______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Saturday, March 25, 2006

* kids these days... *

as below, 0ne of the bl0g entries 0f my tuition kid - Zara.
it actually did reminds me of my primary sch0ol days, but of course...
only t0 a certain extend..
hahaa.. sherine, i guess we were n0t so happening then........

*i did not edit anything fr0m her post, s0 everythin` y0u read c0mes from her originality.. =)*

Hi everyone,
i have been having quite a bad holiday (not becos of homework and parents)....its because of a major friendship problem...its really really complicated....ok? Remember how i started to hate gwen becos of her bimbotic ways and blah blah?obviously i had to find out by a bunch of big mouths who told me (i wont say who it is....they should be ashamed of theirselves) so anyway,they told me and i got all angry and then i fought with gwen...they all "hated" her....so i went with the flow and started to hate gwen...but on friday one of them told me that gwen was in their posse now and i was all "what the hell?" I mean,i was all happy cos skool holidays were starting so i said "(the name of that girl)!you betrayer!!!!" But of course i didnt mean it...i meant it in a joking way at that time i was all happy cappy peppy me but no......that girl had to take it seriously and become all bitchy about it! So i didnt really care but the next day, that posse had a lil gathering which i would state under "posse meeting & sorting out of stupid stuff" So there i was busy playing my nintendogs when i recieved a call from them....so me being all "lets just make trouble,find trouble or just be kay poh and answer that stupid phone call...." And i answered it of course and they were all "Zara,we need to talk..." In my mind i was all "what? so now we are some couple breaking up or something?" But i didnt say it out or i might be classified under "bitchy" so i continued to say "what?" But they kept on saying "hold on" I so badly wanted to tell them that they should learn how to speak on the phone!!! first place i didnt even call them i mean if i did and they were telling me to hold on then its ok but im not calling them...if they really wanted to press the buttons on the phone so badly then i think i will just get them buttons for their birthday gifts!!!But yesterday i talked it out with one of them and so we decided we r not fighting....but hold it! Instead of me being the peacemaker they were the ones who made the peace thingy and i was all "wadeva" anyway i bought my bedset for my new room!!!
Lotsa luv,

haha, i thought it was really cute and real..
but.. well, i bet s0me 0f you couldnt understand the w0rds that she used..
i didnt t0o, but after teaching her f0r quite s0metimes..
i picked up a few 0f the 'children language' =)

Glossory :
gwen - short form of the girl's name.
posse - clique, group that hangs 0ut together.
peppy - you should know h0w pepper tasted like, well.. that'd be an adjective.
nintendogs - a game.

*laughs.. kids..*

2posts in a day..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:35 PM

Thursday, March 23, 2006

* bl0oo0o0ging *

my lappy is gettin 0ld..
y0u know this dreaded blue screen, that keeps saying s0me err0r in the hard disk 0ccurred and stuffs like that?
it's makin` me s0 irritated....
i c0uldnt even bl0g peacefully with0ut having the restart my lappy f0r its 0485753923855 times..!

s0 y0u pe0ple can imgaine, with all these pr0blems arising, h0w can i bl0g properly?!?!

0kay, s0 y0ur demand is my... whatever!
c0mmand 0r something..
alright!! bl0g!!!~


as people are telling me fruitful and exciting their lifes are..
i am dreading over mine..
what could be worst?
8-5pm job..
7-9pm tuiti0n..
10pm Da chang jin~
*okay, that's not counted*
s0 practically, it's all mundane!
oh well, at least it's CYCLE-D..
You will not hear me say, oh well..
today i went s0 and s0's place f0r facial, and oh woah!!
you know what, the jacuzzi is s0 big that i l0st my towel in it~
and yesterday i flew t0 japan f0r this carnival and to0k the earliest flight t0 Italy again, f0r this sh0wcase 0ver at Rome..
oh yah right!!
*shakes wildly!!*

well.. but t0 basics..
was at tuitioning, then zara mentioned about loving my M0tor0la pink v3 s0 much that she could d0 anything t0 get it.. and that her wh0le class g0t it and blah blah..
and that i was s0 lucky that felicia b0ught it f0r me and stuffs you know..
anyway, at that instant, my f0ne rang..
and it was und0ubtly, felicia.....
haha.. then i t0ld her that she was being menti0ned, about this c0incidence..
she then c0mmented that n0wadays kids are way t0o sp0il than 0ur times..
imagine.. ch0c0late f0untain in her bedr0om, D&G teeshirt that c0st her mum $550 f0r just casual wear.. t0nnes 0f t0ys and latest gadgets..
ip0d, imac G4, whatever you can ever think 0f....
s0 yah.. then felicia was saying she needs rest and blah.. y0u know..
s0 i went 0n t0 zara and her n0nsense, as usual..

s0 to make it quick..

at night, while watching da-chang-jin..
i g0t a call..
*chatting in process*

in the end, after the phonecall..
i was w0ndering what the hell was the c0nversation ab0ut and the meaning i could derived fr0m it...

"d0 u think 0ne day s0mething will c0me back t0 you?"
"d0 u think you will still cherish it when it c0mes back to you, even though you d0nt need it anymore.."

did i lost s0mething?
a ph0ne? yah.. used t0 dr0p things quite al0t..

but this qns realli made me think....
and you could g0 think bout it t0o..

but f0r me... i have alot 0f uncertainties..
gimme s0me scenari0s maybe..
will i want a watch that i lost s0me days back..
"yes!!" it brings back mem0ries..
will i want a ph0t0 that was to0k quite s0me times back..
"yes!!" it reminds me 0f the old days..
will i want a person back...
"yes!!" it brings back b0th mem0ries and the old times..
but pe0ple might ask..
what if it's all unhappy past and s0rrows that were left behind?
all i can say is..
till n0w, it had n0t happened as yet..
in future?
think bout it later..

that's a very real and straight-forward me..
i wont think of the future in terms of the uncertains..
0f course it didnt mean that i d0nt have a goal t0 achieve 0r something,
but i always believes everything had been planned for you ahead..
if n0t, you wouldnt been b0rn this way...
n0t every0ne was b0rn with health and wealth, with eyes and n0se..
s0 if anyone out there hasnt g0t the mentioned, you wouldnt shakes your head but n0ds in agreement with me..

so the conclusion f0r this would be....
whatever happens, when it's meant t0 be yours...
n0 matter h0w long it takes..
it'll still be..
get it, ha0y0ng?


as f0r th0se wh0m are waitin f0r birthday part2...
i think... i'd rather n0t..
i lo0k s0 bad in the pictures
*alth0ugh in real....well...*
s0 yah..
where was i...........

this m0rning while i dr0ve t0 this "m0nthly place" at bukit timah,
*s0me of you might kn0w =X*
was playing JJ's s0ng.. and felt really... 舒服..
i l0ve his 声线..
it made the driving seems m0re easier and happier =)

当黑夜来领的时候 人不禁也开始感性了起来
想得越多 孤单越靠近
看起来天天笑脸迎人的我 真得就那么开心吗
也或许 我是真正不了解我的人
有些时候 往往会想要隐藏什么
心理的内心世界 永远不会有任何的改善

喜欢一个人的快乐 何尝变得那么难
拥有一个人的拥护 而更是遥不可即
我的人生梦想很简单 和别的女生一样
想要一个快乐人生 要一个一起分享的他


i hate it when i became crazy over my own naration with chinese 'characters'
i simply couldnt stop!!!!
there's simply t0o much things that overwhelmed me in this simplified yet str0ng language....
t0 some of us, language is just a form of communication..
but t0 the rest 0f us, it's m0re than simply w0rds..
just like writers, reporters..
they made us g0 int0 their st0ries by just a page 0f plain text..
script writers, directors..
they br0ught us int0 their made-up world with texts and acti0ns..
0f course, additional feelings if you have t0..

ok, it's bull-shit if you couldnt 'link-up' with my obsession with 'WORDS'..

was thinkin 0f a break-thru, alth0ugh at a tender age 0f 21,
*did i just said i was 21?..crap..*
where 0ne just stepped int0 the real w0rld, where 0ne has g0t n0 other abilities that is called, 'their-own'..
n0thin` you called '0wn-space'..
n0t your '0wn-world'..
y0u see my p0int??
s0mehow realised, n0thin in this w0rld belonged t0 me!!
abs0lutely N0THING, if you need me t0 emphasize..

d0n't try t0 argue with me and said y0u paid f0r your cl0thes and shoes!
i am talking ab0ut 心灵的充实 与真实的拥有..
if y0u are married happily with kids and plenty 0f happiness in a place called 'y0ur home'.. i sincerely felt happy f0r you...



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:21 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

* just for quenching.. *

push me into dead sea n i'll float , throw me off a plane n i'll fly.... it just takes nothing 2 make me die....

Note : i have small eyes but i can see everything...

Act 1.
why so pale?? nv put make up arh...?

then after rubbing my eyes a little in amusement, i realise...
i didnt put on mascara either...

at least, bc0z my eyes aren't big!!
i wont say it's small though.. =x

and i chance upon this lil n0te somewhere...
i have small eyes but i can see everything...
and begin laughing non-stop!!!
s0 absolutely true!! haaaa...

fall in love

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:39 PM

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

* hilariii000us!! *

decided to sh0w this t0 u all..
quite cute!!

we'll miss y0u, mikey!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:42 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

* *extended thanks* *

tired tired tiring...
is the real thing to describe me, my friends and my party last night!!!


this is g0ing to be a l0ng post i guess...
and f0r those wh0m merely wanted t0 lo0k at the ph0t0s...
h0w dare y0u!!!! i t0ok s0 long to write this..
**of c0z i know it's g0ing t0 be taking real l0ng..**

especially ha0yong.. whom 0nly wanted t0 see GIRLS!!!
i am g0in` t0 test u 0n the c0ntent!! haha..


yes and although it was really tiring..
there's still fun!!!!
i really have to thank al0t of ppl f0r making yesterday p0ssible!!!!
ELAINE - although she d0esnt read my bl0g i think..
that was a really great cake!!! i love it!!! thanks!
MIKE - you d0nt seemed like my guest!! y0u appear t0 be m0re like my br0ther!! wh0m helps me with entertaining my guest and bbq-ing f0od for everyb0dy!!
AH HOE - thanks for helping 0ut in the bbq-ing of chicken.. hee!
SHERINE - checking in with me on the very day, otherwise.. it's ME alone.. *sobs*
oh yes!! manicure was tiring.. haha..
and everybody else f0r attending!! 谢谢!
special thanks to ha0yong and chonglin f0r being s0 thotful.. haha.. i br0ught the wh0le bottle 0f water h0me!! lol..
but i realised, there's still cordial left in the bucket, why u guys went 0ut to buy drinks arh??


the real thing...

i dont remember telling ppl i like citigem, but hey!! great minds think alike =)

yes yes yes!! s0 feminine right!!!
i tried it 0n.. and w0oo.. l0ve it!
learning t0 be m0re like-a-girl n0w..
thanks hy, cl, yj and jq!!

thank y0u yanping.. am0ng the 40f us.. we are the cl0sest left..
y0u shall n0t abandon me!!!!
=p hee.. l0ve the diam0nds.. haha..

i seriously think my friends kn0w me inside-out!!!
last week, i just b0ught a necklace fr0m perlini sliver *okok, cheap0 i know!*
and ytd, i g0t this fr0m them!!!! from LEEWAH.. of course n0t cheap0!!
but the mystery is.... they havent seen mine at all.. and it's the same design..
thanks girls!!! I am wearing it n0w already..


haha.. i can remove it without 0pening the buckle thingy..
can i bring it t0 LEEWAH??

an0ther mystery..

the size is s0 fitting that it feels like i tried 0n the size myself!!!?
h0w did y0u ppl d0 it??
thanks al0t esther, shawn, beckie, ryan, isabel, howard, hweek0on, pohlin!!

as weird tempered as an artist may be..

hand-made!! s0 significant and much treasured!! thanks YL!

thank y0u dahua!!! omg.. Christian dior!!
that's a really sweet smelling fragrance =P
谢谢你哦 ,还记得吗? 我曾跟你说过,不要找别人帮你选我的礼物..

even my mum's friend kn0ws i like ADIDAS????

hearty hearty!!! i love hearts!!!!
i am g0in to ask the same thing again!!
h0w did y0u know i like hearts uh sysySy??!
thank y0u thank y0u!!
*his name is shunyi.. s0, b0th 0ur initials = sY. =)*

this is given t0 me by my attachment peri0d colleagues..
they still remembers me!! s0 touched l0r!!
and if y0u lo0k int0 my archive last year march, they gave me ADIDAS merchandise t0o!! hee.. g0od mem0ry!!
and i reali like this 0ne alot!! =) s0 nice..

y0u know what!!!?
steven is really a FRIEND man!!! he nv fails t0 come by even th0ugh he know very well that he'll be left al0ne, and sitting d0wn in a c0rner n0t kn0wing any1 else..
last year t0o... *lo0k int0 the archives f0r details =P*
i am blessed with friends!!!
thanks stevvven.. s0 guilty.. =x

these are all preci0us moments......
hee.. fengy.. i think if y0u recall.. last year.. y0u gave me s0mething fr0m PM t0o..
d0nt deny.. pictures as pr0ofs.. =) keke..

h0hohoo!! pill0w!!!

1oq..eric, junbeng and wenqiang!

last but definately n0t least..

the picture said it all!!!
gosh!!!!! EA~ =0
i like it, i like it, i like it!!!!
thank y0u sherz, simin, desm0nd and jiaying!!!!
lalalaallla...*sh0w off*
=P bleahs..
but arh.. t0o big lia0.... need t0 make one more hole..

i have small hands =p hee...

s0 at the end 0f the day..
we have 0ne near-fatal accident..



m0re t0 come..

end 0f part1

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:48 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

* ph0t0s time!!! *

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:38 PM

a hint of everything.. the 40obucks hair..

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the emphasis..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:36 PM

just s0me... u know.. self-sh0ots..

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*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:35 PM

and here we g0.. *passed by*

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while sherine is drivin, i enj0yed the ride.

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serious mikey!

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*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:32 PM

happy birthday simin`

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h0w small is the ip0d??

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me at simin's h0use!!

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smile at the camera!!

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still me..

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-me again-

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finally!! sherine.. hee...

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:28 PM

-c0mpetition see below entry-

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-hamster lo0kalike c0mpetition-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:27 PM

-me n sherine @ the balc0ny again-

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:25 PM

Saturday, March 04, 2006


it's simin's birthday today..
happy 21st!!!! =)

i bet she's g0in` to be having l0ads of fun later..
yupz, now nua-ing at her place, waiting f0r the real thing t0 start..
but seems like i am t0o early la.. hee.. ;p

anyway, as she had requested, b0ught her a ipod nan0..
and u bet!! i am BROKE. =x

oh and yesterday i went:
-bugis, icon.
-wheellocks, birkenstock (but they were cl0sed when we reached at 945pm.)
-heeren, the balc0ny.
then i saw yanfeng there t0o!! such an c0incident~

and yes yes!!!! me and sherine t0ok like 012347346485937 pictures!!!!
=) u can imagine.. we laughed, crapped and f0ol ar0und..
then the kinky sherine suddenly feel like singing!!!
s0 we went t0 clementi k-b0x...
but the irritating, irresp0sible and arrrgh thing is.....
they cl0ses at 1am.. by the time we reached, it's already 1155pm!!!
excuse me!!!! u c0uld have t0ld me when i called t0 b0ok the r0om!!
not when i reached.. =(

s0 in the end, we WENT HOME!
and i went t0 bed straight..
hahaa.. s0 this m0rning, here i am!!!
at simin's place..
it's such a l0o0oong drive t0 serang0on.. bleahs!!!

6m0re days t0 mine. =)

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:24 PM