______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Saturday, May 24, 2008

* Dual Affair.. *

O-Bar's 10th Anniversary!
Happy Birthday, you rock!

Random pictures
Before, after, in the midst of..

I hate Beer, feis.. stop stuffing beer bottles into my mouth! =(
2 tequila shots please! hahah!

Wake up! Sleeping Beauty~

Drunk but insist on striking a victory sign!


Freeflow Whiskeys, Beers, Breezers, Jim Bean, Barcardi, Hoegaardens...

+ 2 buckets of paid beer and randon strangers' breezers and whiskeys!

Non-stop alcohol adrenaline till 12midnight!
While everyone started to go wild, i became sober..
But it was good bcos i get to watch and help around.. LOL..

Thanks ping for taking care of me when i was tipsy at 10pm!
Thanks feis for the force-drink non-stop disgusting BEER!
Thanks ZY for the forfeit 5~10 game! i drank non-stop bcos of that!~

O-Bar was SUPER fun last night!

Countdown : 42days.

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:47 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

* Langkawi - Full Entry *

Happy time flies!
Heard so much about Langkawi, but it was so much better experiencing it myself!
Clear blue skies, light blue water..
Sun, sand and water!

Initially, what's so fun about Malaysia?
Uncleaned water, unprofessional taxi-drivers, slow custom check-point!

BUT!!!!! (Loud Scream)
Langkawi is TOTALLY different.
All the not so good things about Malaysia doesn't exist here!

Professional taxi-drivers!
Rapid check-points!
Drinkable water!!

Langkawi people are all hardworking and honest.
They are friendly and hospitable. (Other then the AIR STEWARDESS. - more on that later.)
I heart Langkawi.

We meet at 1pm @ T2 Changi Airport, feeling normal. Not too excited yet.

Had lunch, and boarded MH676 to Langkawi at 3.25pm

Little did we expect that Malaysia Airlines (MH) serves food on plane! (Bcos we had little trust.)
Food was served at 4pm, we had our "Dinner"..(Yummy! creamy chicken rice.)
Although the service sucks, but i must say the food is "thumbs up!"

Arrival in Langkawi at 5pm, waited for the rest of the passengers until almost 5.30pm cos we had airport transfer provided by the resort.

Checked-into Holiday Villa Resort, Langkawi.

And we immediately went into our room, jumped on the bed..
Fooled around, took pictures, made arrangements for Island hopping on saturday and made reservations for massage on sunday..
At 7pm, we finally decided to source through our pre-prepared map for food. :) (Again.)

We had Seafood Dinner @ this resturant opposite Pelangi Resort (Very pretty 5~6 stars resort.)

Ironically, food there was so-so only.
By the time we finished, it was already 930pm!
we ate for 2hours, gracious!

But bcos we were too full, we decided to try walking back to our resort along the night market street stalls, which we bought nothing from.
The street stalls mainly sells beach-clothings and souvenoirs which wasn't interesting enough..
thus, we then walked into a minimart, bought several cans of juices and drinks.. and took a cab back to where we were staying..

Since we already had the next day all planned-out, and decided to rest early..
And so we played Uno cards and poker at the beach bar near our resort until 12am, till we were slightly tipsy and sleepy...


It was so hard trying to wake the girls up!!!!
Even my usual-wake-up-call-ringtone 改變自己 by 王力宏 is not waking them up at all!!
So, i am left with no choice but to jump on their bed, and if everything else failed, jump on them!

Yanfei was the worst, she 賴床 until we were almost suffocating her with the pillows!
After all these actions, we went down for international breakfast! *Yums!*

At 9.20am, we were all ready for our 5 hours 3-islands tour!!
*We were beaming with excitement!!*

The islands and beaches all around Langkawi were so pretty!
(Btw, Langkawi is made up of 99 such beautiful islands.)

Just look at how clear the water is!!! From deep blue to light blue.. then to clear!
(Please ignore my tummy!)

Our ever-so-adventurous feiz decided to fly~

We ended the tour at 1pm, and we were SO SO SO hungry already!
Plus tired from all the swimming and touring..
And so, we quickly bathed and run out to the Cable-car station @ Oriental Village to have our lunch!
Although food was always served slow, but it always turns out super delicious!
Worth the wait!!!
The cable car ride was truly breath-taking, (not that it's too pretty, but that it was too scary!)

Me and shan came down thanking god for being alive!
We were 620+ metres above sea levels!
Although the view from the top was really beautiful, but life's beautiful too!
I am not going to risk it again for Cable-car.... ;x

We walked around oriental village trying to shop for some souvenoirs and goodies to buy back..
And stepped into Zon (the hypermart) and~!!!!!
Liquors, cigarettes and perfumes! DUTY-TAX free!!!!
Chivas is only for goodness sake, SGD29 for the usual big bottle!!!!!!!
Cigarettes is SGD1.50 for 20sticks!

But we weren't allowed to buy back too many of those, so in the end, i only brought back 2 bottles of chivas, (Secretly)
and 4 packets of cigarettes (SUPER DISCREETLY) for my colleagues~! CHEAP!!!!!!!

Shopping @ Zon was madness!
We spend almost $100 over dollars purely on goodies!
So we had no choice but to unload, and come out again for sightseeing + dinner.

We were supposed to wake up at 7am, and swim until 830am for breakfast cos SPA's appointment was at 10am..
But as mentioned b4, waking them up was the hardest thing ever and thus all managed to get out of bed only at 845am!
So we had no choice, but to go for breakfast and walk around the beach until SPA time..

Straighth away after SPA, we checked-out and proceed to the airport..
Back to reality, once again..

But, it was a good short trip..
:) I had fun!

O-Bar this friday!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:09 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2008

* 陳曉東 - 回來了! *

These are all his cantonese songs.
Nice vocals.. finally, after SO long.. :)
Andy is shipping this album from HK to me via Fedex this wkend!
Can't wait to get my hands on it!!!

His new rendition of my old-time favourite - 比我幸福

The One and Only chinese single - 心裏有數
Air-ing on 933 now!
Love it!

:P Welcome back Tung!

Countdown : 8days!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:21 PM

Saturday, May 03, 2008

* What a week! *

Lately, numerous things happened.
But, i just don't seemed to be able to recall what exactly happened!!!
Gym classes, slimming centres walk-in, talking to Qii, wii-ing with sherine, movie w shan!
Took half-day leave on wednesday (labour's day eve)
cos i suddenly felt bored at work.
With no apparent reason actually..
So i texted Qii, and found out that he, too on half-day leave.
(He's flying over to sarawak that evening to visit his GF's family.)
Anyway, he sent me out to Jurongpt at 12pm that afternoon..

Gym class that afternoon is at 330pm, so i had 3 hours to roam around..
Thus, i stepped into MARIE FRANCE!
Did some measurements.. consultation.. And the therapist suggested a 2,400dollars package to me!
Holy crap!!!!! 2.4k leh~ She must be crazy..
But the deals she worked out for me was pretty attractive..
I was almost bought-over.. until when i asked her how many inches loss can she gurantee and she said it is based on individual's.. like it's based on how the body can absorb the treatments.. anyway, details aside!
So in the end, i didn't have enough faith!!!!
And i walked-out.. sort of having regrets now though.. :| haha!
cos the deal she gave me was really not bad..
Lotsa free treatments..

So i went on to Amore - Jazz class! Not bad, quite fun :)

Met sherine for dinner and Wii session.
Madness! So tired~
Running, yoga, some balancing games..
Total wooo0o0oh!

By the end of the day at 9pm..
i was too tired to move..
As if 1 hour of jazz class is not enough, we had 2 hours of WII!


Friday - 02.05.08

Dinner with shan @ Shin Kushiya (Vivocity)

It was good food! :)
Fantastic i would say.. Right Shan?

But it's only good for small eaters..
Not for guys..
we shared a total of bout 9~10 skewers and we were full already..
The bill was ~ $54+

Pretty normal pricing.. But GOOD FOOD!

Then it was R21 movie @ Vivocity.
-Sex is Zero 2-
Not bad, hilarious!
Solely for destress purpose.

But we underestimated, by the time we finished our movie, it was 1130pm!
being the early sleeper we are.. shan have to keep me awake while we drove home!

I hope the upcoming weekend is fun! :P

P/S: Pictures taken using my current-beloved Sony Ericsson K810i :)
P/SS: Pictures taken halfway into dinner bcos we were too hungry, and food was too yummy!

Countdown : 13days!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:33 AM