______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

* theme : adidas! *

hmm.. h0w do u define whether a girl is g0od or not in bed?
why did s0me many 0f you c0mmented that she's g0od??

anyway, i am s0 tired these few days..
c0z zara and zeth are having their tests, s0 i have t0 teach them everyday..
but surprisingly, zara was very cooperative today during less0n, which was very nice 0f her.. i made her remember s0me 生字 and she did!!!
well, th0ugh n0t all.. but still, there's improvments!!
initially she was still grumbling and crapping.. but later 0n, she suddenly became interested.. c0nfusing state 0f mind..

oh and yes!!!
this new guy came f0r an interview for mikey's position...
hais....disapp0inting.. would give anything f0r mike t0 stay...
*haha, t0o exaggerate lia0..*
but seriously would prefer mike la..

aiyah, n0t in the m0od to blog..
realised that this is an0ther meaningless entry. =x

let's see when the pics are c0min up. =)


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:15 PM

Monday, February 27, 2006

* waiitin` *

tryin very hard t0 upl0ad the pics 0f my hair...
but.. i am just s0 lazzzyy!!!
havent even install v3's photoupl0ad disc int0 my lapppy..
lazy + busy..

s0 just make d0 with these first la hurrr...

still waiitin`

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:14 PM

Saturday, February 25, 2006

* $469 + FD.3 *

ok, today is the day that, never in my entire life i spent this huge sum 0f money in a single day!!!



i didnt buy anything w0o0, i didnt eat s0mething w0ah, and i didnt d0 s0mething wah!!

BUT!! it's elumen..
(that might am0unts up t0 a wah..thanks)

d0n't ask me if it's nice, 0f c0urse i'd definately say..
it feels g0od, felt nicely sm0oth and lo0ked va-va-v0omly fantastic!!
lol.... i am crazy after burning my p0ckets...
but it really made me hair healthier which i think is g0od en0ugh..

the main p0int is...
ok, after that..
sherine, simin and me went ch0mp chomp t0 have 0ur late lunch cum dinner alt0gether,
then we were discussing b0ut FinalDest3
i said, "shall we g0 and watch it later?"
sher : "i am n0t goin` t0 watch h0rror film with y0u!!"
simin : "haha.."
i : "no l0r.."

then i started t0 recall the scene where the lil b0y sitting next t0 me said,
"人吓人会吓死人.." when i scream during 0ne of the scene in "the f0g"..
simin and sherine???
well, they just couldnt stop laughing..
that's g0od..c0z as they were laughing, i secretly finished the StingRay, satay and sugarcane juice 0n the table... =x

0kay s0 back t0 the m0vie FD3..
i finally persuaded them t0 watch it, but the pr0blem is.....
h0w to drive t0 t0wn fr0m serang0on?
s0.. i called felicia - the living street direct0ry.. =)
she gave us the directions, which exits and stuffs..
we reached t0wn in 15mins the m0st i think..
anyway, s0 we queued s0 long f0r the tickets, but thankfully we g0t it!~
*n0t exactly a g0od thing th0ugh*.........

what i can say b0ut the m0vie is,
d0n't watch if y0u are:
- t0o full
- always playing ar0und with y0ur camera
- l0ve superficial tanning machines
- visit the gym
- take the r0llerc0aster
- had glutin0us rice 0r sticky f0od earlier 0n..

practically i didnt really scream at all..
bc0z.. y0u can tell where the g0ry part is c0ming, just that y0u will never expect it t0 be s0 disturbing.. s0 grues0me.. s0 yekkee!!
al0m0st all the scenes has bl0od sputting 0ut, brain juice c0ming 0ff fr0m everywhere and head squashed and smashed in all directi0ns...

alright, en0ugh.
i can taste my stingray c0ming up!
ok, i lied.
i am n0t s0 uncivilised.

have a fun sunday!!

p/s : L0VE MY HAIR!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:05 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2006

* erhmm.. *

0k pe0ple!!! you guys d0nt know how excited i am b0ut this saturday!!!!!!!
it's SUPER SUPER excited!!! *tink tink!!*
but i seriously hoped i wont have any problem popping 0ut the very last minute!!!
y0u know how great things can suddenly turns bad??
*i am cr0ssing my fingers*

but anyway, after that major project, i am g0ing with simin and sherine t0 serang0on gardens, my first time there t0 eat.. lol!!!!
i am s0 m0untain t0rtoise also..
but, i am definately anticipating. =p

bcoz simin said she wanted this ipod for her bday present, and i sort of went thru apple.com.sg to check out the products and its price.. and there.. ha0yong told me, if we order nan0 from the net, we can get 0ur name laser-engraved 0n it f0r FREE!!!!
OMG.. and n0w, it made me feel like owning it t0o!!!!!!
irritating right!!!!

yah, and know what?
i was thinking 0f coming up with a theme f0r my birthday party..
and shanny came up with the c0lor-theme idea which i think was n0t bad..
suatyun said unif0rm theme, princess theme, retro, anime...
aargh!! i have all s0rts of suggestions..
which 0ne is it exactly?!?!!?!

let's say i ch0se the col0r-theme which i th0t was rather easy, c0z there's n0 reas0n why it c0uldnt be d0ne anyway..
s0 just imagine s0me1 didnt 0bey the rule and g0 against it, then my f0rfeit supp0rt team shall punish them.. haha..
splashing water, kissing s0me1 else whom als0 br0ke the rule, swim in the bath-tub..
aiya, all s0rts..
lol.. it must be fun!!!

(just g0t an sms fr0m mel0dyee that her bf als0 came up with the COL0R theme.)

and 0f c0urse i need the much-said supp0rt team,
**please rise y0ur hands!!!!**
0k, i see it.. please register 0nline..

crazy thought!!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:21 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2006

* =) *

this weekend is the best s0 far!!!!!
ytd i had s0 much fun with YL, and t0day i had the same am0unt 0f fun with simin and felicia!! =)
met simin first, c0z we initially decided t0 watch 49days..
and being the very kind simin, she came all the way d0wn t0 jurong!!!! well, she stays in Serang0on.. *guilty!*
then, first we checked 0ut the m0vie sl0t 0n yah0o, then i went d0wn t0 jur0ngpt t0 buy the ticks.. alas!!!! n0 tics!! GREAT!!
Then simin and i dr0ve t0 jur0ngeast instead.. unf0rtunately, n0 available sl0ts t0o.. H0W "LUCKY"!!! and this g0 to pr0ve h0w n0t accurate the res0urces are fr0m the net!!!
i am very disapp0inted!! i wanted t0 watch this sh0w, quite much..
then simin said, "the f0g la.."
i NEARLY fainted..
friends wh0m kn0w me, kn0ws that i hate h0rror films!!!!
i can scream thr0ugh0ut... in the end, h0wever much unwillingness, we still did watch "the f0g"..
and h0w true, lame.. b0ring.. and meaningless sh0w..
t0 think that i was the 0nly one screaming in the cinema.. 丢脸都丢死了!!
this lil b0y besides me still say, 哎哟 人吓人会吓死人.. d0n't kn0w if he's talkin b0ut me 0r the scene, c0z exactly at that pt this w0man walks 0ut, but the s0und effect made it s0und 0therwise.. *hides under simin sleeves!!*
i shall n0t watch h0rror films lia0 la..

then the super t0rtoise-d simin nv g0 h0lland v b4!!!!!!!
s0 i br0ught her t0 essential brew..
she lo0ked happy i think.. haha.. and b4 we went, i did call t0 reserve f0r the wind0w seat.. and luckily we g0t it =)
then felicia called t0 say there's s0me tr0ubles she's g0t into.. haha, just as we sat d0wn c0mfortably..
we t0ld her t0 j0in us, but she was lazy and g0t things t0 do.. s0 we went 0ver t0 her place instead after 0ur drink.. =) hee...
then when me and simin went 0ver, her wh0le family was there.. we went dumb.. t0o sh0cked.. she t0ld us it was 0kay t0 come, and erm.. usually in this case, i expect n0body t0 be at her place.. but we were t0o wr0ng.. EVERY0NE was in!!!!
i sat in the living r0om unc0mfortably.. kns!! awkward la..
then she br0ught us t0 the p0ol and tells the st0ry..........................

船到桥头自然直 你想太多了吧..

but y0u know what!!! the wind0w seat + cushi0n is really c0mfy.. dun kn0w why it feels exceptionally g0od t0day!!! =) Lol...

m0re m0re saturday t0 go..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:26 PM

Saturday, February 18, 2006

* why? *

everyday in my life is filled with ups and d0wns..

is it h0w this sh0uld be?

0r would y0u rather a peaceful and stagnant 0ne?

i don't kn0w..d0n't wish t0 know..
-this entry was written on the friday night after c0min` h0me fr0m the traumatizing day-

this m0rning, news br0ke 0ut..
0ur much-respected, liked, lo0ked-up-up0n and fav0urite mike tendered his resignati0n..
he hate me.. i knew it!!!! =(
*that was what i keep sayin` the wh0le m0rning t0 make him stay, th0ugh it didnt w0rk..*
s0 everyb0dy was suffering fr0m l0w-m0rale and depression.. 0k, n0t s0 extreme.. but definately restless..
helena g0t very tensed-up and agitated, rather unlike her usual self th0ugh..
despite 0f our c0ntinu0us pr0bing, mike refuse t0 tell us the real reas0n for leaving..
but m0re or less, we can understands why..
it's always when y0u know s0methin is c0ming t0 an end, then y0u will begin t0 treasure it, ALWAYS the case, NEVER will this change..
human d0es take things f0r granted, this is n0thing unusual..
but it's always unwillingly we accept the truth, the reality..
with mike's decision t0 leave, h0wever hard t0 accept, 0r i w0uld say, unwilling t0 accept, i kn0w the future r0le is g0in` t0 be harder and t0ugher..
whether m0re inv0lvment within the department 0r not is n0 l0nger the issue.. it's h0w happy y0u are within the res0urces..
seriously.. al0t of ppl lo0k up t0 him as a s0urce 0f ignition, a leader, a role-m0del..
but.... why....stupid mikey!!!

i g0t alot m0re to write 0n this.. al0t of th0ughts, al0t more feeeeel..
but w0rds just wouldnt all0w that, they g0t caught in between alphabets and sentences..
i wr0te a sentence, and delete the next..
n0thin` seemed t0 be c0rrect and en0ugh the bring 0ut the unacceptance.. whatever!! b0o0o~

saturday, which was ytd..
i went tuitioning, as usual.
then g0 over to pick YL up f0r lunch and we spent the wh0le aftern0on walking ar0und, sitting ar0und, eating and drinking ar0und..
and... we spent quite al0t i think..
cl0se t0 a hundred each..
will n0t g0 into details,
but.... i really had l0tsa fun!!!! we t0ok pictures, even the ph0tomachine!!
which turns 0ut really nice =P

and driving at night is s0 fun!! =) alth0ugh yueling keep saying, "can d0n't speed anot?" *which i was 0nly g0in` at the m0st 90km/h..*
oohh yah!! and we watch "the pink panther"
it's such a 0h-s0-HILARIOUS show!!! and the m0st funny part was when YUeling c0uldnt st0p luffing and ended up c0vering her m0uth and shaking all 0ver.. which in turn made me laugh even harder!!! she's such an entertainer!!
hahaah.. and when we were having dinner earlier 0n at Terra, the bugis 0utlet..
there's this g0od-attitude, pr0mpt service waiter that serves us, i chance up0n his name tag and realise his name is - KA FEI.
then when i t0ld yueling b0ut it.. she purposely waited f0r the waiter t0 walk 0ver again and laugh 0ut s0 0BVIOUSLY that the waiter kn0w we were bitching ab0ut him!!!!!
then, again.. i g0t affected and laughed t0o, but 0nly politely and slightly giggling.. =x hahaha...
i kind-0f decided t0 have my tatt0 done-up f0r a significance 0f being 21yrs 0ld.. and bein` the super artistic yueling was my first ch0ice t0 design my tribal-name-inscripted tatt0o.. =) see it!!!

the heart-shaped is really nice AND meaningful!! first, it's my fav0urite shape, sec0nd, it's g0t my name in it!! *lo0k cl0sely* =)
it was s0 fun g0in` 0ut with yueling, alth0ugh s0metimes she can be irritating!! haha.. like walking s0 sl0wly....!!! and i g0t t0 turn ar0und t0 see where she is lia0.. bah~!!!

simin just called, we are g0in` jur0ngpt t0 watch 49DAYS.. by stephen fung and t.w.i.n.s.. sh0uld be v nice, c0z i like this c0mbinati0n.. =)

oh!! there's this thing w0rrying me - my birthday cake..
yanping t0ld me the cake plays a v imp0rtant part during the 21st birthday..
huh....... i didnt kn0w!!
i was intending t0 buy it fr0m prima-deli 0r s0me stupid neighb0urh0od la..
haha.. h0w???? then when i asked ar0und, i realise everyb0dy's 21st cakes are either ice-creams 0nes 0r really impressive 0nes.. what a stupid m0untain t0rtoise i am!!!
well, cant blame me.. i've g0t n0 experience, y0u know, this is my -FIRST- 21st bday!) hahaa.. *obvi0usly*

0k.. t0mmorr0w is an0ther brand new week!!!
let's pray hard things are g0in` better yet =)

p/s: Mikey, d0nt leave!
p/ss: thank y0u shanny and yanping f0r telling me the real meaning 0f bimb0 and bitch. =)

n0t a bitch n0r a bimb0

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:26 AM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

* bimb0 vs bitch *

oh right, what a Valentines' day without 1 valentine but 3 c0ol friends instead..

Happy V-day t0 all my COUPLE-ED FRIENDS.. =)

uh yah, just g0t home.. and the bimb0-atic me decided that, hmm.. i shouldnt sleep with wet hair!!! s0 here c0mes the bitch bl0ggin`...
*but why bitch??*

s0 v-day was spent singing with feis, daxy and juni0r awhile ag0..
and.. it was really just plain-b0ring singin`.. haha..
(just what am i saying?)
anyway, initially i decided t0 d0 some OT until 730pm b4 meetg the rest t0 sing at 8pm.. afterall, 0ng-san(the manager) was trying hard t0 gather us f0r a briefing f0r audits tom0rrow.. but in avail..
as later 0n, junior changes his mind and wanted t0 leave exactly at 530pm instead.. and which means n0body is g0in` t0 be in the 0ffice with me!!!!
everyb0dy's g0t plans f0r v-day 0f course!! well, i d0 to0.. just that it was LATER okay!!
s0 so s0 i br0ught f0rward the singing plan t0 7pm instead..

oh yah, and i bet r0ses are g0in` t0 be extremely CHEAP tom0rrow!! =) haha..
well, eeeemrhh.. i ACCEPT belated r0ses..
(Just make sure they c0me in nice c0lors.)

i realised i am GETTING SUPER LAZY nowadays, i can n0 longer bear just the th0t to take bus n0r mrt unless i am left with n0 excuses t0 feed myself with, 0r with abs0lute n0 reas0n t0 backup my extravagent behavi0r..
and that was what happened just n0w when we were ab0ut the return h0me separately,
i ch0se to take the cab within slight sec0nds thought.
why?? i asked myself *only when i am 0n the cab*
and i tried, *n0t t0o hard* t0 convince myself - oh, well bc0z it's late at 11pm, i've g0t t0 wake up early f0r w0rk tom0rrow, and i am n0t g0in` t0 walk that quiet alley way back h0me fr0m the bus-st0p..
*借口 借口 借口!!*
n0 no n0pe, n0t pampered.. n0t definately..
f0r i am sure i d0 see s0me heads n0dding at the 0ther side 0f the screen..
in agreement..

but also MAYBE bc0z of this "lazy-ness"..
i kind-0f think that i am putting 0n weight!!!!!
must be because 0f the Chinese New Year la..
(festive seas0ns always became the turning "excuse", whatever the degree 0f possibility.)
and it only g0t w0rst when i meet dax!!!!!
he's mind is full 0f n0thin but f0od!!!!
when we were at his place 0n sat.. he g0es, "supper?? tea-break?? 2nd helpings??!!"
these 2 days, i am bl0ated with the 0ver-fl0wing am0unt 0f un-used f0od left in the st0mach, they are hardly turning int0 energy.. but m0re likely st0red-in as the much disgusted FATS!!..
and we just went f0r supper again with DAX - the 34-24-33 DESTR0YER!!!!
ARRRGH!..... i am n0t seeing dax until my chalet, i need t0.. y0u kn0w, keep away!!!!
speaking 0f that, i am kinda lo0king f0rward t0 that day, the day when i celebrate my adulth0od.. the day when i see all my friends all at 0ne go, the day when i realised h0w many ranging fr0m tiny t0 bigger f0otprints i had in my life till 21, h0w many g0od friends i was lucky t0 have..........
and n0t just the quantity 0f c0urse, but on the 0ther degree.. even if i 0nly have 2 friends turning up.. i kn0w they surely are th0se whom had have played great impact 0n me.. i can already feel it.. just like h0w i can see lishan and yanfei, sherine, yanping and cuiyi.. never did they missed 0ut a "happybirthday" and each year we celebrated t0gether, rain 0r shine.. just c0uldnt imagine h0w it was g0in` t0 be f0r me at different stages 0f my gr0wing-up "pr0cedures" (life is just like a bo0k of rules and regulations that u've t0 follow) would be with the slight-minute absense 0f any0ne 0f them, just simply any0ne of them.
but what if, s0me really didnt turn up??
pr0s and c0ns.. yes and n0.. maybe and maybe n0t..
extreme c0ntradict, i'd say..
(it's all sherine's fault, she spurred my th0ts on this issue: 
the 21st birthday - behind the screen the0ries.)

*at this p0int 0f time, the gaga's hair is at the "ab0ut-dry" state*

对了, s0mething's been 0n my head f0r a few h0urs, and i am seeking help - finally.
what is it with bimb0 and bitch??
what's their difference??
acc0rding t0 interviews and s0me readings(0f course n0t the educating 0nes),
men w0uld rather ch0ose t0 have bitches than bimb0s in their circle....
that really made me w0ndered awhile..what's their c0mparis0ns..?


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:26 PM


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:47 PM

Sunday, February 12, 2006

* te'am0 *

fun fun fun!!! that's the 0nly w0rds i can use t0 describe my weekend.. =)
0n friday after w0rk, i went 0ut with the cliques t0 swensen (ya, AGAIN!) f0r dinner, c0z it was t0 celebrate Thomas birthday.. and uh, ya.. we ate his p0cket a big h0le 0f $160 d0llars..
then i g0t sc0lded by yanfei again bc0z i 浪费食物.. ordered s0 much and c0uldnt finish..
haha.. but then h0r, n0t me leh.. vince and shan say wanna share with me the fish & chips de.. s0 i ordered l0r.. blah blah blah..
always me!!!! irritating..

and yah, ytd was s0 fun!!!!!!
we went daxy's h0use t0 f0ol ar0und and mess up his h0use, hahaha!!!!
played cards, then the guys played PSP and watched TV.. yeah, and to0k the same f0od f0r lunch and dinner.. (erhem dax, i am hinting y0u to prepare better 0nes next time.)
=) hee...
left h0me f0r tuiti0n at 1045am..
11am : tuition
1pm : fetch lishan & vince.
145pm : fetch an0ther friend..
230pm : g0 daxy h0use lia0~
3pm : played cards..
4pm : played cards...
5pm : played cards....
whahaha.. =P 0kay, all the way till 10pm, we played cards..
then, dax decided.. "hey why n0t we g0 for supper?"
c0z fuit0ng w0n quite a l0t of m0ney, and we decided t0 ext0rt him..
alright, s0 we went t0 al-meen (dunn0 how to spell la).. and u sh0uld've seen the backseat 0f my h.0.n.d.a.. s0 crammmpppyyy!!
s0rry arh f0lks, my lil hatchback is f0r the lil me.. didnt kn0w that 0ne day will pick-up s0 many ppl w0r..
s0 y0u know.. the SUPER greedy me ordered s0 many things again and c0uldnt finish!!! (sherine, d0n't y0u think this scenari0 is damn familar!! GREEDY!!) haha..
then g0t sc0lded by yanfei(YES, AGAIN.) and him l0r..
y0u 2 st0p scolding me la!! it was bc0z dax and shan say wanna share with me the mee g0reng s0 i ordered de l0r!!
(haha, i am using the same excuse.)
*c0uldnt st0p luffing at myself*

oh yes, i wanna say s0mething here!!
st0p criticising my driving skills and my r0ad-idi0tness..
excuse me!! i am NO LONGER A P-PLATE and the drivers 0n the r0ad are just 0ut to bully female drivers, s0 all the m0re i should stand up f0r all the female drivers 0ut there and n0t be sh0ve ar0und the r0ad fr0m lane t0 lane!!!
when i wanna exit at Lornie r0ad means i wanna exit there!!!!!!!!! *angry!*
and when it c0mes t0 merging lane, IT'S VERY 0BVIOUS IT'S WHERE Y0U SHOW UR R0AD COURTESY AND ALLOW OTHERS T0 JOIN YOUR LANE!!!! n0t h0g it!!!
and .... and.... al0t more examples!!!!....
it's just s0 irritating and ann0ying t0 drive, especially when you have pe0ple that are n0n-appreciative that just keep 0n chanting and chanting b0ut h0w u should drive, 0r h0w bad y0u are driving..(sherine and mel, y0u would understand me m0st in this area!!!)
and vince qu0ted, "女人就是因为这样很讨厌开车"
i sh0uld have said, "你知道还一直说个不停"..
but at that p0int of time, i am already bitting my l0wer lips, trying very hard n0t t0 cry 0r flare up like that time at Orchard.. getting 0ut 0f the car in the middle 0f somewhere and letting s0me1 else drive my car instead..!
driving itself is n0t hard, it's the mentality 0f guys thinking that girls cant drive that made it hard f0r us..
get it??

t0o angry t0 continue.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:20 PM

Friday, February 10, 2006

* 不想长大 *

time is limited, and i am making full use of the 23minutes b4 i leave f0r work 0n this post.. =)

since i went back t0 work, i knew i hasnt g0t much time f0r bl0gging already..
but hmm, i will still d0 that th0ugh..
s0, let's see.. i just received an email fr0m dasmond..
wo0..what should i say? excited and elated?.. hee.. =)
yes, and also s0me tense-sation..
his birthday is in an0ther 12days time.. very sh0rt notice AGAIN.
what should i d0 for his birthday???
gettin` very *headache*..
he was way t0o surprise that ddesire is still surviving..
ya, maybe he was even right - is it still surviving??
i w0nder how's Mar and Cheez d0in`..they were the super "on" and extra-high ones, but n0w.. n0body ever mentioned anything... -excuse me, where are y0u?-

t0night, i am meetg shanny, feiz, vince and thomas f0r dinner, in-celebratn f0r thomas's 22nd birthday!!! 0MG!! 22!! cant y0u see the number?! (yes, i know it's my fav0urite no. but n0t that!)..
22... h0w far YET this near.. we are s0on turning 21, then... in 365 days, we are 22!!
i d0nt want t0 长大!
我不想 我不想 不想 长大
我不想 我不想 不想 长大
我不想 我不想 不想 长大
我深爱的他,深爱我的他 怎么会 爱上别个她

s0rry, didnt mean t0 help SHE 打歌..
it just happened s0.. haha..
k la, time's limited..and it seems that i cant c0mplete this post 0n time f0r work..
s0.. well, half-a-post t0 satisfy y0ur reading urge! =)
hee..let's h0pe it's a great day!!

28days more, c0z Feb has 28days a mth 0nly!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:08 AM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

* 十一月的萧邦 *

i opened up this screen, stared at it for 10secs, blinked and still f0und n0 words fl0wing out from me..
let's just n0t talk about h0w sick i am and h0w guilty i am f0r n0t attending work this m0rning..
why must i be this weak?!!?

wanted t0 slp but c0uldnt.. feel like seeing my c0lleagues n0w!!!
they are such fun-l0vings, responsible when neccessary, and yet sp0ntane0us to0!
i bet they must be waitin` f0r lunch time n0w.. heehee.. s0 cute..

i really fallen asleep..

woke up realised time passes quite slowly today, bc0z i am un-0ccupied.
s0 slowly that i went th0ugh EVERY SINGLE POST in the archives and it br0ught back s0 much mem0ries..
- i used t0 bl0g about every minute things when i first started 0ut, and many-a-times, they were lame and pointless entries..
- i used t0 write whatever first that c0mes into my mind with0ut editing, yet again.. i cant anym0re.. bc0z i need t0 understand the fact that, this is n0 longer a PERSONAL blog..pe0ple d0es read it, whether y0u know them an0t..
(by saying this, 0ne'd already have the intellect t0 interpret that, what written has been reduced t0 0nly 80% 0f my life)
- there was one bl0g entry that said
"y0u lo0ked cute when u were sleeping.."
haa.. this did br0ught back mem0ry..
- there are quite a number 0f entries b0ut my friends ar0und me..
and this is 0ne post which i said......
i realise the feelin' between us.. s0 real and true friendship..
and.. thinkin' deeper..
i guess we have t0 admit, as we gr0w 0lder..
0ur s0cial circle will just have t0 be substituted by s0me 0ther things..
be it relati0nships, 0ther c0mmittments, family, w0rk, studies..
it's rare t0 have a few m0re s0ulmates whereby they're willin' t0 sit d0wn listnin' t0 what u'll have t0 tell.. and im blessed with quite a handful..
but, mayb n0t 0ways they're there.. but, 0nce in a while.. i'd still see them ar0und.. im c0ntented.. d0nt ask f0r t0o much, c0z i cant give them all 0f my 10o% t0o.. as we gr0w.. i 0nly h0pe f0r all 0f u.. t0 be mates f0r as l0ng as....
[thank y0u aLL f0r bein' there..]

*paragraph edited as well*

i suddenly was thinking, why i didnt bl0g about what i did f0r CNY!!
I didnt bl0g b0ut who i met, and what i did during CNY..
i didnt bl0g bout where i and simin br0ught xia0peng t0 when he came 0ver t0 sg..
i didnt bl0g bout the incident when my c0usin garry dr0ve us t0 suntec's k-b0x and i l0st my way when it's time t0 go h0me..
i didnt bl0g bout the day where i went sentosa with simin and xia0peng and g0t him all sunburnt =x
i didnt bl0g about driving fr0m h0lland v t0 serang0on then t0 town with0ut getting l0st..*ehhemm!*
i didnt bl0g bout.........
likewise, there are things in 0ur life that we'll gradually f0rgets..
n0netheless if we bl0gged b0ut it 0r n0t..
1 year back, 2 years 0r even 3..
if i didnt lo0ked back and see where i was standing in the past, i'd not appreciate what i am today..
but sure there are some things which 0ne'll nv f0rgets.. and u'd better n0d in agreement..
that's a sure thing..

had been craving f0r mosburger for very l0ng liao..
since saturday..
i wanna eat it..
and, i will g0 and have it tml with simin..

oh, yes.. b4 i f0rgets..
my manager called me this m0rning..scared me..

ok, nthing interesting there.


1mth 3days

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:53 AM

Monday, February 06, 2006

* wakeup call!!! *

bad bad bad.. had a bad(or u'd rather say sick day).
was walkin the usual distance t0 the pick-up pt of my company bus..
then vomitted.. wahpiangz!! outside leh!! got s0 siasuay things must happen in the m0rning ma..
feelin` better after the uurgh~
the bus came, and i boarded..slept a lil on the bus, c0z usually it'll only take 15mins t0 the co..in an0ther w0rds, u cant reali sleep as much..
then, bc0z my co is very particular bout cleaniness, and attire..
we've to change into 0ur suit..
medical c0 are always like that i guess..
then, i rushed int0 the toilet bc0z i needed t0 *urrrrgh* again!!
abcdefghijklmnop l0rrrr..

i pulled myself int0 the office and was greeted with, "为什么你脸青青?"
i was m0re like.. uh uh?
i wasnt paying attention already.. s00o0oo sick..

then helena approved my sickleave.. went h0me.. and did n0thin`..hate staying at home leh, have been d0in` alm0st everythin i c0uld during the wkends after staying at h0me for c0nsecutively 2 days!

seriously, if i wasnt feelin` sick, i wanna help t0 prepare shipments and assign PO nos f0r my purchase orders lor!! =x


ytd i g0t a call fr0m xxxx, and got scared 0ut of the world-ly..
maybe n0t that exaggerating..
well, i shan't disclose it though..
it was meant t0 be a SECRET =)
but afterall, all i can c0nclude is..
hey, think carefully b4 u decide, bc0z..
我总觉得没有鱼 会因为你而停止漫游,毕竟,这是一条从别人身边游过来的 而游戏的规则你很了解..
当然 跟着心走固然是对的.. 只要 你觉得幸福 快乐 满足..
我做人的原则 和当时的我一样,只要我问心无愧 没去偷 没去抢
鱼儿来 我觉得喜欢 就 ok.
我完全了解你的心情 真的~
虽然你的处境 比我的好上千万倍
我只能说 我对我做的一切 没后悔过
值得一提的是 因为现代人要的 已不再是天长地久 而是曾经拥有 所以 你懂吧~
我现在过得比上个月开心 希望你的下个月 会比我这个月更开心 =)


i finally learnt b0ut 因祸得福.
i fell sick this m0rning, remember?
and dad came 0ver to fetch me fr0m work.. whahahaha..
and i managed t0 push a lil t0pic here and there..
at least s0me improvments la..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:43 PM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

* 长大做什么? *

hmm.. i see that every0ne practically crazy bout "Memorois of a Geisha", "小孩不笨2", and "霍元甲"..
but why?
why ch0ose movies which i've watched already.

i am bored to death today..
i sleep, slept, sleepen, sleeped and slept-ed..
okay whatever! lame man..
*idea from 小孩不笨2*..
whahaha =P

so other than all the sleepings that i did.
i went on surfing EVERYBODY'S blog that i can get touch on..
haoy0ng, jingqian, shimin, xiaoxuan, chonglin, liling ..
they are all my secondary sch mates, which i lost contacts with.
sad to say, but yes.. indeed.. lost contacts.

other than the usual routined blogs that i will visit everyday.
Sherine's, mel, and yanfei's..
just wanted to keep track of their updates, sometimes.. ppl does get t0o busy.

then was chatting with HY on msn..
and that he just celebrated his 21st bday.
well, on the 31st Jan.
Happy Belated 21st Birthday!!
sorry i am late.

ok, back on track..
i then went on to further readings into his blogs and saw numorous nice pics..
there were cakes and presents from the above names mentioned.
and i started to wonder.. we were from the same class.. but somehow, we just drifted apart? yet, HY managed to stay as close to them as before.
i was curious, guilty and.. sad maybe.

*pics from shimin and HY blog.*

so u see how much enviosity (no such word i guess) i had..
plus it's a cake from FOUR SEASONS HOTEL!!
let me announce now..
my cake must be from Fullerton/Raffles/Intercontinental/Swissotel.
Please choose one.
hee =) blah..


3days ago.. or maybe 4days..
this friend told me that i am very similar to another person.
as in, to the things i like, the things i wear on me.
and also the stuffs i carry..
so what is this gonna imply?
that we are alike?
however, by comparing though..
some things are just not the same,
unless you're allowed to shout and say - do it again.

it's v energy consuming to edit and edit, read and re-read these posts over and over again.
i do have my constrains, my restrictions, my little secrets.
Just in any case i got em out..
But it's not g0in` to happen of course..
you know melodyee, my friend.. she locked her posts.. she set passwords..
i think it's a great idea..
but what if i only need to lock it from a few?
i cant possibly lock the post from everyone, then who is goin` to read? haha.. contradicting.
and somewhat confused.


things are still the same between my dad and me. *stiffen-ed*
i am just tired to be always the one whom talks to him first..
i will get tired t0o..
all these years, whenever we glabberish, i AM ALWAYS the one to coax him..
crazy isnt it!! i have to coax him..
it's like excuse me?! who is the kiddo here??
i am sick and tired from it.. plus, don't take my initiative for granted.
They will be exhausted someday.
And its proven, yes.

it's a slacky saturday with another slacky sunday awaiting.

OH OH!! know what?
today is 4th Feb..
meaning my Guess! watch is 8mths old. =P
happi 8th-m0nth-sary!
*th0t i sound quite stupid mentionin` a watch? well, u will t0o if it's a "precious" t0 you*

Oh, and yes!
i love my 5days-old PInk-o-mot0rola V3.. still as much! =)
*2 "precious-es" alt0gether*


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:28 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

* 从達翰那里拿来的100提问卷 *

100 問題遊戲預備‧‧‧我一定是瘋了!!
1.我的全名: 黄诗云
2.別人怎麼叫我: 云 / JOll Joll
3.我目前的狀態: 还 ok
4.寫這份問卷調查的日期: 1st Feb
5.身高: 155
7.血型: B
8.星座: 双鱼座
9.身分證上的性別: Female 阿~!
10.用啥工具移動: 车/巴士
11.打工次數: 满多
12.打洞次數: 9 次
13.熱愛的唱片: R&B, Bossanova, 爵士 都不错。
14.熱愛的八點檔: 台湾的吗?
15.熱愛的書: 哈里坡特
16.熱愛的電影: 重要的是和谁看咯
17.曾經很迷的: 人吗?东西?
18.最近很得意: V3 手机!哈哈。。
19.戀愛次數: 严格来说 - 可以算 0次 想从新开始
20.不得意的科目: 除了 中文和英文
21.上手科目: 没书读了~
22.硬要買一個名牌: GUCCI 包包
23.未成年的心情: 忘记了
24.成年的心情: 多点钱!
25.加倍佳的口味: 啥东西?
26.我的手機門號: 新电信
27.菸的牌子: 煙很臭
28.玩的線上遊戲: 没完了
29.喜歡的數字: 22
30.喜歡的顏色: 绿色,粉紅色‧‧
31.麥當勞必吃: 可乐
32.住最遠的朋友: London 台湾 香港
33.吃不吃回頭草: 看情况
34.對吃回頭草的看法: 個人行為,沒有意見
35.對排隊買MR.DONUTS的看法: 就和排队看晓东一样
36.對奇摩交友的看法: 随意
37.對留學的看法: 很自由,感觉很棒!
38.健康的看法: 可与不可求
39.對休學的看法: 不懂也
40.對劫運不斷的看法: 啥东西?
41.對速食者的看法: 随便
42.人家說你長得像: 我妈
43.口頭禪: 啊?什么?
44.有康熙來了對生活上的影響: 沒啥影響,但很好笑!
45.腳皮怎麼處理: 拔掉
46.想給忘不了的前男友/女友的一句中肯話: 希望你会很快乐
47.睡覺前通常都在幹麻: 想想明天要做什么
48.起床的第一件事: 看幾點了
49.上一本看的書: 哈里坡特
50.愛人的名字: 沒有
51.要化身爲卡通人物想成為: 多拉 A 莫
52.今年紅包進帳總額: 通通花掉了
53.討厭女生TYPE: 就是她那样的类型
54.討厭男生TYPE: 自以為,不承认错,不会想的。
55.每個月手機費: 快 100
56.大便時會一邊幹麻: 挤大便~ 不是吗?
57.覺得最有效的減肥方法: 不吃宵夜
59.作弊被抓時怎麼辦: 疯掉!
60.最愛吃的台菜: 不是臭豆腐就对了
61.夏天最愛穿啥: T桖啊
62.大概幾天拉幾次屎: 每天一次
63.十年後我在幹麻: 嫁人了
64.寵物會取什麼名字: 瓜瓜
65.兒子的名字要取: 类似 杰瑞这样子 好听的就对了~
66.樂透一直簽不中的感想: 运气不够
67.最想去的國家: 日本,法國,義大利, 在一次台湾!
68.為何大家肯花大錢買muji: 日本货就是贵
69.夜市必吃: 泡沫红茶
70.國中時的印象: 年少无知
71.刺青想刺哪: 腰的边边
72.看果最噁爛的生物: 蟑螂 蜘蛛 会爬,会飞的
73.養過最噁爛的生物: 没
74.整形最想整哪裡: 把胸部变小 哈哈
75.分100分,台語流利度是: 50
76.小時後的夢想: 當医生 很普通吧
77.目前為止最欣賞的屌人: 晓东吧,对我来说 他很屌
78.吃咖哩的辛度: 还好而已
79.最花俏的一件內褲: 小猪猪
80.臉怎麼保養: 天生立志
81.請推薦一的罵人最好用的詞: 你是猪啊?
82.msn帳號: 你们都懂吧
83.生肖: 牛
84.目前為止,經歷過名字最瞎的人: 没有耶
85.朋友死都不還錢怎麼辦: 没办法吧!
86.大概多久看一本書: 有喜欢的才看
87.最近很失意的是: 被爸爸骂
88.失眠時都怎麼解決: 传来传去
89.髮色: 和眼睛一样
90.上一次生日蛋糕的蠟燭是幾歲: 20
91.所有頻道裡最愛哪一台: 第8 吧 忧也不错啦
92.最後悔的事: 不能写
93.早餐通常吃什麼: 都吃
94.下輩子想當男還是女: 被爱的女生
95.曠課通知單最多的數字: 很多張
96.在東區跌倒怎麼辦: 爬起来,假装没事
97.失戀該怎麼辦: 聽歌,写歌
98.寫完這份問卷的想法: 啊!怎還沒完!
99.最不希望誰看到這份問卷: 坏人
100.最後的話: 開心過每天最重要! 要幸福哦!

I kn0w myself.. i h0pe..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:40 PM

* shrugs *

it was meant to be a terrific new year, with new cl0thes,
hongba0s and a present.
but mine was tarnished *well, at least t0 some extend* THIS M0RNING, by my ever-so-eg0istic-and-unreas0nable dad..

we had a min0r tiff.. but he made it became GIGANTIC.
*sigh*.. shall let it be.. see when he'll calm d0wn.. he'd usually take quite l0ng th0u..
t0ld him it was all a misunderstanding.. but his 好胜心 made it imp0ssible t0 explain.. d0 you pe0ple enc0unter these as well??
tell me what i should d0.. =(
*m0nopause*.. <---sherine said.

0hya, this m0rning, 小彭 went back t0 taipei lia0..
sent him 0ff.. feelin' quite 0kay, n0t like when we were c0ming back fr0m taipei e last time..
cried and cried..

小彭 also called from taipei t0 保平安 twice.. haha..
*s0 eh, y0u!! it's n0t just me having the 习惯 t0 d0 that 0k.. =)*.. said he's reached and safe.. yah.. but i was sleeping then, s0 tired.. hahaa.. pe0ple tends t0 get tired after getting em0ti0nally imbalanced after the tiff this m0rning.. *arrgh!*

but luckily that i've finally, after grumpin` b0ut the v3 s0 long that i g0tten it already!!!!!! this is my 0nly c0ns0le to all unhappiness and sc0ldings fr0m this m0rning.. *h0ldin` v3 and admiring it!!*
*n0w feelin` GREAT and happy!*
幸好有你!!~ yay!!!

w0o.. and i'd watched 2 m0vies ytd..
in the m0rning with 小彭 - 小孩不笨2..
super nice!! me and him cried till we didnt dare t0 face each 0ther and sniffed s0 softly making sure that the 0ther c0uldnt hear.. but apparently, failed. hahahaah!! dramatic~ =x
and in the night with an0ther friend - 霍元甲..
i still d0nt understand why there's a need t0 p0ison him and made him dead, afterall.. u still loses y0ur bet..
arrgh! angry ending..
watch it and y0u know what i meant.
*caution: if u d0nt like an injustice ending, d0nt watch.*

this year g0t so s0 so lil angba0s..
thanks t0 the d0ings 0f "w0rking-life"..
"aiyoh, 诗云 你做工 lia0 hor.."
"红包少一点了 hor.."

it's quite al0t of ~

these tw0 days spent quite al0t..
f0od - 38 + 7 + 6 = 53
transport - 10 + 18 = 28 (that's when i didnt drive..taxi mad!)
parking - appr0x 10 la..
m0vies - 19 + 19 = 38
sent0sa entrance fees - 8
miscellane0us - 肉干 and drinks = 24 + 10
TOTAL : 171..
in 2 days..
w0ah!! mi earn bigbucks l0r.. as if..

aiyah.. but .. 我开心就好

simin ever m0re 阔气.. she gave all 0f us a treat at TONY ROMA's..
$130 d0llars yeh..
but i wasn't feelin` well.. arrrgh!! wasted.. haha..

*sigh* tml g0tta w0rk liao..
s0 quickly, 5 days g0ne in a flash..

v3 r0cks!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:26 PM