______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Sunday, August 31, 2008

* Adaywithyanfeiandme. *

Oh my goodness!
I have been so LAZY!

Sorry for not blogging!

These 2 weeks, i practically buried myself at home and watched all 女人我最大,葡萄地裏的男孩,康熙來了 & 星光大道!!

So ''nothing to do''...

Only today, i decided that, "hey! i cannot waste another sunday doing nothing!"
So i texted yanfei ONE WORD : "SIAN"
She replied me with a, "ME TOO!"


so the hoo-haa goes on for another 10 mins, just 10mins!
And we decided our plan for the day!
Ktv-ing, dinner and shopping..

First it was ktv-ing at JE KBox

Then we flew to Osaka for Dinner :)

Initially, my plan for shopping was only to get one simple thing : Loose powder from Faceshop.. but in the end, i still didn't managed to make up my mind and eventually, while walking into SASA casually, we (yes! including yanfei) bought loads of 保養品!omg, we are so AUNTIES!

Ya, and speaking of Auntie, JP has this booth, promoting Deep Sea Salt and ranges of deep sea products.
And they were giving away free hand cream..
Being the super auntie us, we walked to-and-fro trying to get the sales assistant's attention to hand us a pack of their signature hand cream!
In the end, yanfei gave me hers cos i didn't have any from the shop assistant! :(

Anyway, it was a simple, yet exciting day!
Loads of fun and purchases (especially from SASA) and yanfei, 努力一點膜你的day&night cream!:)

I am so excited to try my loose powder tomorrow!

Countdown : Soon!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:07 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

* Gold / Silver *

Since 1960, even before Singapore's independence, we have never again gotten a place in Olympics history..

But today... our table-tennis team did us proud!!
The team of Li Jiawei, Feng Tianwei and Wang Yuegu went down 3-0 in a hard-fought bout against China..

I m overjoyed! :)

P/S: Pictures, again, taken with my miraculous Sony Ericsson k800i :)

I was goin' crazy every minute of the game!
It was thrilling and anticipating!
Although in out hearts, we knew CHINA is really strong in their forte, but SINGAPORE remained calm and fought throughout, though we were still defeated, but CHINA, see you in LONDON, 2012~!

Look out for our flags above yours!

Yay!! Singapore!! wooh!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 9:43 PM

* grapes & strawberries *

It's been a extremely busy and tired week!
With absolutely no time to spare for ad-hoc random things!
I don't know why there's so many shipment to take care of this week.

Well, nonetheless...
Some late random pictures to upload :)

Qiang's birthday on the 8th Aug , 08.08.08 on Friday.

We celebrated for him in the office when ISO Audit is going on!

Recently, i ve been going gaga-ing over 女人我最大 - a taiwan popular programme.
And they taught consumers all the 彩妝 essentials and tips!
But guess what, i failed.

Sighz.. blue doesn't seemed to work so well..

But i will work on it again!! Till perfection! *Hmmpphrff!*

Qii just came back from Taiwan (Aww, my favourite place!), and he bought me several goodies..
Thank you qi-guai~ (奇怪)
:) haha!
And on top of that, he gave me some Godiva's chocs few days back..

Godivas'!! Taking a picture before i stuff it into my mouth! :P

Gonna bring girlgirl for grooming today :)
It's been some time since Shan & i brought girlgirl for a cut~
So, prior to her new hairstyle....

She loves to bite on our 地布~
But.. it's pretty... dirty lor.. ha!

Nowadays, Qii keep telling me there's sales at Gucci and Coach..


Nah! I am saving up for shopping online @ Von's online site..
Looking at new clothes now!! :)

Counting down... to fly!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 1:07 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

* 這一卻都是開始,還是結束? *

明知道你離開我的世界,愛你任會直到最後~ 。。。
把給你的愛放進我的心跳 讓此時化爲永恒。




*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:51 PM

Friday, August 01, 2008

* fluffybuns and bearbricks *

Oh! It's a saturday morning when lots of you are still cozily in bed, i am here preparing for FDA audit that is going to take place, once and for all, on MONDAY.

Sigh. Another weekend half gone..

Everyweek, the only things that i looked forward to are weekends and Jazz class on friday! :)
Jazz perks me up alot!
Love it!

Work's been horrible this week.
With the audit COMING REAL SOON, it send chills up everybody's spine at the thought of it..
It's either we get it, or we don't..
And if we don't............. *Dark Clouds*
We had better be able to answer why.. And apparently... that's really scary!

This week - July 25, was our pay day cum increment / promotion announcement day.
We had increment!! Ha! Okay, not alot though...

But congrats to those promoted ones :)

Helena giving us a treat over her promotion.


Had lotsa random pictures and thoughts over the last few weeks but hasnt been on time to post them up..

Here goes :

Random dinner with Sherine at the newly opened Japanese Food Street @ Jurong point.

Love my new PINK earpiece for MP3!

Super random Qii's watch-shot.. (Emporio Armani)

Me shot!!

Celebrating our dearest Shawn & Ryan's birthday @ Vivocity Modesto :)
So-so food but great company!

Random shots in Sherine's HONDA ACCORD 2.0Capacity.


Another outdated post.
The above written on 27TH July, on a saturday morning, but it's already 1st Aug now!
Ya, i know.. But i haven't been able to upload pics onto blogger nowadays, don't know why..
Thus! Here it is today!


Last wednesday, after the realise of FDA results
i met up with michael after work for dinner @ Sushi Tei @ Vivocity!
It's time to have some good food to compensate myself on the time and hardwork spent on achieving FDA approval :) which, apparently, we did!

Ice-Balls & Daifuku for desserts! Nice~~

My current CLINICARE shampoo, conditioner & hair treatment from taiwan!
I need to stock-up!!!!!!

It's gonna be another long week with ISO13485 audits next week..
HOYA simply loves audits.. Sighz..

Recently, things have been rather stiff at work..

Nothin' seemed to be goin' on smoothly..
Need to 'bai bai' .. might flows things back positively...

It's 1130pm now i've been blogging for almost 1 hour plus all the pictures uploading..
Feiz asked me how come i always have things to blog about..
I wonder why too..
Right now, i m still typing non-stop..

Right, my ex-classmate, Yvonne or simply known as Von set-up a online boutique ''Little Miss Closet'' importing Taiwan/Tokyo fashion into Singapore!
And i tell you! They are SUPER cheap as compared to the quality that you will be getting and also the style that you will be carrying..
It's totally vogue!
If you can see from the pictures from this post, i am wearing the clothes carried in by her..
I have came out from my polo-tees days :) Thanks to Von and her clothes!

To be like me, simply click on the link as below :

And, i m anticipatingly waiting for my 4th order already! :)

he's leaving in 5days time..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:37 AM