______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


September 2004
October 2004
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December 2005
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August 2006
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December 2006
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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

* too fast too furious! *

i was at 115km/h yesterday....
along PIE.. Listening to 93.3....
then i realised i was to0 fast...

my mind wasnt with me, my heart wasnt...
my soul wasnt...

dunno what i was thinking also..
arrgh, boring!!

26th July..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:21 AM

Friday, July 21, 2006

* updates! *

firstly, let us lo0k at a few pictures that were taken on the day of chongz's 21st birthday :)

here's our dinner~ *on a diet, winks!*

in the dark :)

me + clemen.. *long-time-no-see!*

me + sun.. *glaring! blink!*

me + b0on.. *primary sch... secondary sch..10years!*

and my day ended..

these few days, monday - friday has been a normal yet hectic day :)
like i have always complained, routined.. boring... junkies!
okay, my brain cells are dead..


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:01 PM

Monday, July 17, 2006

* 空空 *

after goin' missing every now and then, i have couple of things to blog about now..
however if you asked if it's fun, cheeky and all..
well, i will have to say, my days are routined, and so is my LIFE..
i need new injections into my journey...
but....(more of it later...)

ChongLin's Bday!

Last Sat, we celebrated Chonglin's bday, okay.. maybe the name sound foreign to a couple of my readers..
Chonglin is my secondary school friend whom i'd say is nice and worthy enough..
because of all my secondary contacts, he's the minimal one of them who bothers to msg me and call me up once in while for gatherings and such..
although i cant blame the rest for not doin' so, afterall...
i wasnt enthu enough previously, i guess....
but anyway, we had dinner and went kbox soon after that..
talking about singing, the last time i sang was in HK..
yah, i must say that pretty many of them sang well...
was rather surprised :P
thanks for the treat and fun Chongz!

Taiwan - Taipei

the moment i stepped onto Singapore's own ground 5hours after departing HK few weeks ago, i told myself i have to get out again soon, easily so because HK wasnt as great as i thought after goin' back there once again 10years later ever since my childhood..
but, came back disappointed..
....... 不知道~
definately not because of who i went with, not even a slight possibility..
Once shan and feis are concerned, disappointment 是百分百不在话上~

hmm, but now i am rather worried, because shan has got some hesitation about leaving Singapore for Taiwan, mainly because flying twice in a year might not be necessary agreeable for her parents, so there's this barrier there to climb over...
eeew!! please try your best to ask!!! *fingers crossed and o-mi-to-fou*


没想过如果生命里来了另一个人后,会是怎样的一种约束 或 抱负

我就是很自由自在 很独立 很center 的我。
没想过 priority 上有没有办法在加入一个人。

除非~ 我是说 除非~
我真的喜欢你~ 那我没话说。。。

但是,在话下 并非如此。。
如果你说 你相信一见钟情
那我只好说 一见的当时,我只看到,
对不起 你不是我喜欢的类型。
对不起 我们 不可能。

XiaoLong (Not XiaoLongBao!!)


Jade 吉他手

that saturday, i went IMM for Dasmond's book launch.
then happened that XiaoLong and his brother Terence was there to0 to give them their support, and because Dasmond kind of introduced them a wee bit,
i turned and saw him..
initially i wasnt all impressed and attracted to the band grp - Jade (the superband competition) however, i must say tht he was indeed charming...
*kwang kwang* haha..

s0 i went forward to take his picture while the little girls cr0wd around him for autographs and all..

XL: 呃~那个红色相机的。。

XL: 你很眼熟~ 在哪里见过你?

XL:很 familiar leh...
我:呵呵 是吗?



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 7:08 PM

Monday, July 10, 2006

* Dasmond and LingZhi *

i g0t no idea how much this bo0k is g0in to cost, but one thing i know f0r sure,
it's g0in' to be the only bo0k that i willbe reading for the next half of 2006.
=) coz it's w0rth reading over and over again...

s0 you guys know where to find me this weekend :)

hmm.. i miss him quite a lot..
okay, but anyway.. remember to show ur support and pop d0wn to get a copy..
hee.. shan, you know IMM is walking distance from your h0use la hur...

me and me.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:51 PM