______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Saturday, December 24, 2005

* 让我做平凡的女生,好吗? *

s0metimes human really dunoe what they want themselves and what t0 do and als0, to deal with things that c0me their way..

but why is it? why that when it c0mes to personal, when it c0mes to deal with feelings 0f the red pumping organ 0f 0urs.. things started t0 get complicated?!

it takes tw0 hands t0 clap.. didnt it als0 take tw0 hearts to pump in harm0ny....
i know it d0es..
and i know mine didnt..
well though i guess its fine.. f0r there just isnt any reas0n f0r them t0 pump t0gether now..

xia0peng read my entries and resp0nded with a "怎么好像在演讲啊?"
he'll be the death of me!!
hard t0 please everyone.. aarrrgh!
but 0nce again, i am writing f0r myself, t0 myself..
0nly s0metimes.. it's dedicated f0r s0meone else..
f0r the maj0r part of it.. it's all b0ut mee, MEEEEE AND ME!!

self-centered call me 0ne..
f0r all i care.. but u'll know in time t0 come..
i am n0t what u see fr0m the 0utside..
i seriously dun0 h0w to present myself as t0 who i really is..
the real me..

ppl call me j-pop, k-pop whatever popppp u can think of..
but i really just wanted t0 be a beautiful plain jane (c0ntradicting? n0, it's n0t.. think 0f it.. plain jane didnt mean ugly.. it just mean n0rmal, s0 i want t0 be beautifully n0rmal).. can s0me1 please teach me h0w?

seems that being the-girl-next-d0or can m0re easily attract better men..
t0 lo0k more little, to lo0k as though u needed pr0tection..

but why? why d0 i ALWAYS give 0thers the impression of n0t needing all these?!!?!?!?

i s0ught after the answer frantically but c0uldnt find 0ne..
it must be s0me kind 0f connection with the way i lo0k..
dress? talk?? behave????
must be... please s0me1.. s0meone please help me change!!
just like h0w the g0vernment helps the public t0 quit sm0king!! i needed help badly t0o~
i did my hair h0ping to lo0k more girly, gentle(well, i thought) and u know...
but the 0utcome..?

"w0ah, y0u lo0k like k0rean leh.."
"is she a k0rean?..."
Excuse me!! y0u ppl are t0o obessed with k0rean dramas 0k..
n0t all permed hair-ed are k0reans!!

i really dun0e where to start fr0m now........

i want t0 be a girl!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:13 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005

* 遗憾?疑问?*

一份快乐??? 总之我也分不太清楚~


不知道我在想什么~~ (醒醒吧!!)

哈哈~ 他人在台湾呢。。哪里有他在啊?



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:03 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

* 我的台湾 @ 旅 *

我知道,我知道~~ 我回来也有一段时间了。。可是我就是没有心博客一下下啊。。
对了!不懂中文的朋友。。麻烦把字典都拿出来~ 因为我会用中文来打今天的贴章。。

台湾阿 台湾~


感到疑惑吗? 那是我的秘密噢~





*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:52 PM

welc0me t0 my h0me in taipei~~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:45 PM

that's me and.... ehhemm~ xia0peng.. LoL.. =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:44 PM

trees with0ut leaves... where has all the leave-s g0ne?!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:42 PM

d0nt u 0nly think that SG has g0t a CITYHALL??

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:42 PM

milk tea!!! milk tea!!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:42 PM

lo0k at h0w MUCH cl0thes we are wearing?!?! and gl0ves.. erm..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:41 PM

bubu!!! ah bu is xia0peng's d0ggggiie...

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:41 PM

what??! 6 prawns f0r 20o?? (which is 10 in SGD)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:40 PM

simply 0bbesseeeeddd!!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:39 PM

obvi0usly... it's the temperature and n0t the p0sters.. huh..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:38 PM

Xi Men Ding, must i repeat?!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:38 PM

me and 1 0f the sh0p asst in XMD.. d0nt ask me why we t0ok the f0to..?!?

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:38 PM

it's supp0sed to be l0nger.. but......

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:37 PM

still XMD..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:36 PM

Xi Men Ding..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:36 PM

aww!! it's falling!!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:35 PM

m0ney any0ne?!?!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:35 PM

Taipei 1o1..

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???????~ =)

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*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:31 PM


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:30 PM

????~ macd0nalds..babababa..i am l0ving it..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:29 PM


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?????, ???~~

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:26 PM


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??? ???!

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