______ 我的一舉一動! 這就是生活~ My LifE & I _______________
 我的臺北回憶~ My Princess

*__r0xy mEe_

23 yrs 0ld
gRaduated fr0m NgeeAnn Poly
currently with HOYA medical


* Levi 593
* t0 be < 45kg~
* ad0ptin` a puppy!!
* estee lauder - pleasure
* a perfect pair 0f shades
* endless travelling with my friends
* drivin` myseLf in my 0wn car!
* new pair 0f col0r lenses
* a super nicey diam0nd necklace that i'll never need an0ther one!

This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly.


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-Lil' jeFFy
-Prawnny Simin

- zHiLing`

Monday, September 29, 2008

* *

Over the wkends, i seriously have no idea what i've did except to treating myself good food and good purchases!
Life's been torturing and i 've been enduring whenever i can..
However this time round, i felt like letting myself loose and pamper me for a moment..

I've been wanting a new wallet since ages ago ever the last LV sort of gave up on me..
Then i saw this "pretty-innocent" looking Gucci wallet staring back at me during one shopping trip with Dahua and i have been pondering over its purchase for months!

Then finally, ytd... something ignited my desire and thoughts and i let loose..
and decided to get it!!!!!!!! :)
(So i m actually waiting for Bonus-day!)

(Either one of the colors, cos i really cannot decide yet)

Well, on top of that..
Bcos what ive been through on Saturday was toooo0o0o traumatizing that i have to get somethin' to calm myself down..

And so, let's welcome Bvlgari into my collection!!

But prior to that, last wkend, dad bought me this already~~
HugoBoss - Femme!
:) Out of the blue, i wanted.. and he bought it..

So 2 additions consecutively within one wk! :)

No more storage space for perfume already..
Need new racks!! Hahaha..
Blissfully-Perfume contented..

However, life's not...
Seeking content persists...

Po-bi Po-bi..

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:13 AM

* Short & Sweet *

This video is freaking hilarious!
I just couldn't stop laughing!

Life's routinized again

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 12:03 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008

* 蔡旻佑 - 2人 *

呼吸很轻 寂寞很深
你不肯说 我不敢问
呼吸很轻 寂寞很深

你不肯说 我不敢问

Love this song the moment i heard it!
It's so soothing and realistic.. so true..


Seldom listen to his music.. But this one will stay in my playlist for quite sometime i think..
Really like it :)


*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 11:33 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

* Another out-of-the-world episode! *

This whole week seemed to be alcohol overdose for me and feis..
We had so many "tua" to drink...

Shall not say much, pictures galore!

Love my hair~! (And whiskey dry!)

The usual (Feis, Alex, Sherz and me.)

Twinkz and me.

Sherz and me.

The signature-grin and shiny face!

The gang!

Michael and me :)

After 3 rounds of Waterfall and 4 teq shots, one bombay sapphire, numerous 5-10 beers, vodkas and whiskeys.....

We became like that...


Messy hair and unkepmt fringe! (Ha!)

Thereafter, went on with feis and the rest for supper @ the usual Bah Kut teh stall..

But i was too high then, and threw chopsticks at Yanfei after she gave me 2-middle fingers.. hahaaaa!
Such a scene!

But i was still clear-minded to remember every single thing that we've said and did.

P/S : The waiter that served our table is very cute..
(Haha.. YP, u know who..)

OBar should start playin' better music thou!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 8:57 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

* aeroplanes and beers *

Following-up on the last entry about Obar-ing on wednesday..
Photos galore!
(got aeroplane-ed by the taiwanese cos they were already drunk at their previous "tua")

So, we club nevertheless, since we are already there.

I was pretty agitated & annoyed beginning of the night cos it was frantic long-distance calling as i didn't managed to get hold of them for the rest of the night..
(as they were all drunk, as mentioned)

It goes like this..
Worked 8-5pm as usual.. (Ot-ed till 730pm actually..)
Got home-ed at 8pm and had milo for dinner..
Met fei at boatquay at 920pm..
元 called at 930pm, "喂,詩云我們現在回去換衣服就來了,你不要走哦。。等我們。。"
and so.. i waiting with much anticipation..
later on.. shan called.. "meet 10pm at Obar.."
1020pm, ziyang called "唯!在那裏~我到了!"

me and fei zoomed into a cab and within the next 10mins, we were IN Obar..
saw ziyang and magd...
then the frantic calling part comes in..
From 1030pm - 12MN.. i was calling 元 non-stop..
I was so panicky that all the possible scenarios starting flashing through me..
"Could he be lost?"
"Lost his mobile"
"Fallen asleep" (He told me b4, once he's fallen asleep, it's impossible to wake him at all.)

I called everyone i could.. finally.. Jeffery managed to got hold of their mum (whom is also with them this trip) that... they were drunk, and sleeping..
F***!!! Apparently, at 930pm when they called me.. there was another "tua" that they didn't know they have to go to.. that was why they said they'd go get changed and meet me thereafter..
But..... probably...they were too tired and those drinks at THAT "tua" made them gone completely..

Poor Fei & Shan have to wait with me for those 3 pigs! :|


It could be the empty stomach, it could be the anger-ness, or it could be simply bcos i wanted to get drunk..

I was drunk, slightly. (I insist i was slightly ONLY.)

I talked alot, gibber-ed alot..
Sms alot.. I don't know what else i did..
But I know there's nthing crazy though..

It feels not bad feelin' tipsy.
I like it..

(OMG, i sound like an addict.)

P/S : I AM NOT. (as promised to shan, tml's last OBar trip this month.)


Sidetrack :

Random pics!

My girl girl and my current pretty manicure color! :)

Countdown : I need relaxation!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 10:31 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

* KL & ST's wedding + thereafter 12 o'clock! *

It was madness last night!!!!
For the first time in 23 years!
i got home at 620am in the morning!

Nope, not clubbing.. (Although we were really near Obar)

They wanted somewhere quieter where we can talk..
But have some booze at the same time!
There we go! Clinic-C, Fashion Bar.. ALL FULL HOUSE!
So We went on to Hedkendi Bar at Clarke Quay instead!

I'd say.....
Ambience : So-so..
Music : Is there any??
Liquids : STEEP!

We had sooo0ooo much to talk and crap about!

I'm so glad we managed to spend some time together :)

1st Round : Wedding Dinner - 30 glasses of Red Wine
2nd Round : Hedkendi Bar - 9 shots Vodka + 1 Bucket Henniken + わたしの Long Island ($118)
3rd Round : Hedkendi Bar - 1 x 1L ($188) Premium Tequila + Lemons, Salt & the legendary Shots Glasses!
4th Round : Hedkendi Bar - 2 Buckets Hennikens! ($90)

That's Hedkendi Bar @ Clarke Quay for you.

In the end, 元元 paid for all the drinks!
Which i felt so bad about :|

So feiz and myself jio-ed them to O-Bar on Wednesday night! (Ladies' Night!!)
And i promised them 20 tequila shots on me! *muaahhhaahahah!*
I must be crazy! But well, its the fun that matters!

Oh! And the wedding dinner!
Alright... mingle mingle.. chit chat.. chit chat..

But Kailing's pretty! :)
Congrats again!

Waiting for daddy to drive me to the wedding venue..

KahYong and Gf (Sharon)

John and Me :)

Me and Nono姐!

Me and Simin

Jiaying and me

Jiaying & Boon



Had so much fun last night!
It was crazy!!
Non-stop drinking!!

But the problem is : No one got drunk.
Absolutely No One!

Thus they went on to 7-11 and bought another Dozen of Tigers back to the hotel and the vicious cycle continues until 6am..
Thank You very much!

It made me concuss until 1pm this afternoon.. and half sunday's gone!

Looking forward to Wednesday!
:) More fun continues!

*** sHiiy Un` QUee niE-joj 0 *** as at 6:32 PM