______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

* MISSING!!! *

FINALLllly.... i am back!!
d0nt ask me why.. d0nt ask me where i have been..
i havent been so busy myself in my wh0le life!
especially with zara and zeth having their exams this week..
hardly breathing..
work had 0vertaken me, t0ok 0ff every sec 0f free time away..
but the m0ney that eventually c0mes into my p0cket seemed w0rthless as c0mpared t0 the time i f0resake..
sh0uld have given this j0b an0ther th0ught..
$1120 per m0nth, n0t forgetting the CPF c0ntribution and 0ccasional unpaid leave is drying my bank acc0unt..but afterall, this is temp-ing yet..
when my full-time j0b c0mes..(which i dun0e when)..
i might be richer *fingers cr0ssed*..

for the time being, shall just make do with it la.. hais...
at this p0int, i saw my [in-tray] stacking up with w0rks t0 be d0ne!!

think 0f the m0ney..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:54 AM

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

o0k, finally pics are up!! * ceiling at M.walk *

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what showed me in was this!! Candy empire signage polestick!! lol.. what a BIG one!! but, the st0re itself is realli gigantic t0o.. n0 wonder.. g0es t0 pr0ve it all..

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tinkerbell?? jewellery? toys?? what??!?!?

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tada!!! shoes~!!

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this signboard is reali special.. guess which professi0nal uses this signage?? quite 0bvious la.. *smiles*

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fr0m there.. i dr0ve on... * haha *

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mee mee!!! - using khian's super ultra f0ne.. haha..

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it's mee!! when the pillar.. 0h well.. what i wanna f0cus is the blue blue lights la.. hee..

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oh man!! it's late.. we should head h0me.. *but 0n the train....* ph0to sessi0n!! *

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hee.. i cant smile la!! he says..

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when birkenst0ck meets Nike..=p

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*strike a poseee..*

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we celebrated fei's day at Partyworld@Clementi.. g0t a super BIG room!! haha.. c0z zhenpei(not in picture) g0t c0nnecti0ns i guessed.. haha..

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let's peek - fei's bday sh0ts..

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make a wish.. make a wish...

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me and feis!! =p

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shanny and feis!! =)

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* lazybumequalstome.. *

0kok0k.. i know i know i am lazy.. i am lazy t0 upl0ad the ph0tos..
but BUT!! i have transferred the data t0 the laptop lia0..
s0 t0night h0pefully zara & zeth d0nt give me any pr0blems..
then i can g0 h0me alive t0 upl0ad it!! lol..

ytd was yanfei's bday as the readers already kn0w..
we went partyw0rld at clementi t0 sing..
me and yv0nne reached first, s0 we went 0n t0 our r0om..
then 1 by 1 all came.. making the ro0m very cha0tic.. hahah..
i wanted t0 d0 some rec0rdings.. but.. i g0t all the n0ise rec0rded with it as well...
s0 pek chek l0r.. deleted lia0..
but nvm.. i was 0nly H0PING to record s0mething, nv say must la..
but when ahpui came, and tried s0 hard n0t t0 interrupt the rec0rding.. the scene was s0 classic!! and laughter f0llows and the rec0rding stops.. lol..
his hand signalling to the waiter trying n0t to make any s0und, whispering int0 yanfei's ear t0 talk.. it all lo0ks n0rmal, but when the pers0n wh0m does it is puisuan, it isnt n0rmal anymore!!..haha.. nvm, i think i am c0nfusing u all..
anyway, i kn0w i lo0ked kinda stress ytd at ktv, i can sense it that i am abit tensed and didnt presented myself very well ytd infr0nt of the rest.. i didnt mean t0 lo0k and s0und s0 unfriendly.. but.. RICHE MONDE.. i feel like quitting..

well, i h0pe everyb0dy had a great time!
c0z it was feis bday ma..
she main lead =)
heehee.. =P

yea, right at this m0ment, i am at w0rk.. supp0singly..
but here i am bl0gging as usual..
b0ring life.. b0ring w0rk, b0ring r0utined stuffs!
actually bl0gging, eating, lunching, bathing are all ROUTINISED things we all have t0 do, but why didnt we feel sick 0f it?
yet, lunching and bathing can always be s0 fun!!
is it bc0z we like it? 0r was it bc0z we have t0 do it??

hmm me.. i simply l0ves lunching and bathing!!
lunching with pe0ple, friends..
bathing *ehhmm alone la!* with my fav0urite ORGINAL S0URCE mint and teatree c0nditioner.. it makes the wh0le bathr0om smells extremely refreshing and it clears my bl0cked n0se!! *haha, kh says de..* m0st importantly.. it has this electrifying sensati0n all 0ver y0ur scalp!! haha.. *nice*!!
hee, till n0w.. my hair is still minty...minty..

*chewing 0n the PRETZ that khianhuat b0ught*
yea.. lunch time s0on.. but t0day i made OMELETTE and br0ught it t0 work f0r lunch..
d0nt feel like having c0ffeesh0p f0od t0day, n0 more macd0nalds neither..
theref0re, being left with n0 other alternatives.. i ch0se h0memade sandwiches~ =P

***split sec0nds later..***
but i feel like having LOR MEE now!!
the beanspr0uts in the LOR MEE!!!! omg!! help!!!!
very nice!
*tenti0n's s0ngs in the air*
di da di da sh0 bi du wua...
lol.. haha.. =)
i kn0w i am flicked minded...
but when it c0mes t0 certain things, i am n0t..
when it c0mes t0 a certain pers0n, i am n0t..
when it c0mes t0 a certain feelin`, i am n0t..
when it c0mes t0 a certain passi0n, i am n0t..
and when it c0mes t0 a certain dream, i am n0t..
whether if i w0uld be able t0 pursue it in the end..
what matter m0st is the pr0cess.. what matter m0st is the th0ughts..

shrugs till sh0ulders dr0pped!

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yay!!! it's us again!! =) i know it s0unds *0h well, s0 cheesy..* but still, friends f0rever!! hahaha..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:32 AM

Monday, October 10, 2005

* my first day, the third week.. *

i am dying, s0meone g0t to n0t let me do manual stuffs again!
bc0z i am just not int0 monot0ne routine work..
i'll die 0f boredom and repetitions..

and what's the c0nsequences?
well.. sc0ldings from my b0ss l0r..
stupid me!! forever d0ing acc0unting j0urnals, expenditures rec0ncillati0ns left me with all the dumb numbers all 0ver my head!!
i am in the l0gistics department!!!
stop asking me t0 do ACCOUNTS!!!

and, i finally realise i am the kind of person whereby i realli cant sit still and do the same 0ld thing again and again..
0ne day, i'll run away t0wards freed0m and escapes!!
these g0es to pr0ve if i were t0 bl0g and say, "i quit my j0b!!!"
the enviornment is nice.. the people here are alright..
but when things turns the s0ur side, and u l0ses all the human touch!..

whatever the case.. i am sick and tired..

i've been feeling scared, or rather.. heavy.. lifeless.. l0w m0rale whenever a new day starts..
this shouldnt be the case!!!
people usually says, "t0morrow will be a better day.." "l0ok forward t0 tom0rrow.."
BUT they lied!! it's not the case f0r me!! at least f0r now.. it isnt.. *shrugs*

but nvm.. it's 530pm n0w.. s0on t0 fang g0ng time!! and we are g0in to celebrate yanfei's bday at 7pm!!! yay!!!

*i am singing in the rain, i am singing in the rain.. lalallal...*

anyway, i've watched "40years 0ld virgin" yesterday with.. U KNOW WHO.. lol..
and t0ok num0rous phot0s.. i'll l0ad them up if i am free, not tired and still feelin` enthusiastic tonight!
but the phot0s were merely me and the shops in M.Square c0z ever since they ren0vated and re0pened, i've not been there yet.. and i am called a "m0untain turtle" f0r that.. s0 so..
here i am.. t0 pr0ve that, "shiyun was here at M.sQuare 0n 9th aug 05.." =P haha..

bl0gs 0ff..trailsss..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:21 PM

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

* haPPy birtHday 2uu.. *

'c0z it was late last night, 'c0z we were t0o full, 'c0z i was lazy..

but n0w!! back in office, first thing first!!
shall bl0g on last night - the celebrati0n (or i should say dinner) with sherine 'c0z it was her 2oth birthday!!
hee.. *thr0ws confetti..*

everytime we'll have to d0 some h0mew0rk if we're intending to g0 somewhere 0ut of JURONG!! hahah..
s0 this time r0und, sherine wanted t0 go M.South f0r steamboat~
(well, it's her 2nd time 0NLY!!)
haha.. and s0 we went.. but the initial stage was t0ugh and tedi0us..
street direct0ries, ph0ne calls, 0nline checks..
all bc0z we need t0 know.. HOW TO DRIVE THERE!?
thanks t0 all the people that helped us!!
xiexie, thank u, terimakaseh, arigat0, kum-som ha mi-da~ what else?!

we went 'Chin Huat Live Seafood' but only to realise there're s0 many many resticti0ns.. =x but it wasnt t0o bad anyway..

me : huh.. can only get 1o0g of live prawns leh..
sher : then u can have mine l0r..
me : per c0upon is 1o0g lor..
sher : but they didnt say 1o0g of dead prawns~ s0, u shall eat m0re of the dead 0nes lor..
me : *laughing like mad*

it didnt struck me that live prawns and dead prawns are actually 'n0t the same' or in a sense that, i didnt even know that they'll have dead ones in the first place, so i thot sherine was kidding me initially when she commented bout eating those 'dead' ones.. but later on when we went t0 check 0ut the f0od.. i really saw 'dead/frozen prawns'.. and i felt very silly.. lol!!!
all al0ng i thot she was talking b0ut the 'supp0sed to be alive, but dead in the water' kind of prawns.. get it?
*laughs like mad!*

anyway, we were quite lousy la.. only like 3servings then we surrended.. =o haha..
but we had about tw0 plates of 'dead' prawns and 1o0g of the 'live' 0nes.. haha..
BUT!!!! the dead 0nes taste better!!! we b0th agreed, d0nt ask us why..

it was quite a pity that we didnt to0k pictures!! 'c0z b0th our hands were occupied and 0ily ba.. hmmph!..wasted!!

one thing to add on..
the killing process of the 'live' prawns were realli bad..
imagine BBQ-ing them while they are still happily jumping ar0und in the c0ntainer.. =(
then within a sec0nd u see them sizzling in the h0tpan and turning red, yet, still wiggling and curling their legs and whiskers!!!!

me : i will take it that they are the bad prawns previously, so n0w they are paying f0r their 0wn deeds.. by sacrifice-ing themselves in celebrati0n ur birthday..
sher : *laughing like mad*
sher : this is to 'Ji-1 De-2'
*0ffice l0usy n0 chinese s0feware la..*

so, *fast forward*..
we finished at ar0und 9pm lor..
then it's again t0 figure the way back.. haha..
i wanna have a GPS in my car next time i h0pe!! =x..
h0hoh.. arb0 i can f0resee myself flipping thr0ugh the pages t0o!! =)

s0 at the end 0f the day, all full and c0ntented *i h0pe she t0o..* we g0t home..

thanks2ukn0wwhouare..4c0min'd0wnt0myw0rkplacejustt0havelunchwithme.. =p


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:06 AM

Saturday, October 01, 2005

* days 0f our lives.. *

these few days..
it's been still w0rking w0rking, tuitioning, tuitioning..
busy but n0t t0o dull n0r plain i'd say..
still i did meet up with few friends t0 shop, f0r m0vies and dinners..

met khianhuat 0n thurs.. went sh0pping and watched "Wait till y0u are 0lder.."
i br0ught zara and zeth their children's day present that day t0o..
he to0k part in ch0osing em als0.. haha..
anyway, i wanted t0 get this particular URS heels that's selling f0r $33.90..
but they didnt had my size!!
then i br0wsed ar0und and saw an0ther 0ne, still at URS.. this time r0und!! still n0 size 5, n0r 6!!
g0t so disappointed.. very very disappointed.. and this dampened the m0od.. *switched*

bc0z i couldnt lay 0ff the disapp0intment, i went 0ff an0ther heels searching the next day.. haha, after w0rk.. at charles and keith!!
it was DAMN PACKED, n0 offers, n0 discounts.. n0thing!! but everyb0dy was in a frenzy sh0pping m0od!! lol.. i quickly tried 0n, decide and paid!!
by that time, it was 7ocl0ck.. and I AM LATE FOR TUITION!!
tired yet contentment!!

t0day, i met shanny at bugis t0 shop sh0p lo0k l0ok..
darren was there with us, 0r rather.. i was there with them
*urggh, lightbulb la me!!*

later after dinner they m0ved 0n for m0vie while i left f0r h0me..
n0t much happening events..
in fact, it's all r0utinised..
but m0ney makes the w0rld g0 r0und, d0esnt it!?

why did i say that?
i dunoe.. but it's all factuals.. facts!
m0ney with p0wer.. reigns...
0kok, i m n0t mentally balanced today..
pard0n me..

in search 0f meee...

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preparing t0 work!! red-tube, osom0se striped pants, dangling necklace plus a white jacket.. styled hair, heels.. all ready to hit the 0ffice w0rld!! lol.. *trying t0 stand upright!! and giggling!*

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welc0me!! haha.. lol.. i kn0w it lo0ks empty.. but it's only my first week la.. bleahs!

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have a cl0ser peep!

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having t0 wake up at 6am t0 wash up, take breakfast and dress up.. i am all tired!! haha.. ;p hee.. *beads necklace courtesy 0f sherine fr0m Bangkok!* =)

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me w0rking *i was!!* .. haha.. and lo0k!!! i am surfing 0n ngeeann's website bef0re the shot.. I LOVE NGEEANN!!

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that's the walk-way glass panel, not wind0w 0orh!! =x hee..

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m0et & chand0n (pr0nounced as ''mond and shane-don.'') the p0pular champagne in Richemonde.. even the tasting glass lo0ks exceptionally class!! *feel like stealing it!* lol..

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this is the wine tasting bar.. whereby the b0sses will meet their client f0r transactions and sampling.. z0uk, devils' bar, velvet are all 0ur clients.. hee..

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Lastly, the scenary 0utside my wind0w 0f shell h0use, 0ver-seeing riverside pt, clarkequay!! =) i am at the 17th fl0or.. =p

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that day, i went 0n f0r tuiti0ning.. this is zeth (zeffy b0y) all stressed up when i asked him f0r his chinese assessments!! lol..

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s0 at the end of the day.. zeffy b0y is all tired!! =\ haha..

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