______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Friday, May 25, 2007

* 25052007 *

sorry for the lack of entries.
although dating is eating up alot of my time,
but the main thing here is the aftermath of dating..
arguements, confrontations and discussions..
we haven't really go too indepth with these however.
we merely had talks and surface discussions.
but they are enough to set me thinking and ponder for the rest of the day.
sure is!

like my msn "nick" - why can't being tgt be as simple as being tgt.
i am serious with this... this is so tiring, emotionally is.

that day, our major topic for the day is this...
with him giving out a loud sigh captured my immediate attention,
so i asked him what's wrong, at first, he refused to tell..
after some nudging, he finally approaches the opening..
"so we've been tgt for quite a while, how do u think we are doing"
this came as a shock, i haven't been really doing too much homework to be able to catch last minute tests!
but as a matter of factly, i said, " 就觉得自己很开心..."
but this doesn't seemed to be enough for him, he asked again,
" 就开心而以吗?"

so i said, " 就我也没有后悔 "
and finally he replied, " 我也没有后悔 "

But he did add on to say that, people has been telling him it's fortunate to be loved,
but he felt that being 幸福 doesnt mean being happy in his case.. which i can understand..
cos for all my previous relationships, i didn't really find myself liking them as much...
so 幸福 doesnt means happy, which is true.

so anyway, he also find our love unbalanced.
this is quite bad..
he thinks that he's unable to return whatever affection and attention i give him.
it's like a 70% vs 30% kind-of-thing.

if one day, we were to really break-up, at least he has given me ample time for preparation to get myself in the mood.
at least, i will not be as hurt.
well, that was what he thought...
but i did tell him, the impact is still there, and that will not minimise.

haiya, tiring tiring!
so anyway, i just listened attentively, and responded..
and at the end of the conversation,
i blurted out, " as long as you think you have tried, and u did really tried.. then i should be fine. "

he again said, "but, i want you to know that i've been thinking about this issue, i want you to be aware of how i am feeling.
i am trying to find out as soon as i can if we are really meant to be for each other, so that i wont waste any of your time.
i am a guy, so i am fine.. but i didn't wanna drag you along.."
*what a responsible man hur! *

at this point, you might be thinking, " so you 2 broke up? "
no, not so soon..
we are still trying...

and today, is only our 2nd month being tgt.
we are always running ahead of time,
only 2months...
and we are talking like, it's been 2-years.

its our 2mths anni.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:58 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

* 果真是矛盾 *


有些时候 当你情绪非常非常低落时
原来爱情那么伤 一点都没错
他的小小举动 能断定我一天的心情是好或坏
好好的一个我 怎会为了一个地球人搞得自己那么郁闷
明明就已经知道了我们彼此之间的爱 不平衡

爱人, 好累



这种说法很古老 但又何尝不是常常就围绕在我们身旁打圈圈的一句话
中国文字上千百年的历史 每一章每一段 必定隐藏着它特殊的玄机和意思


人家说: 相见容易 相处难
但我说:相见容易 相爱难啊!

What exactly is my problem?!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:39 PM

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

* 4days time! *

made a calculation error on my last post.
should be 5days instead of 6..
and so, today would be 4 days then.

bringing maggi mee and eggs are wiser than buying from there in case we felt hungry in the middle of the night..
c'mon, u girls are not thinking about sleeping right?
we only have 1 night there!
Don't ever think about slping man!
*on the other hand, why have 2 rooms if we didn't intend to slp?*

well anyway..
let's meet for breakfast, and i kind of remembered it is supposed to be fei's TREAT!
the last time she stood us up, so this time round... pay us back!
since we have to reach Tanah Merah Terminal at 730am..
so.. we shall have our breakfast at 630am lorr..
Don't be lazy.
and we can share a cab there.

p/s: shan, is darren driving u or not?

jetskiing! i must do it!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:49 PM

Monday, May 07, 2007

* my bintan trip in another 6days *

sorry for the lack of entry.
i am going to make this sound irritating..
becoz dating is really keeping me busy :)

We love travlling, so he decided on a Krabi trip in August, which he had worked out the costings and accomodation range.
Went online searching for more information and sorts.
Later on when i checked on the lunar calendar, Alas! Ghost month!
Krabi = Beach = Swim = Water = Water ghost???!
Freak me out..
and irks him on too at the same time :(

initially, he decided to carry on with his friends without me..
but i wasn't feelin very happy about it, and he was rather looking forward to it.
upon seeing that, we totally had no idea how to compromise on it.
in the end, he gave in and say, then don't go lor..
we plan in september.
but airtickets is 2.40 x 2 + taxes to fly in august, and 74.00 x 2 + taxes to fly in september.
he must have really really wanted to go in august becoz of cheap deals and also his exams end around that period of time and the krabi trip is suppose to be like a celebration kind of thing.
i feel really bad you know, but i didn't want him to go without me!
i wanna go krabi t0o!!
heard it's amazingly nice, and relaxing.. and with cheaper than bangkok shopping streets..
endless horizon, beautiful sunset.. i want!!!
so i said, bring me go la.. bring me la..
haha.. and won..

recently, feis and shan had been thinking about going somewhere for a breakaway to0..
initally, we thought, why not Genting..
i mean, genting is the place where countless memories remain during our poly years..
every year, we never fail to visit genting with the school as a eco-kind-of-trip..
but we had so much fun!
and having graduated from poly almost 2 years now, this is something back to the old days... and i can't wait!
But, i think something got over me and i asked him if he wanna join us..
he wasn't really interested, but was really flicker-minded about it..
so in the end, he said yes in the morning, no at night, and Bintan the next day instead..
Being the really easy-going and nice girls they are, they agreed almost instantenously without much reluctanty.
so we agreed on Bintan trip immediately :)
although there are more episodes of him being wishy-washy about going there within such short notice and flickering between going or not..
he finally nodded again.
i mean, cant guys be more straightforward like us?
pack and go!
;) thrilling and fun!

girls, see u soon :)
bring your maggi mees and eggs.
p/s: btw, timing has changed. (Sat - 905am, Sun - 630pm.)
Be at the terminal 1.5hrs for check-in.


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:36 PM