______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, October 29, 2007

* Part-1. Malacca *

sorry for the lack of entries.
just came back from helena's and Yeo's wedding over the weekend!
had so much fun! (and drinks.)

Helena's wedding was held back in her hometown in malacca, so all 18 of us travelled north to malaysia to attend her big event! not a big group, but big enough to party!

driving into malaysia is simple and fast, better than having to alight from coach, queue bloody long for clearance and re-board the bus.. arhg, tedious!

and we drove in by car, 3 hours in total.

upon reaching, helena was already in her gown..
white and pretty!
High-tea buffet held at The Legacy hotel just after her church ceremony.
we couldn't make it for the morning ceremony, thus, reaching only in the afternoon.

then we check into the Renaissance Hotel, Melaka.
It was the grandest hotel i have ever stayed in!
5-stars, classy, pretty, clean and breathtaking!


Then we drove out to tour around the city before heading back for a quick shower and preparation for the wedding banquet.

First stop- A'famosa*
If im not wrong, its this Portuguese occupation historical remains, which im not interested in anymore, cos been there twice with NP poly during school days.

Second stop- Some mall which i cannot remember the name.
It's like SG shopping mall.
But we needed the aircon then.
The sun was burning that afternoon.
but the shopping queen in me wouldn't spare this chance to be led into the shopping mall by not doing some purchases.
(Faceshop spree again!! Addicted!)

Third Stop- Chicken Rice Ball stall
This stall is well-known by the locals and foreigners for their unique and delicious Riceball chicken rice, whereby the rice is served bite-sized, like a fishball.

Then by 630pm, we decided to finally drive back to the hotel to take a quick shower before setting out to the banquet location another 15minutes drive away.
I was so panicky! my hair was in a mess after all the sweating under the hot sun, and my make-up needed some touching up too!
and i was so proud that i conquered all these in a unbelievable 40minutes!
Includes- bathing, dressing up, dry blowing hair, re-do make up, falsies, curling my hair with tongs, changing of diamond studs to dangling chimes, helping the guys do up their ties, waxing my hair and packing up the mess from the chaos. :) ha!
i thought i might take longer..

at her wedding banquet, the crowd went mad.
especially us.
we toast one another, the bride, the groom, ourselves, colleagues, strangers!
and i got so high from the VSOP that i willingly went up on stage when i got sabo-ed by the bride to sing her a song. (OMG!)

I was so high!
Suddenly i can understand why some of u likes drinking so much.
I can get it now.

And i wished for some whiskey now!

Part-2 soon.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:44 PM

Monday, October 22, 2007

* Hate it this way *

Maybe it is better this way, this time round.

It has been clear.
Feelings are feelings, lust is lust.
Love is love, purely want fun is purely wanting fun.

All the things that we went thru are just episodes of the above.
They never lasted.

I felt like drowning myself with tears.
Down in sorrows.

the words he chose to use and not to use when communicating with me is evidence of him trying to hide something and to not over exposing himself.
i dont understand why either.

it can be a very simple,
HIM to me: "want bread?"
Me to him: "whose?"
Him: *Silent*
Me: "who bought it?"
Him: "someone...."

someone is who?
i felt like strangling him.

*Wild thots*
-Must be some girls!-
;( im sad.

anyway, they went dragonfly last saturday and had tonnes of fun until 5AM!
All 17 of them! i now wondered if i should have gone instead :|

and they narrated the things that happened that night...
blah blah blah...
who & who got drunk, who slapped who, soccer match that night, who went hysterical.. etc!
and i told myself i must go the next time round!
Actually i couldn't care less about going clubbing, you can never get me out of my comfort zone at night in bed.
Especially when i can't hold my liquor well and i don't dance.

But i don't understand how on earth did he has such *power* to lure me out of my comfy room into the crowded and stinky clubs!
Him, just him.

But i want this to end.
Someone bring me to club!

I hate it!
i hate the feeling of revolving around HIM HIM HIM HIM!!!!!!


12days to kelong!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:32 AM

Thursday, October 18, 2007

* upcoming scheduling *

the end of every year is usually packed with activities!

27th Oct --> to Malacca for colleague's wedding.
28th Oct --> to johor for colleague's wedding

3rd Nov --> Kelong fishing/bbq trip

14th Dec --> Annual co D&D
27th Dec - 1st Jan --> New year count down chalet with sec sch class mates!

4th - 7th Jan --> Bangkok trip!

Busy busy!!
Please book early ppl... ;)

busy but half filled.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:33 PM

Thursday, October 11, 2007

* Lesson-1 *

Something to share:
(in king lear),
Edgar mentioned that things can only improve,
because there is nothing that could be worse when at your worst.

perhaps it’s good to be pessimistic and whiny.
because at the end of the day, things will only turn out better.
i can't imagine feeling optimism, only to experience disappointments everyday.

*the above is extracted from part of melo's blog, i thought her entries are usually very mind-blowing and enriching.. most importantly, very reflective!*

Blog more, meLo.. i love your thoughts!

pessimistic / optimistic

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:50 PM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

* Krabi - 05.10 - 08.10 (2007) *

This is the much anticipated trip.
Haven't felt this much in need of a breath-away!
Ever since i was so tight-up with work..
Holiday-ing is part of what keeps me going, stronger!

Good things are meant for sharing =)

DAY-1: Singapore to Krabi
As the week started on Monday, and with us travelling on Friday.
We felt that the week passed tremendously slow.
However, when Friday arrives, time flies!
Tonnes of work to complete and things to remind my colleagues to take note of during my absense.

And when the clock finally strucks 12NN, rejoice! Time to knock-off!!

We took his bike and had yummy fishball noodle near our place (fav. hangout during dating period.) It was delicious as ever! ;)
Then we hurried back to pack all the necessary (or was it only me?)

2045 - TR188 SIN : KRABI

But i must really say... this is EMPTY man! Lol...

Well, so off we went to hitch a cab to take us to the pier.
Then another boat ride to Railey Bay.

When we were finally checking-in....
Time check : 2200hr, worn-out.

But this was what welcomed us..
And we were overwhelmed.. for sure is!

(i totally understand the bed is not made-up, cos the pic was taken e next day =p)

Although we were so tired we would be able to fall into a deep sleep immediately, we still decided that we should walk around and recee the place.
We took our bathe separately (you must be thinking, of course!), walked around and planned the itinery for the next day, casually.

DAY-2 : Rise and shine.
We were almost late for breakfast!
"What a start." we thought.
Strolling around the Railey beach was like a romantic thing to do...
But only difference is the status of the "casts"...

Then it began to drizzle, rain and POUR!

we ran back to our resort, drenched.
We were sort of lost, we didn't know what Plan-B was...
so it was kind of wrenching when the raining took place.
But we soon became comfortable.. we watched tv, we snacked... and such.

Then soon, afternoon nap!
Napping during holiday... waste of time or perfect afternoon? ;)

Then by the time we woke up, it was rise and shine again!
We took a boat out to Krabi Town, just like Sentosa to mainland Singapore.

There isn't much there as we thought there might be.
But we had our late lunch there and we bought the local food back for dinner.

(Lack of photos for Krabi town and local food. Forgotten!)

Time-check: 1900hours.

Strolling across the beach again, sitting by the pool enjoying every moment of the breeze and company..
Pure bliss!
We decided to check out the massage parlors and went for a soothing foot therapy for an whole hour!
Then, *ZzzzZzz...almost..separately*

DAY-3 : Sunday!
As planned, we check out the One-Day Island hopping package to Koh PhiPhi by speedboat...
But as it was again, slightly drizzling.. the agency told us that no boat is scheduled to sail today!
There goes my snokelling!!!!!! ;(

Then he, being so disappointed, wanted an alternative - to SWIM instead.
Makes alot of difference in fact, but at least, it helps brightened up the gloomy atmosphere.

And the whole pool was practically ours!

Swimming really depleted us off our energy, so we dragged our feet to another massage parlour to kink-out the locks in our muscles!
*2nd round of pure bloss bliss!*

I promised him dinner bcos of his spectacular performance in the pool.
So he chose one of the really nice resport's restaurant in the district..
The food was heavenly, and what matter most was that, it didn't hurt my pocket too much, thankfully!
I had a couple of BlackLabel w Coke and i was drowsy...
*He had coconut juice! haha!*

I went back, took a shower really quickly and dozzed off...
But he woke me up times and times again..
"Don't sleep leh, so early"...

Then again, i fell asleep..

"Wake up leh.." he tickled me..

Then again, i couldn't help it..

"BAHHHH!" he tickled me profusely!

This time, he really woke me!
It was so ticklish that we ended up pillow-fighting each other!
Falling onto the floor, laughing out really hard, biting each other, and......

DAY-4 : Final Showdown!
We made use of every single moments left to capture whatever we could.
We went for massage the 3rd or 4th time, madness!

Then back to the pool for serious water fights..

And we were left with so little time before we have to check out.

So, we showered TOGETHER! with clothes on!
hahaha... hilarious!
First, he got me really freezing by emptying the water in the fridge, then pulling me to the outdoor shower to drenched me further..
I couldn't care less and do the same to him, though my effort was kinda effectiveless, he remained dry.
While i got wetter instead.

My last resort - to hug him and soak him with my wet clothings.
All for the sake of FUN!
We were going hysterical. Almost.

Memories are meant to be kept, forever.
Thank You for the fun times!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:25 PM

Friday, October 05, 2007

* Krabi, here i come! *

Gone with the plane...
for 4 days... wait for my return... =)

till 08/10/07

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 2:44 PM

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

* 03102007 *

"But i know how i feel about you now."
This is the sentence i heard from a song this morning..
i thought, how true! how reflective!!

It is only when you know its gone, then you realise how you actually felt about it.

Yesterday, we are casually chatting... and we talked about the minor car accident i was involved in a couple of days ago.
then he scrolled through his mobile trying to show me a particular sms that i sent him which he didn't quite understand.
I shifted closer to him to catch a glimpse, and he made no response to that "peeping"... in which i didn't realise it was rude, or not.

Anyway, that was a very swift and brief continuous action.

Now for the truth:
After scrolling down a couple of messages fast and still no sight of my smses, he squirms a bit and said,
"I think i deleted it."

But at that point of time, i already sank.
Bcos all the messages that he scrolled down appeared to be from the same person.
The person whom i knew he couldn't forget.
Up till now, he's still couldn't get over with it.

This ignited the thought that, all these while... the fact hasn't changed.
i am inferior.

Was this the real reason behind the backfired relationship?

i choose to not be told about the truth, it hurts to know.
I am sure it does.

Why is this so?
What exactly can be done?

I fought hard for an answer to no avail.
"Whatever!" was my last resort.
We shall see when we are back.
But i silently knew the outcome, it couldn't be anymore clearer than this.

3 month without him.
Let's party to death! (*whims*)


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 5:04 PM

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

* New addiction. *

Join Facebook!
I am having so much fun!

This is my pet : babypink! ;)

Play with her when i am away ok!


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:56 PM