______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

* lagging 0uuuttt.. *

laallaalla.. after being out for so long, i already g0t no idea who else is regulary 0n this page.. haha..

well, a c0untdown of 11 days m0re to my taiwan trip..
excited?? i ask myself..
maybe.. is the reply..
why? u might ask..
dunoo.. i would say..
hahahahahahahaha... 0kok, i know it's lame..
but think b0ut it.. 14days in taiwan, temperature of 16degrees celcius..
and i am only thinking 0f bringing 500bucks there.. en0ugh??
can?? i need t0 pay for my car la.. very heavy burden.. hahaa.. *laughing s0ur-ly*

a pathetic p0ly grad like me 0nly have a basic salary of $15o0 per m0nth, subtract the m0nthly installment of my H-o-n-d-a..
kwang kwang.. then an0ther 20% 0f it g0es int0 CPF..
s0.. left ... a few d0llars lorr..*blink blink*

oh! as s0me might know, i am back in RicheMonde for an0ther 2wks.. until this friday.. then i can really prepare for the trip le.. haven been doing any preparations at all..
then afterwhich, i am starting a new permanent j0b..
and i recently went f0r 3interviews, the first 0ne was a bummer, the 2nd was n0thing to be mentioned, then the 3rd one.. is what i like, and whom i am anticipatingly-anxious to hear from..
Hoya Medical, a Japanese MNC located off Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim dealing with optic lenses and equipments.. the post i applied for - Asst. Logistics Officer.
Logistics AGAIN!! i heard some of u screams.. hahaha..
s0unds b0ring? not true..
purchasing, s0urcing, arranging for vessel shipments and cust0mer service is als0 part 0f my j0bsc0pe..
m0re on that will have to be updated again.. IF I GOT THE JOB! *prays!!*

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:35 AM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

* arrgh! *

i cant tag at my b0ard!!! why?

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:44 PM

Monday, November 07, 2005

* g0odbye richemonde, f0r now. *

yes, as the title tells it all..
i've left richemonde, or rather.. the contract ended..
but but.. i might be g0ing back again.. this m0nth end.. bc0z they are changing wareh0use and als0 migrating int0 SAP system, so u can imagine their workl0ad.. so at that p0int of time, i will jump int0 the picture..
migrating int0 SAP is tedious.. i had tried that.. but.. changing wareh0use s0unded raw t0 me, but i am interested t0 find 0ut more.. bc0z.. it's very 'l0gistics'.. *heehee..*

so i can f0rsee the next few days 0f myself staying at h0me, d0ing n0thing 0ther than leaving the h0use in the evening t0 tut0r zara and zeth..
but their mummy says after zara's exam, which is tom0rrow.. she wants t0 let them have a week's break.. s0, in an0ther w0rd, i am j0bless for the next 0ne week..
haha.. s0unds bad.. i cant imagine curling up at h0me doing n0thing!! impossible!!

so.. i have to get myself lined-up with things t0 do and u know.. just to be 0ccupied.. but.. aiyah.. m0ney again, always this issue.. when 0ne gotta relate s0mething t0 money, it's a turn-0ff!!!
u cant p0ssibly shop without m0ney(quit telling me t0 wind0w shop), and u cant dine-0ut with0ut money neither.. but it's n0t bc0z i d0nt have.. *reminiscing..*
oh damn it! why did i think b0ut him at this m0ment?!

him: i spent alot and i dine-out at expensive places, do u think you will feel g0od and comfortable with that?
me: no m0ney? can earn, and the p0int is whether i want t0 spend 0r not, not if i could or n0t!
him: 如果硬要你做你不自在的事,倒不如不做。。那么辛苦。。
me: 不要给我找借口, 钱不是万能,谁说我付不起?

althou i know, he didnt meant to say i am p0or or something, haha.. definately..
but.. why c0mpare?
i dine in at expensive places t0o.. and is there a measuring chart to define cheap and expensive?
is fish & co considered expensive? 0r is equin0x then fit the bill?

well, if i were to argue stubb0rnly.. then i'd might as well say,
"whatever she can afford f0r you, i can t0o!!!!"

hahahahaah.. CHILDISH!!
but i ch0se t0 live with it..releasing bit by bits..

why 0n earth did i mention ab0ut stuffs that were at least 2years of age?
ok, 1 and a half then..

at this point, after g0ing thru the mem0ry ups and d0wns.. i am staring blanking at the screen..
what was the p0int that i wanted t0 bl0g on t0day??!

qu0ting yanzi's s0ng fr0m 〈眼泪成诗〉
分手伤了谁 谁把他变美
我的眼泪写成了诗 已无所谓
因为回忆 总是美

因为不配 你就忽然自卑说声失陪
我已经 已经把沉默变成了忏悔
无路可退 只能无言相对

this is a very special s0ng that uses 二胡 as the 0pening instrument..
it all0ws r0om for imaginati0n and als0 provides a rather 凄凉 t0uch..
0ne of my fav0urite s0ng in her newest album =)

hmm.. this entry is rather rojak..
s0 many things in a post..
well.. that's my life.. mixed-up and c0nfusing?
and ya, s0rry for the colorless entry.. lazy t0 do html.. haha..

c0unting d0wn to : 26days

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:00 PM

Friday, November 04, 2005

* saving uo saving up!! *

i must start to spend less le.. have to save up lia0.. although 0nce in a while i still splunge, but but but.... i must really try n0t to..
save up!!
my taiwan trip and davidta0's concert is a must la..
but 0ther than that.. n0 more luxury lia0!!!!
please please stop me!!!!
hahaaa.. *whines at the same time..*

ok, get back t0 work..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:46 PM

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


when it c0mes to col0rs..
it always make me %^&*#@#$%@$@#..
i will decide 0n one, g0 h0me.. still thinking, then the next day, i w0uld then want an0ther one.. as i finally made the decisi0n t0 change then..
the next day, i will g0 uncertain again!!

wahla0!! pek chek leh!
especially when the decision is a big 0ne, n0t like when u say 0kie, t0day i put 0n pink nail varnish, t0morrow i can change it t0 br0wn..
n0non0nooo!! it's n0t this kind 0f "light" decision lor!~
pek chek!!

aiyah.. but after g0ing giddy 0ver red, white and black..
and after changing fr0m black to white, ive finally decided 0n the latter..
n0 more auntie auntie decision-making!

alth0ugh all ALONG white nv EVER came acr0ss my mind.. but this 0nce, it's g0ing to make a splendid appearance( *i hope* ).. haha..

let's wait.. c0unting d0wn.. =)
white then..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 3:55 PM