were quite tired already.. s0 we left at 6pm.. and yah.. yp dr0ve us all back.. thank y0u mel~
=) must be tiring.. (can understand!)

s0, afterall.. Happy Birthday tuNg!!

sleepy day..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:48 PM