______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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September 2004
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July 2010
February 2012


-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

* agonized *

i had a lot of thinking to do last night.

1. why didnt he sent me home?
2. why didnt he asked if i've reached home?
3. why didnt he reply my last sms?

for the first time, he didnt send me home after our movie at cineleisure.
yes, we took the same train to Lakeside.
then i went left, he headed right.
i didnt say anything.

then i got home, and waited.
he didnt sms me if i'd reached.
for the first time, he didnt.
usually.. he never fails to.. unless he sends me home.

and when i took the initiative to ask him if he's at home.
he replied swiftly with a yes.
and then i took my strike.
"why never sms and ask if i am home?"
he said, "i wanted to sms u after i came out from my shower"
i was like, "excuse me, if i were to get kidnapped by some bangladesh, i will be at dunno where by the time u come out from your showers!.."
as if he couldnt sense my disbelief, he continued "aiya, they wont want u de la"

enough said.
for the rest of it.
i know what he's thinking already.
we WERE over.
Last night.
so hurt

thank u for the memories, they were short

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:34 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007

* i cannot stop thinking *

it's 1am.
the last day of the year according to the lunar calendar
spoken to him on the phone just now.
i don't understand why i always have to pretend to be so calm
whenever it's things related to him, when actually..
deep in me, i am so concerned and attracted to it.
but i just acted otherwise
will this be the reason why, i am not getting the reaction i should?
or is this why, i am giving out the wrong signals?

i questioned myself in vain.

he asked wouldnt it be to0 bored if we were to travel abroad just me and him.
well, as a matter of factly, i said..
"excuse me, so u r saying i am a bore la.." in a jokingly manner of course.

and he replied.
"but pe0ple will gossip if we were to go on 0ur own like the 2 of us.."

as much as i wanted to say,
"are we that highly-speculatable that people will be watching our every moves?"
you know, probably this sentence will lead me somewhere, searching for clues.
however, instead, this came out..
"then just keep it from the rest that we are goin' somewhere.."

i so badly wanted to slap myself!

what was i thinking?
i am just simply dumb.

it's time to seriously stop thinking on my own.
and time to find out what he actually is thinking..
what if....
what if....
all from the very beginning..
we were just friends and nothing else?
what if...
when i spill the beans..
things turned nasty?
what if...
i lose a friend...
what if.....

this is too complicating.
it's even harder than x=y, find z.

and i might just continue this way

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:02 AM

Friday, February 16, 2007

* bangkok phot0s *

some pics to share :)


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:36 AM

* ktv-ing *

i've been telling the girls the last time i went ktv-ing was last year November in taipei..
so, tht makes it....3months lorr!!
to some of you, it might be nothing...
but to me.. it's very long le wor..

and so, i went ytd after work!!!!
yay yay!!!
although i only sang till 930pm, while the girls probably continue till 11plus..
but it was enough to make me go sore in the throat..
rusty already..
so long didnt sing!
ask me out to sing more often k! :)

but one thing i wanna share with u girls whom drives, like me...
:P *chuckles*
it feels so go0d to be driven la!!
he came to pick me up from partyworld at 930pm after his exam at NgeeAnn Poly..
so it was more or less in the way..
and wasnt' like a i-came-here-just-to-pick-shiyun thingy..

but still, it feels so good to be driven.
i made my point.

speaking about him..
i think i just dont understand, and i never will, probably.


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:11 AM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

* 让我们都幸福 *

yea, so it was just another ordinary day ytd..
and in fact, i slept at a recorded 941pm!
coz he smsed me at 2203hours and i was already asleep..
in order to be sound asleep and not hearing the beep tone of the phone,
i must have slept for at least 15mins or so..
ok, sorry for the precision.
but yes, i think u got my point.

so it was the 22nd year with no flowers, no real gifts and no lover on a v-day.

what a great record!!

i am glad i missed the streets last night, coz i reckon flowers and couples everywhere.
why proned myself to misery and go green with envy?
the best solution??
stay in the room and gradually dozz off..
that's how i spent valentines day if u asked me..

he was sick last night, and i smsed him at around 7pm when i got home to see if he needs a lift to the clinic..
being the ever MCP he is, he declined with,
"no nid, i m still alright"
exactly his typing-style (need as "nid" - short form and i'm without apostrophe - "im")
i mean, ya of c0z i know u are still alright....
so this was what i said, "you sure you dont want, i'll reach in 10mins."
and i got this, "i just finish seeing doc"
-stupid pig! so fast and he got himself to the clinic already!-
and i wonders.....

but well... i did what i thought i could..



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:45 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

* google sign in account? *

very good.. i dunno how to use this new template..
for the first time, i was told that i need to sign in using google account..


ok folks!!!
it's 14th Feb...
s0 happy valentine's day man!!

well, for those singles...
which i can hardly make out any within my clique of friends...
stay pretty and make the best out of today!!
stay at home, surf the net, watch programs on tv...
and call me up.. maybe...
provided that i am not sloggin in the office la hur...

as for tht, i am very delighted to realised...
i've got 2 chocs on my desk!
but b0th from Japanese la...
Asai-san and Hayashi-san....
probably u guys wont know them, but those whom came to my birthday bash last year
should at least know who is Asai-san though..

that's seriously sweet of them..
just a lil gesture...
that came surprisingly touching...

as for him...
he's sick and took half day - went back to see a doctor.
i was seriously crossing my fingers that he's not out dating some other girls.
bleahs! :
goin' mad with that thought..

he got me nothing la.
that's the sad truth..
however, if u consider porridge as a v-day gift..
u might want to take that into consideration..

well, okay..
remose in sorrow....

happy v-day..

it's just another normal day

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:39 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

* 放晴后的天空,也是等待着下雨的时候 *


今晚, 大海出乎意料的平静。。
有时候不开心时,想起你。。 就能瞬间把心情荡到最高点。

REFERENCE : Haoyong's blog.
really sad.. but really me..
to0 me..

not alone.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:01 PM

Monday, February 05, 2007

* 一年之计在于春 *







Yes i realised that nowadays' entrties are getting meaningless.
because that's the way life is..
-_-" woah!!!
okok, that's way to0o0o0o0o paranoid!
aiyoyo... really leh! i hate it la..

let me tell u pe0ple something that ive been suffocating from..
you know i really hate it when people i know starts to like the same people as i do..
recently i sort of felt that i have one more competitor..
and that is none other than one of the not-s0-close but at least communicatable colleague...
and i used to tell her alot about me and him, but nowadays, i realised she's been asking and probing t0o much into the details..
which i thought, is totally not neccessary!
get the point?

so i decided to test abit here and there..
no vivid results yet though..

but just today, she told me..
"hey, how's things goin' between u guys?
it's like getting sort of normal these few days"

i seriously wonder why is she so observant whether it's normal or slightly more than normal?
and i said,
" well, we are all the while like that in HOYA, u didnt see us outside, why conclude?"
i couldnt control my unhappiness..
i just couldnt help it..

if worst come to worst, i can totally just lose her as a friend/colleague..
seriously, like i even care!
absolutely misuse my trust for an individual..

when it comes to really liking someone, i go beyond and under..
you guys can testify for those whom knew my previous incidents..
and i guess, she went under too..
using under-hands method, getting informations from me..
i despise her la can!

perhaps, just fight for yourself.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:40 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

* 原来爱情那么伤 *

ytd i went dinner with him..
after our arguement on monday..
which he always acted as if nothing had even happened!

don't know why.

probably he felt that, all along..
it wasnt' that significant enough to be remembered.
but however, for me..
it seemed otherwise.

the issue which happened on monday realli struck me hard..
very real, i mean it..
but when we were back to work on tuesday,
i actually pretended to ignore him..
but he broke the ice.. and hit me on my back..
made me think.. 原来 i was the problematic one?



*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:42 PM