______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

* laalllllaala.. *

24 m0re days, and i might be able t0 see DANIEL CHAN on the r0ad!!!!!
and yanfei will say, " nah, Gu Tian Le.. "
then Lishan will g0, "sia0~"...
and walks 0ff to the toilet to spray s0me insecticide to the bugs-pr0ned t0ilet bowl!!!!!! arrgh~

c0untin' d0wnnnn

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:01 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

* tama-madness *

hahaha... tamagotchi died!!!!!!!
stupid me... by the time i went home and wanted to feed it, it went to heaven already..

tama-madness died

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:34 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

* my pink mot0r0la V3 *

well well well, while everyone is around me getting frenzy about catching "The Da Vinci Code"...
i d0n't know if i'll get ch0pped by telling you the story...
a summary let's make it..

character introduction:
Robert Langdon - the Harvard Professor.
Sophie Neveu - supposingly was some police officer, but in the show, she was more like a French cryptologist whom know something bout cryptex through her "grandfather"..
Silas - a complicated background, strongly religious man.

these are the main character, the rest... are the mastermind and victims, but let's not b0ther about them.. =x

it was a 2hrs and 30mins sh0w, please g0 to the toilet bef0re the show and try t0 have your dinner bef0re that, 0therwise, you might be t0o tired and lazy t0 eat after the l0ng sh0w...

scene 1 : Sophie grandfather was murdered and Harvard symbology pr0fessor was called t0 help the police crack the c0dings which the dead man had left behind.
But all was a set-up, it was all about the acts of religion believers.
even the policeman.. *tensed-up*!
s0 Robert and Sophie went thr0ugh a running and s0lving c0de j0urney..

in the painting w0rks fr0m Leonardo Da Vinci scripted the clues and directions for both Robert and Sophie, but hell!!!! they solve it in their own way and the viewers wn't know h0w on earth did they decode it, alright!

so they fleed from places to places..like Mission Impossible: 3..
LOL.. Ok..
no i mean, later on...
in came al0t of the Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene mystery...
the catholic and the christian + the pagan and oelis xxxxx di leus... xxx..
you know h0w french speak la huh...
so it was the different in religion that believes in separated readings and part of Jesus history..
and some to behold a myth that might change the world..
whether did Jesus had a ROYAL BLOODLINE in mortal world.

Christian in the show believes that Jesus and saint and immortal,
however the myth says otherwise..
and there, Jesus and Mary had an affair and the day where Jesus was crucified, Mary was pregnant and later, Susan - Jesus baby girl was born.

so the purpose is the reveal this truth, or myth.

to sum up :
read m0re on the part where h0w the bo0k describe the c0des decoding, bc0z the movie d0esn't...
kn0w more about the hist0ry of catholic and christinity.

0therwise, it's a COMPLICATED movie.

omg!! s0 warm!
d0n't know why lishan wants her fan to "fan" the laptop instead of us~

yes, still sp0ilt, my lapt0p's still sp0ilt!!!!

anyway, 35 days m0re to HONGKONG!!! lallalalaa....


yah, the title is meaningless, just t0 show that i am lo0king admirably at my pinku~

ytd, yanping called me at ar0und knockoff time, she said t0 j0in her f0r xiaol0ngbao..
why?! 0f course, n0thing but xia0longba0 can make me say yes t0 anything! =P

s0 yah, but i d0n't kn0w why but ppl ar0und me have the tendacy t0 be late f0r appt!!
i waited an h0ur for her t0 come, by then.. i had sh0pped the wh0le Jurongpt and b0ught a stupid, childish TAMAGOTCHI!!!!!!!!
what the hell? TAMAGOTCHI?!?!
I dun0 la..
i just b0ught it, and yah... feeding it n0w can~

s0 i am g0in to raise it, yay!! and bring it t0 Hongkong...
shan & feis, help me feed it s0metimes okayy..

hell0 Motor..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:54 PM

Thursday, May 18, 2006

* give me ur wings *

sometimes, pe0ple tends to have their own fears, own lil secrets and n0t telling anyone d0es not mean that they are bad in nature...
as in......

fr0m young, i am like that.... i follows-up at clinic...
i see doctors...
recently, my employer starts asking, why did i always go back t0 the same doctor and that doctor is from Childrens' Cancer department...
i was like... WTH!!!!! she's in which department has got nthing to d0 with me...
it's the place where the MC was printed out..
and he kept on going.....
"why did u have to see a doctor?"
can someone help me......!
i sees a doctor bc0z i am unhealthy???
bc0z i sheng bing??!
but i must say my way of lying is s0 bad that he th0ught i was keeping something from him and was being rude...
whatever la....
indeed i was keeping something....
i am n0t as pink as y0u thought, so what?
i know this w0nt affect my work performance..

f0r my friends wh0m know what i am suffering fr0m......
Cheers t0 pink of health!!
may y0u stay this way!!!!
never fall sick ok!?

i didnt want to lie t0o...
but letting the "boss" know things t0o personal aren't g0od...
they will question alot....which i hated...and still hates...
"why arh, why arh??"

i wish i was healthy like the rest, i really do......

Health and Wealth, i ch0ose the former.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:44 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

* *

today, as i was on my way to work..
as usual, i will be taking the company bus(don't ask me why i didn't drive)..
and as much as it's obvious, the road was all jammed up and wet with the rain this morning..

but one thing i noticed was, not all bus drivers are irritaing and not all buses are slow...
because as what i had realised, my company's bus uncle is so kind and poilte..
not only did he allow others to "cut" into his lane almost willingly..
(you see, the road is so jammed that if you miss a turn, you are dead)
and he also signal a thank you gesture each and EVERY TIME anyone gave way to him..

aiyah!! i am not going to be prejudice by any bus uncle anymore~


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:51 PM