______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


September 2004
October 2004
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December 2004
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February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
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September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
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March 2007
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December 2007
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February 2012


-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, July 21, 2008

* girl power~! *

How much i love my darlings man!!!!
Upon the last entry whereby i said no vacation trips to look forward to is so annoying, as if working without a goal....
That following thursday when i met up with Shan & Feiz (sorry to keep u waiting, we were pedicuring! hee..) we decided on our next trip!
Almost ON-THE-SPOT! How i love quick decision makers!

We finalized things via MSN last saturday. (Verbally)
Although no actions taken yet, but rest assured, i will get that done very soon.

Yay!!! Something to look forward to now!
It just feels so different.

I am gg to try something new.
This trip shall be kept a secret until the day im departing! :)
So meanwhile, don't bother asking me WHEN or WHERE.
hahaha! Feiz, u must not write it on ur blog also hor! :P
(I'm sorry for pulling you along with this 'secret' thing. ha!)

lalalalalalalllaaa... i m walking on sunshine!!

This is the first time i m gg 'this place' with the girls!
I reckon it to be ultra-superbly-fun!!

Over the wkends, it was family daySS..
Both days, was with my family out eating and shopping!
Madness!!! Non-stop la.. eat liao shop, shop liao eat......

No pictures.
(I cannot believe it.)
Especially the Thursday night-out with the girls..
Was busy updating each other and gossiping about others that we totally forgotten about phototaking! :(

Okay! Happy mood~
But still hates working MONDAYS!

But lotsa holidays in August..
National Day, HOYA annual co. day!!!
Consecutive 2non-working mondays! happy happy!!

Pics from jeff's blog - that's the beauty of his works.

Life's beautiful, if you know what u can do with it :)


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:30 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

* half empty or half full? *


I had been staring at the screen for the last 2 mins and yet i have no idea what to write.

Been in a daze since i am back from HK..

How i wish time will stop...
..on the 25th March 2007
..in HK Jun 2006
..in taipei Feb 2008
..in London 2005
..in bangkok 2007

all the happiest moments.. all the memories!


Then is not very encouraging.
But whatever ok!

Dasmond's blog recently had this sentence that seemed so close...

I don't know how true..
But i think i felt that too..
Sense something missing.. a person, or is it simply just a kind of feeling?

Been catching up on 星光大道第三季 - 累積分賽 currently.
Hopes either 林芯儀 or 黃靖倫 will win this!

This post is rather random, so i should random it further.

Meeting up with shan n fei finally after so many weeks! :|
So long!

Nothin' to look forward to currently.
With no vacation plans ahead is a bit annoying.
As if, ... working without a goal..

I need another vacation already!

Pointless, random, miscellaneous entry

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:02 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

* Late entry + HK fiesta! *

I know its weird, but it happened again!
He asked me out for dinner last night! :)
Back to our old-time favourite spot --> Teban Gardens CurryRice!
(And bcos i didn't manage to get it last sunday @ MOF with Shan & Fei, i was totally craving for it ytd!)

So sorry i didnt have pictures!
Cos once food is served, we digged-in! We were tremendously hungry lor can~
worked till 830++pm, and got there at about 9pm..

Anyway went home straight after dinner and smacked girlgirl last night!
She chewed on my favourite pair of gold pointed-shoes and to the extend of it (my shoes la!) having to declared its death!

And as if it's not enough, she proceed onto chewing my birkenstocks.
(Thank you very much)

Arrgh! Now i have reasons to buy another 2 pairs of shoes right?

The above written in the morning on 2nd Jul.


Hello Girls! (and probably boys!)

I saw that article above and thought how come it wasn't published~
So i m publishing it only now. (Ha!)

Okay! So i am back from Hongkong, after 2 years since i last stepped into 東方之珠
Thank you 衡仔 & 水哥! (My HK friends.) You guys were ridiculously fun!
Only complain is that there wasn't enough time although it's already a 5D4N trip!

(I belief for some of you, i've already narrated the rest of the complains to you..)

1. Damn! Stupid xxxxx people!
There were so many of them in HK can!
They have no 保持距離 mindset!
They stick bloody close to me.....
while we were queueing to buy food,
while we were queueing to try our clothes in MNG, (You xxxxx people wears MNG! You should wear dragonfruit la!)
while we were queueing to get our passport stamped,
while we were in the MTR.
while we were EVERYWHERE la!


2. Do i look like an alien to you!?
Everywhere i been to, i got numerous curious glance and unbelievable stares!

Yueling said it's bcos of my Elumen color-ed hair~
But the glances were from TOP-BOTTOM!
Ya! i wore shorts with leggings.. i wore my m)phosis slippers!
What's the big deal about it!!!!

You people judge from the pictures!
I am how i looked like in Singapore!
No diff~~~

3. I sucked in speaking Cantonese.
Ok, that's my problem. :)
And 衡仔 said i improved a lot le!! (yay!)


Isn't she familar? Our very own SQ girl~ :)

Leaving where i belong...


On our way to hotel @ Mongkok

Streets in HK


We went out for dinner and shopped at 女人街,花園街 later on, Andy came and met us for more shopping and after dinner 糖水~!You must never miss those in HK cos they were SUPERB!

It may looked normal, but it's REALLY SUPER YUMMYYYYY!

And they bought me a HK local prepaid card! :)
So that they can call me (Jus like 小彭 giving me taiwan calling card :))


Early in the morning, gary brought us to this high class yum-cha restaurant!

Then Gary had things on that day, so we went to Harbourcity ourselves.

My favourite purchase that day was my porter bag that even Qii is going mad over it!

By the time we got home, it was quite late and we were SO tired!


We were on our way to MACAU! :)

But who knows? It started to rain in macau! :(

But who cares?!
I was famished!!!
So Andy bought us to have SHARKFINS NOODLE!(SGD$7, but so-so only.)

Straight after lunch, in the rain, we proceeded on to the very famous THE VENETIAN.

Soon, it was dinner time!
Andy always have his brain full of dining places~
Very soon, we were at this Portugese resturant that serves this very unique, yummy baked potato!

Macau in the night is really breath-taking!
Light breeze by the sea, nice-music, beautiful shining stars...


Monday morning, when we woke up, it was raining! :(
However, we (or me only) didn't let the rain dampen our magical disneyland plan! :)
Thus, we went ahead..

After Disney and shopping, i met up with Andy and Gary for farewell dinner.
Then to 蘭桂坊 for drinks!

Day-5 (Last Day)

Gary took us out early in the morning again for Dim-sUM!
And i told myself i must have alot of Siew-Mai before i return!
Thus, i had almost 兩籠 to myself! :)

Very soon, It's byebye Hongkong!

Overall, Hongkong seemed better to shop now than previously.
And Disneyland is 65% magical only. (But is 100% pricey!..)
I missed the 2006 trip with Shan & Fei!


Haiz, now that i'm back.. I'm once again stucked in reality!!!
Somebody please plan something!!! :|

Qii said next January to BKK again..
but next January!!!! IS... VERY LONG!
(Btw, can only believe 1/2 of what he said, cos he's planning for his Taiwan trip in August & Korea trip in Oct.)
So by that time, he might've forgotten about BKK..

Damn! His location very similar to mine...
Daddy said we are going to Korea in Oct too.. but... still pending...
(Had a tiff with Dad, he's so childish leh sometimes...typical male LEO - (horoscope))

Arrrgh! There's a lot of happenings in the office, and i am getting v ill to further engage in this politics!
So do what you want!! I'll just pretend i don't care~~~

Abruptly, i end this post. :)

Shopping is for moving forward..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:16 AM