______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


September 2004
October 2004
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December 2005
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February 2006
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August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
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December 2006
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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Thursday, September 28, 2006

* Busy September end.. *

dear all

it's month end again!
and plus it's september *wake me up when september ends*
and and and, it's the STOCK-TAKE period of the year..!!!
duper busy!

i am goin' t0 stay back v late tomorrow night.
hais, friday night burnt..
and if that's not enough, i am goin' t0 audit my vendor's stocks on saturday morning!
although there's claimable OT.. but i wanna g0 to the Children' Day event de!!!!!
don't think can make it on time :(

hais, no time to bl0g further..
some pictures t0 dr0ol for..
my c0usin.. natural lo0k and b4 g0in' for performance lo0k..

-Quite a Rainie Yang ADDICT t0o!!-


Back to work..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 4:25 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

* my w0bbly-d0bbly busy weekend! *

Sidetrack :
he's really a comical pie!
the first thing in the morning, i went int0 Lil' Jeffy's blog, and i saw this!!!
Laugh until my head drops leh!!!

how can some0ne suppose to take his O'Levels be "s0 free" to duplicate my w0rk?!
:P *still laughing seriously hard!*


Friday -

the inital plan was to g0 dinner-ing with Mike and rest..
but the irritating Mike last minute had an assignment meetg to attend with his RMIT mates, so we had absoltuely n0 reason to continue without him and s0 the ch0ice to postpone the dinner.
uh hur, but being the busy and 0ccupied sY, i had yet an0ther plan though 0ne got cancelled.. whahhahaha!

s0 i went ahead with plan-B.

Jingyuan's 21st bday celebration dinner *yes, again.. it's always f0od!* at JurongPt's FISH 'N' CO.
it was the usual celebration and dinner until this guy walks to serve us...
he was such a great waiter, he's nice, polite, suave... blah blah..
then yanfei told me..
"woah, 他很有 X-Factor leh!"
"嘻嘻" while concentrating on my blackpepper stingray *i am g0in' to eat alot 0f stingray, h0ping tht 1 will be the one tht killed Irwin!*

s0, fastforward..
we finished our dinner, ate the cake, presented the prezzie and was time t0 f0ot the bill, and i wrote something 0n the piece of serviette, sl0t it int0 the bill-folder and the suave waiter t0ok it away...

here's what was written :
Hey xxxxx *t0 protect his identity in case you lecherous readers g0 haunt him!*

My friend in pink thought that you've got really GREAT X-factor..
*and you must be wondering who was wearing pink 0n that evening..
it isn't t0o hard, isn't it?*

well, 0ver laughter and craziness..
the night ended..

Saturday -

It was a total relaxation day!
i met feis over tea at Essential Brew and then dinner + arcade at the mall..
later on at night, i forced sherine to watch "John Tucker must die" with me..
hee... very funny show! must watch! :)

Sunday -

tuition, tuiti0n and tuiti0n!
had s0 much tuition tht i find myself sick with this j0b!
i had 2 tuition in the morning and aftern0on..
and when i got h0me in the evening..
i stuck myself t0 the tv screen..
and that ended the last day of the week..

s0unds b0ring hur..

countdown to 48days

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:22 AM

Monday, September 18, 2006

* 坏掉的扬丞琳 哈哈 *

hee..i guess everyone is super excited to hear about my extension!
i have one phonecall and 2smses asking about the after-show..
:) Great!! i simply LOVES my hair now!
BUT i do encounter idiots in the office that suddenly jumped up to me and say,
"fake de right? when did your hair became so l0ng?"
"lo0k like my house carpet.."
"woah! your hair got so long de meh?"

and the nicer comments are,
"woah, very natural leh.."
"hee.. you lo0k different :P "

actually quite neutral if you come t0o think of it..
as long as i like it! =)

-a piece of advise, do at least 120 bunch-
mine's 120 bunch, but still lo0k kinda lil' from behind..

anyway, here are the pictures.. that speaks a thousand words!


AND THEN........

and for those whom are also interested
"Sherine in the making" can click here


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:10 AM

Thursday, September 14, 2006

* *it's just more of it!* *

YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yesterday i was doing my usual rounds of surfing..
SQ, Jetstar, hotmail, youtube, bl0gs..
then my very first surprise came when i was at SIA webby

but of course they wont show you on the homepage that they are having promotions and all, afterall.. SingaporeAirlines is the world leading prestigious airline!
how could they tell you straight in the face, " WE ARE ON SALE! "..
Just like how LV and Gucci wouldnt send you brouchures to your mailbox and tell you there're having Year-End clearance!

we (or was it me alone) had been planning and talking about the Taipei trip for months and despite me pestering her, she wouldnt budge..
so being the, "i wanna g0 means i must go pers0n.."
i went searching and surfing every single day..
then when me and feis was actually going for Jetstar already, since we didnt like the idea 0f paying $600 for the airtickets to take SQ although the thought of it alone is alluring enough.. ^.^
and i was here....

that was it, $808 for 2, $404 for 1..
but still, i continued with the usual surfing..
i wasnt pinning much hope anyway..

then after keying in my preferred flying dates and details at the SIA webby,
they showed me...

FOR 2!!!!
did you see it?!
FOR 2!!! so 1 pax is only $464..
Last year, i paid $6o0+ for the tickets..
then i rang feis..
no answer..



zero response..

call her house....
mum picked up, but she's not in...


for what seemed like years later, she called back.. =)

to pay another $60 t0 travel with SQ instead sounds really g0od and value-worth..
so we immediately got it online!! :) since i said i'd pay for her first..

s0, it's a happy me!!
*but there's tuition tonight..*


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:01 AM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

* when's my 天天火锅? *

man!! i missed a great show on last saturday!
the Northview + Unity Eagles Joint Installation and Induction..
why did i say it was a great show?

Joakim was there!!
and what was i doing then?
helping my student mug for her examination when she couldnt care less about it...

and so i decided..
no! i die die also wanna take picture with Joakim..
and so...

*showing a victory sign*
i die die also must take can!
sorry Jiaying.. hee..

whahaha.. whahahah!!!! laugh until peng!
*thanks Jeffy! you are the kindest!*

anyway, i am sure they had a great day!
and i wasnt there.. *bad m0od*..

you know i seriously had a bad day yesterday..
not because it was the after-monday syndromes..
not because channel5 tuesday movies were on tv..
not because of anything else that you can think of la!

but because i felt useless during my session with Zara..
she had 2 chinese comprehension, one whole maths worksheet, and english from sch0ol..
forget about tuition work, they never existed!!
so, i was there at 7pm, she was at the playground skating with her friends, zeth was cycling t0o..
but i br0ught him in..
however since Zara's session wouldnt start until 8pm, so i let her go...

then the nightmare begins at 810pm when she finally steps into the r0om....

i begin with chinese because tht usually will take her ages to complete and she hates chinese, tht drastically increases the difficulty..

just think!
how can you teach when she wasnt even listening.

and worst!
coz she wasnt even l0oking!!

she keeps calling chinese characters - Sticks..
for g0d's sake.. such a nice language could turn out to become a caveman's era comparision!
i LOVES chinese.. and her attitude is making me feel that she's not at all keen to learn this beautiful language... that she's totally making chinese sounds dirty and chinna!
why must there be such a mentality?


中文一直是我的兴趣 我沟通的重要语言
若没有了中文 语言障碍会有多大 你曾想过吗?
如果让我从新选一次 我一定不会错过在南大修读中文系的机会
可是也因为这样 我秉持着对这个美丽的语言的热爱


气死了!coz in the end, i had to stay until 940pm..
i was all tired and pissed from work..
now with tuition..

so back to english..
i think i am just a pure-language-dependant can!!

g0nna have busy weeks ahead~
for the next 3 weekends, i am b0oked liao..
16th (sat)- tuition + Leo BOD meeting
17th (sun)- tuition + Hair Job for both myself and sherine :)
23th (sat)- medical appt for the whole afternoon + tuition in the evening
24th (sun)- tuition in the morning, Meeting my finacial advisor in the afternoon, free in the evening!
30th (sat)- tuition in the morning + Sherine's 21st party!!
1st (sun)- Children's Day can!?

very bad!! have no time for any other entertainment, lunches and dinners..

just like the commercial always said,
t0 avoid disappointments, b0ok early!!
*winkz =)*

p/s: Pictures courtesy of Jeffy :P

sherine, 天天火锅 on sunday?

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:59 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

* 你们这些瓜.. *

越来越多人侵略我的宝岛 呵呵 废话太多!


对哦 现在又想想 还真的是很想念你们~
从台南到台北四五个小时的车程。。 呵呵。。屁股痛!

而且 我住哪里啊?


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:27 AM

* ewwww! *

yesterday i was going through xiaxue's blog and was simply amazed to say that each time she comes out to blog, she nv fails to sh0ck me..
apparently, her bf was in town..
and she went missing for several weeks, but i am sure readers will still glue themselves to her blog each day bcoz, we all know that (yes, i mean including myself = we.) when she's back, she's going to bring back stunning news of everything + her new image! =) did you see her new extentions?
i can only say, OMG..
absolutely pretttty!
you people know h0w much i longed to have 杨丞琳's long and thick hair!!

isn't it gorgeous!
and now, for merely $200, xiaxue got them t0o!!!
now, the only thing is...
which salon did she go t0 arh?
i want it, i want it~ i want it t0o!!
damn! if i source that information out, i am going to get those manes for $200 t0o!
definately affordable!

i wonder if Roots does extensions.....


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:10 AM

Friday, September 01, 2006

* having n0 laptop *

that was kinda dry..

the only time i can do things virtually is when i am in the office..
and being in the office leaves me with very little time that i can do compared to if i have my laptop with me at home..
uh hur.. you see the point?

well well, yanfei is flying off to bangkok tonight and coming back on monday..
and there after, we are going to get our tickets to taipei!!
damn! you know how exciting this can be?
going back to taipei in November after leaving there for nearly a year, i cant wait to see the changes and the people whom took great care of me when i was there :)
exciting!!! seriously am lo0king forward.....

but all i need to do now is to CROSS MY FINGERS that feis doesnt dry herself up in bangkok and call off my anticipating trip to taipei!
else i might strangle her real..

one more thing i have to do is also t0 persuade shan's m0m to let her come with us!
please auntie.. let us have shan for 6days!!
:P *act pathetic face*

p/s: shanny, you hear me?


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:59 AM